simplykim419 Member


  • This will be my first challenge. I have used MFP off and on for a while but I am going to stick with it this time. I just started again on Nov. 5th. Original starting weight - 185.2 November starting weight -185.2 November goal -180.0 Ultimate goal -125.00 November 8th - November 15th - November 22nd - November 28th -…
  • Hey everyone, you're all doing so well. I just got back from walking for an hour in some really strong wind gusts. People were kinda staring at me as I was walking, I think they thought I was crazy. Yesterday's check-in: Water - done Exercise - no, day off Under calories - done Today I will get in all of my water with no…
  • I am so excited to read about everyone's journey. I have gotten my water in for the day but not all of the exercise, although, I did get in 35 minutes. My husband and I went out to eat at Golden Corral which makes it hard to keep track of calorie consumption, but I think I got everything listed and I will not 300 more…
  • Bringing to the top for everyone in case you did not see it.
  • Great job everyone!! You are all doing so well and have inspired me so much. Unfortunately, I did not make it up for my Y-step class today. I worked some wacky hours this weekend and I think it is catching up with me. But I will eat healthy today, go for a walk tonight (if my back is feeling better, getting ready to take…
  • I am so excited. The Y starts their new classes tomorrow and I signed up for the Y-step class on Monday and Wednesday. The Sculp/Tone class on Tuesday and the Power Toning class on Thursday and best of all these classes are included in my membership fee. I may sign up for the Basic Zumba class that is held on Fridays also.…
  • Great job!!! Keep up the good work.
  • I have had a busy couple of days with work. I have been getting in all of my water with no problem. I always drink it with a straw and find that it helps me consume it faster. I have also been under calories the past few days. But did not get any exercise in yesterday. I had to work at 9 am and then my husband and I took a…
  • What type of HRM did you get? I have been looking for one.
  • Yey me, I made my butt go to the gym even though I am still wore out from Aunt Flo. Spent 48 minutes working out not counting cool down time. With the cool down time, I hit the 50 minutes. Plus I have had my 10 glasses of water so far today and should be way under my calories today. Since I am craving sweets right now very…
  • Hi all. I did not work out today between the soreness of my muscles and the cramps, I just couldn't make it. I did get all of my water in today and did go out to dinner with my husband and discussed my weight loss efforts with him. I do not go into work tomorrow until 8 pm so I plan to do some cooking for meals next week,…
  • Getting ready to call it a day but wanted to check in. Way under on calories today and got all of my water in, in fact, I thought I was going to float away. My body is so sore now. When I am at work, I am on my feet the entire time. So at this point, I can barely move. I am hoping the pain subsides so I can go work out…
  • Hi all, getting ready to head to work but I thought I would let everyone know that I have got my exercise in for the day. I got up late and tried to talk myself out of going but made myself. And I feel wonderful right now. I did do a little dancing earlier trying out of different exercise dvds on exercise on demand. Will…
  • GREAT JOB EVERYONE!! Sounds like everyone had a good day. If you did not meet the challenges today, remember tomorrow is another day and not to give up. Today was my first day of getting back to exercising and eathing healthy. With that said, I had packed a salad for dinner but that did not sound good and I knew that if I…
  • If it is not too late to join, I would like to. My youngest sister is getting married in May and would like to look good in the wedding pictures. SW: 164.2 lbs GW: 134 lbs I am terrible about taking my meds, so I will start doing that again, along with my vitamins. I will go to the gym tomorrow, start drinking my water,…
  • I did my first day today and thought I was going to die. I have been walking for about 2 weeks now and thought I was ready to add something else. But I will do this again tomorrow.
  • I wish I could find a work-out partner here. My husband goes walking with me but he is doing it just to keep me company so he does not go very fast and I end walking slower to keep pace with him.
  • I am dealing with this also. This is only my second week. The first week I only saw a .8 pound loss, that was with eating healthy, doing more exercise than I had done for a long time and only .8 pounds. I was so frustrated. Today I started and thought why not, stepped on the scale and it shows another pound loss but I will…
  • I have been an emotional eater and will reach for anything I can find that I think will help. Normally it does not. In fact I did this on Wednesday because I was upset about our financial situation. But last night, after hubby and I had a fight, I did not reach for things to eat that I shouldn't. I told myself it does not…
  • Congratulations on turning this into a positive. It helped me a lot as I ate McDonalds for lunch and forgot to tell them to hold the mayo on my chicken sandwich. So I looked through my fridge and planned out the remainder of my day based on the 360 calories I have left, knowing I will not have time for exercise today.
  • I am so proud of myself. I got up today and went back and forth about going for a walk because I would be by myself, I finally pushed myself to go and it felt so good. Got home and made the meatloaf recipe out of Rocco's new cookbook for my first meal of the day and that was so good. Now I am ready to go to work. I am…
  • I would like to join this challenge. I just started trying to lose weight again and would love to lose 20 pounds by July, just so I can look decent in some of my clothes. I would also like to excercise 5 times a week, drink all of my water, stay within my aloud calories each day, and try at least one new recipe per week.…