30 Pounds By Christmas 10wk challenge Part 2!



  • jmmtaylor
    jmmtaylor Posts: 225
    So I thought that today was Monday. I woke up, got my oldest up, dressed, fed, and ready for school. Went to get my youngest up and was like "wait a second..." looked at the phone and was like "****". Ugh.

    Today was a productive day though. Did 30 day shred at like 8am and cleaned my carpets the rest of the day. Was under my calorie goal too :)

    Tomorrow I have to finish cleaning the carpets.

    Hopefully tomorrow when I weigh in I will have lost some weight! Wednesday is my last weigh-in for the fitness challenge, didn't lose as much as I wanted for that...but still did good. 10 pounds is 10 pounds :D
  • buckeyereavis
    how do i become part of this challenge?
  • WalkingGirl1985
    WalkingGirl1985 Posts: 2,047 Member
    I did manage to drink 10 glasses of water today. :smile:

    I wasn't under my calories today. I may have to wait until next Monday or so to weigh in because I don't want to be too discouraged. I did have a 3 pound loss..prob gained some, not much I guess...but I plan to workout this week and give it all and start fresh.

    Sometimes weigh in on Monday's gets a little too diffacult because i get curious on any loss and weigh in before that, so therefore I am working on that issue. :smile:

    Take care, everyone and welcome to the new week thats about to start. Rest well!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    how do i become part of this challenge?

    You are now a part of this challenge! We started last Monday, so just post your weight every Monday, and check back regularly for daily challenges and motivation!
  • msartishia
    msartishia Posts: 123 Member
    I would like to become a part of this challenge. how do I join????
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I would like to become a part of this challenge. how do I join????

    See my previous post, right before yours!
  • buckeyereavis
    awesome are there any challenges for this week?
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    awesome are there any challenges for this week?

    The regular goals every day are to stay under your calories and drink at least 10 cups of water. PoshTaush, the leader of this group, usually adds something new to try out, but I haven't seen one yet for tomorrow.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Today's update:

    I exercised for 45 minutes, but I went over on my calories, and only had 4 cups of water. I weighed this morning, a day early, and lost 1.9 pounds total since the start of the challenge last week. I will probably still weigh myself tomorrow morning and see what kind of effect today's choices had on my weight.

    I'm ready for a new week and I hope everyone has a great weigh in tomorrow!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    Hey Everyone!! Sorry I'm late updating the challenge for Monday! I'm so impressed with the weigh ins that have already occurred! You all are absolutely AMAZING!!! Seee....I TOOOOLLLDDD YOUUUUU!!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'm super excited to weigh in for myself in the morning as it's only 11pm here.

    Ok, I will be leaving town for a couple of days tomorrow, so I'm going to post the next 3 days challenges.... Everyone help the others find this if there are people asking!

    My hubby and I are going camping/hiking in Arkansas, so I'm not sure if the campsite will have wireless internet connections. So, if you don't hear from me until Wednesday or Thursday, never fear, I will be back!


    MONDAY CHALLENGE 10/25/10:

    10 Water, Under Cals, and here's the big dog daddy challenge:...... 60 minutes of exercise and try to DOUBLE calorie burn of last Monday. (You can check your exercise diary to see what you burned...) For instance, If you burned 300 calories last Monday, try to burn 600 today!! Even if you have to do jumping jacks during commercials!


    10 Water, Under Cals, 50 minutes of exercise plus 10 minutes of resistence training.... for example: lift weights, do pushups, squats, lunges, calisthenics..SP??


    10 Water, Under Cals, 50 minutes exercise, 10 minutes stretching or Yoga for relaxation and flexibility training

    We can do this y'all! Can't wait to post in the morning with my weigh in! FINGERS CROSSED!! :flowerforyou:
  • buckeyereavis
    totally excited to get on bored with this!
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    totally excited to get on bored with this!

    totally excited to have you with us! Since tomorrow morning is our weigh in, make sure to post your starting weights here! You're only a week behind! I'm pumped to get to know you and help motivate! Everyone here seems so super nice! Make sure to check the challenges.
  • simplykim419
    simplykim419 Posts: 25 Member
    I am so excited. The Y starts their new classes tomorrow and I signed up for the Y-step class on Monday and Wednesday. The Sculp/Tone class on Tuesday and the Power Toning class on Thursday and best of all these classes are included in my membership fee. I may sign up for the Basic Zumba class that is held on Fridays also. I wish they had a kickboxing class.
  • Eric_Geary
    Eric_Geary Posts: 41 Member
    Can't wait for tomorrow morning, I really hope I lost some weight, also what happen to the first post looks like it got locked!
  • buckeyereavis
    my starting weight is 280!!!
  • jenreth
    jenreth Posts: 14 Member
    I fell off the bandwagon a bit over the weekend and this morning (Monday in Australia!) weighed in at 1kg/2 pounds heavier than last week! Kinda scary but I'm hoping I do so much exercise these days that I'll bounce back better than I used to and can still make the goal. I still want to make the goal! I guess I need to find better ways of comforting myself when I'm tired and sick of 'being good'. I missed out on 3 days exercise too. Had done about 2-3 hours every day for about 10 days (probably why I was so tired)
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    I get down on myself too. Im really into this site and its an amazing motivator. Can I join in on your group?
  • bainos
    bainos Posts: 99
    OK fofr those taking this 10 wk challenge, add me as a friend. Please and thank you. Good luck to you all.
  • sereney
    sereney Posts: 69 Member
    Found this thread again. Have been slacking on keeping up with the thread. This last week went well, did a lot of walking and always drinking water, but probably not 10 glasses. Down a pound from last week, so at least the scale is moving in the right direction. My goal this week is to exercise at least 5 out of 7 days, and watch my calorie intake. I have noticed I may not be eating enough calories cause my weight just stayed in one place and I think I may have set my body into starvation mode. I found that if I do go a bit over about 100 calories, I seem to do better and actually lose the weight. I have to say I am feeling good about things, I have lost 20 pounds overall since before starting here, and went out Saturday for a bit. I ran into several people that I have not seen in a while, and got told that I am looking really good. Wow, that was a nice feeling, and glad to know it is becoming noticeable.
  • PercyPig
    PercyPig Posts: 318
    Monday morning... first weigh in. I started at 80.6kg (178lbs) last week and weighed in at 79.4kg (175lbs) this morning - I am very happy with that! I feel a lot less bloated and much healthier in general. I've tried to mainly focus on portion control this week to shrink my stomach and it seems to have worked - I had a mini quiche yesterday afternoon and was so full, this would never have filled me up before! I've also managed to stay away from alcohol even though I went out with friends, and it was a lot easier than I thought it would be! My challenge for this week will be to add strength training to my workouts as I've only been doing cardio so far.