30 Pounds By Christmas 10wk challenge Part 2!



  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    looking forward to tomorrow's weigh-in......do I just come back here and post?

    SW before MFP 306 lbs.
    Started MFP 258.1 lbs.
    10/25/10 ?? hopefully 2 lbs

    Christmas W 228...fingers crossed

    Yep! Just post on here after weighing in! :0)
  • RungosGirl
    5 cups down. Been forgeting to stretch before I workout and well..now my legs are killing me. I am not sure what I am going to have my goal for today be but in the back of my mind I know I should make it to tough through the pain and get my workout in because I need this, I am tired of looking in the mirror and thinking man...I was 220 before and thought I was huge and now 30 pounds later I would kill to be the way I was...I am tired of hearing from my husband that I am beautiful and not being able to believe him...I am tired of saying to myself okay, I am tired of looking at myself this way and then 5 minutes later reaching for that chip bag.
    I know I am not alone on this and I have support from all of you online but I need someone here with me that is going to kick my butt everyday to excersize and not reach for that chip bag. I have my husbands support with everything that I do but he loves his snack food and his high motabolism...And I don't want to be the bad guy who takes his snack food away.
    I want to be able to look at myself again and feel happy.
  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    5 cups down. Been forgeting to stretch before I workout and well..now my legs are killing me. I am not sure what I am going to have my goal for today be but in the back of my mind I know I should make it to tough through the pain and get my workout in because I need this, I am tired of looking in the mirror and thinking man...I was 220 before and thought I was huge and now 30 pounds later I would kill to be the way I was...I am tired of hearing from my husband that I am beautiful and not being able to believe him...I am tired of saying to myself okay, I am tired of looking at myself this way and then 5 minutes later reaching for that chip bag.
    I know I am not alone on this and I have support from all of you online but I need someone here with me that is going to kick my butt everyday to excersize and not reach for that chip bag. I have my husbands support with everything that I do but he loves his snack food and his high motabolism...And I don't want to be the bad guy who takes his snack food away.
    I want to be able to look at myself again and feel happy.

    I'm really sorry you are feeling this way and hate to say it, but " I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND!".. We are both so very blessed to have loving and supportive husbands. My hubby loves me through thick and thin....(LITERALLY:blushing: ), but I want so bad deep down to do this for me, and I know for him too.

    If you want to exercise today...I say go for it!!! Think of it as last chance workout on Biggest Loser! Get in there and try to DOUBLE the calorie burn!! So if you've only been burning like 300 calories per day this week, try to go burn 600!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!

    We are here for you. I know what you are going through. When my husband and I got married 6 years ago I was only 165...(still overweight, but a heck of a lot smaller).....

    Much love.... it will take time....but we can do this!

  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    BLAHHHH>>>>>>...... Ok... bad day! I had a good birthday, but...... I didn't really eat much today, didn't log it, and didn't get enough water in! SO SORRY!!

    The reason.... We had a Fall Festival today at church that I was in charge of...yes, on my birthday! haha.. Oh well... It went amazing though, but I was there for over 9 hours, setting up, running a chili contest, helping run games and booths, counting money...etc etc....

    So...I'm sure I burnt a ton of calories!!

    My goal for Candy: Give it to my kids in Church class on Wednesday nights!

    Tomorrow's goal:

    10 Water, Under calories.... For me, Sundays are going to be my off days. But if you want...choose your own exercise goal.

    Plus... Find time to relax for 20 minutes today and read. Choose any book, Bible, magazine, Health article....Try this outside if weather permits!

    Since I didnt run yesterday, I ran today. 4 miles in 45 min personal best. I am hoping to get 5 miles in 45 but heres for hoping lol
    Got my water in and so far under my calories. I totally got a HRM so I am hoping this will help me track my calories better. I have been trying to really stay under because I dont know what I am buring during work outs so ugh
    I am so bumbed I cant weight in tomorrow, PT totally forbids it till I finish boot camp, we are on week 3 so 1 more to go!!!

    Any who, hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!!
  • RungosGirl
    5 cups down. Been forgeting to stretch before I workout and well..now my legs are killing me. I am not sure what I am going to have my goal for today be but in the back of my mind I know I should make it to tough through the pain and get my workout in because I need this, I am tired of looking in the mirror and thinking man...I was 220 before and thought I was huge and now 30 pounds later I would kill to be the way I was...I am tired of hearing from my husband that I am beautiful and not being able to believe him...I am tired of saying to myself okay, I am tired of looking at myself this way and then 5 minutes later reaching for that chip bag.
    I know I am not alone on this and I have support from all of you online but I need someone here with me that is going to kick my butt everyday to excersize and not reach for that chip bag. I have my husbands support with everything that I do but he loves his snack food and his high motabolism...And I don't want to be the bad guy who takes his snack food away.
    I want to be able to look at myself again and feel happy.

    I'm really sorry you are feeling this way and hate to say it, but " I COMPLETELY UNDERSTAND!".. We are both so very blessed to have loving and supportive husbands. My hubby loves me through thick and thin....(LITERALLY:blushing: ), but I want so bad deep down to do this for me, and I know for him too.

    If you want to exercise today...I say go for it!!! Think of it as last chance workout on Biggest Loser! Get in there and try to DOUBLE the calorie burn!! So if you've only been burning like 300 calories per day this week, try to go burn 600!!! YOU CAN DO THIS!!

    We are here for you. I know what you are going through. When my husband and I got married 6 years ago I was only 165...(still overweight, but a heck of a lot smaller).....

    Much love.... it will take time....but we can do this!


    Thanks. My husbnads dad has had this workout machine in his garage since I moved in and for the past week I have been asking my husband to help me move it into our room and we always forget and well after posting the last message I convinced him to get it out of there. It is called the Stride Trainer 500 by Gold's Gym. In just 30 minutes I can burn 400 calories.
    I have decided, My goal for today is to excersize on this until I can't move. I will be very soar tommorow but I will know that I did it for myself.
  • goldilocks007
    Took a water aerobics class today. Thought it would be "easier" I am just as sore as I ever was. I will probably either swim or take the day off tommorrow. I do plan to work that class into my schedule at least 1-2 days a week it was great! I have been getting to 10 glasses of water everyday, but it is tough. Plan for the halloween candy taken care of...to the homeless shelter. I enjoyed watching the Steelers win againist Miami today! Looking forward to weigh in tommorrow!:happy:
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    I'm getting ready for church, but I have to share some news real quick. I started MFP in January at 291 pounds. I lost 30 in the first 3 months, but from April til now I have been fluctuating between 261-265. I weighed in this morning and FINALLY broke 260! I am at 259.4! That's exciting for me anyway!

    Have a great day!!!

  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hi all

    So I have been really bad posting each day but I have been keeping up with the challenges and stayed under my calorie goal every day. Got in the exercise almost every day and have tried my hardest with the water, that is the one I struggle with!

    It is Monday morning here now so I was very excited to jump on the scales this morning (even though I did weigh in on Friday as that is my day for another challenge) and am happy to report a loss of 5.4 pounds :happy:

    SW for Christmas Challenge: 188.8
    Loss this week: 5.4
    Current: 183.4
    Christmas goal: around 160

    Very happy with that although last week I lost less than a pound despite being very good and starting the 30 Day Shred so I think that is the main reason I lost a decent amount.

    Good luck with the weigh ins everyone :smile:
  • sspalding
    sspalding Posts: 91 Member
    Ok i messed this post all up trying to tell Karen great job on the break thru!
  • MunchkinHawk12
    MunchkinHawk12 Posts: 434 Member
    Yes, Aunt Flo has her ways of sneaking up on us. She will be visiting me in a couple days as well. I'm sure you did great though! I'm craving some chocolate right now...grrrr!:ohwell:
  • jnthwaite
    jnthwaite Posts: 111
    Hi there guys,

    Seeing I'm in Australia, and it's my Monday, I guess I get to weigh in first! :tongue:

    I started at 76kg (167.5 lb) last Monday, I fluctuated up to 77 (170 lb), and I'm back at 76kg. So I'll take that as not a gain.

    My goal for today is to make it to 8 cups of water, I'm still very new to all this, and yesterday realised I drank no water at all. A bit scary really.

    I have one of my assignments due on Monday so I'm hoping to get that knocked out today. I'll see how I go. I have another 6 assignments due within 2 weeks, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

    Any hints on studying like mad and keeping the diet in check and the exercise up I'd appreciate it! Thanks!!
  • purple1butterfly
    purple1butterfly Posts: 576 Member
    Well I have done 2hrs of my workout, Wii biggest loser (wii is playing up) I done the same work out 3 times & about 5 mins to the end. O well that's the choc burned off.
    I'm excited about weighing-in (untie flow will add) but I know that I'm not going to loss much this wk. I'll just have to wait n see.
  • simplykim419
    simplykim419 Posts: 25 Member
    I'm getting ready for church, but I have to share some news real quick. I started MFP in January at 291 pounds. I lost 30 in the first 3 months, but from April til now I have been fluctuating between 261-265. I weighed in this morning and FINALLY broke 260! I am at 259.4! That's exciting for me anyway!

    Have a great day!!!


    Whoo Hoo!! Great job!!
  • simplykim419
    simplykim419 Posts: 25 Member
    Today I have drank over 13 glasses of water. I also got in 105 minutes of exercise (I might have been a little excited about trying out my new HRM, lol) and am thinking about some light stretching, etc. later.

    What type of HRM did you get? I have been looking for one.
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Ok i messed this post all up trying to tell Karen great job on the break thru!

    Thank you!! :flowerforyou:

    Now I just gotta make it stick and not go back up!
  • goldilocks007
    Hi there guys,

    Seeing I'm in Australia, and it's my Monday, I guess I get to weigh in first! :tongue:

    I started at 76kg (167.5 lb) last Monday, I fluctuated up to 77 (170 lb), and I'm back at 76kg. So I'll take that as not a gain.

    My goal for today is to make it to 8 cups of water, I'm still very new to all this, and yesterday realised I drank no water at all. A bit scary really.

    I have one of my assignments due on Monday so I'm hoping to get that knocked out today. I'll see how I go. I have another 6 assignments due within 2 weeks, so keep your fingers crossed for me.

    Any hints on studying like mad and keeping the diet in check and the exercise up I'd appreciate it! Thanks!!

    Time management becomes your best friend when dieting and surviving a school schedule
    Stock up on healthy snacks and plan healthy meals in advance--saves the trouble and calories of ordering pizza
    Be realistic about how long you can learn in one session (I don' t think I could tolerate studying more than 1 hour of research at a time!)
    Set goals for how long you study and rewards when you complete your goals, both during and when you finish studying for the day e.g. exercise, favorite TV show etc
    If you study at home, and snacking is a diversion from studying, try moving study time to a neutral location such as the library
    Hope they help! :smile:
  • Burtonrah
    Burtonrah Posts: 142
    I know I'm a bit early too, but I don' t have access to a scale tomorrow, so I weighed myself this am. I'm down 4lbs!! weighed in 166.8 this am!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! Hope everyone else is having success this week and let's keep it up for the next 9 weeks!!

    I was bad for posting daily, but I did get my water in everyday and exercise every day :) Turbo Fire Week 2 begins tomorrow!!!
  • simplykim419
    simplykim419 Posts: 25 Member
    I have had a busy couple of days with work. I have been getting in all of my water with no problem. I always drink it with a straw and find that it helps me consume it faster. I have also been under calories the past few days. But did not get any exercise in yesterday. I had to work at 9 am and then my husband and I took a road trip. It was really nice.

    I tried the Subway breakfast sandwiches yesterday and they were not too bad but lots of sodium from what I could find. Then my husband wanted Fazoli's. I did not make a wise choice there but what I did eat was good and I was still under calories. Then my favorite part was that we went to Whole Foods and Trader Joes. I could not figure out what to buy since it was my first time there. I picked up a little bit at each store and will have a list for my next visit.

    My plan for the Halloween candy is easy since both of my kids are over 18. I will buy a couple of bags, mostly things my husband likes and I have no interest in such as Laffy Taffy. Anything left will be sent with my husband to his work or sent to my son and his platoon in Japan.

    Since I did not exercise yesterday, I went on a 30 minute walk tonight. I wanted to go this afternoon when I got off work, but it started raining. But for my relaxtion, I am getting caught up on reading posts.

    I have been trying new things to eat this week to. I have found that I like hummus but I am trying to figure out things to eat with it. The same with salsa. What do you eat with it?

    I also tried couscous tonight and that was good. I used my steamer to make fresh green beans.

    I can't wait to weigh in tomorrow. Hope everyone had a good day too.
  • simplykim419
    simplykim419 Posts: 25 Member
    I know I'm a bit early too, but I don' t have access to a scale tomorrow, so I weighed myself this am. I'm down 4lbs!! weighed in 166.8 this am!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! Hope everyone else is having success this week and let's keep it up for the next 9 weeks!!

    I was bad for posting daily, but I did get my water in everyday and exercise every day :) Turbo Fire Week 2 begins tomorrow!!!

    Great job!!! Keep up the good work.
  • buckeyereavis
    iwant to be part of this challenge!