mrrongilbert Member


  • another quick thought... If you are not eating much in the evening, you need to get something in the tank when you get up (its called break-fast for a reason..). I usually drink a protein shake right before I go to bed to get my numbers. If you have ever hit "the wall" during a long workout or intense cardio you will know…
  • If I am going to workout/run for more than an hour I will jam about 200 calories of fruit (fast energy) - I usually make my juice drinks with just enough left over to jam in the morning either right before, or right after my workout. I carry a stainless thermos (Vacuum insulated 18oz) full of my juice blend (blueberries,…
  • I agree ^^^with both of the above. When I wasn't paying attention (and habitually overeating) I couldn't really tell a difference. Now I can tell when I eat a "big" meal.. no doubt. I am eating much less but plenty for my actual needs. Still learning..
  • Be careful with the heat.... it can hurt you. Sweat is good but please make sure that you are hydrated before you start. Best of luck.... and I really enjoy my walk/runs all by myself (or my dog) it is about the only time that I really get to myself. Jam some earbuds in and enjoy the music while taking in the stars or…
  • I am interested in that as well.... just because I am curious. I have been very disciplined about logging everything that goes down the hatch and have a solid understanding of how much I intake and am learning more and more about how much I burn so I know that (overall) the frozen vs cooked weight won't really make that…
  • Muscle Milk (light) tastes better to me than any other that I have tried. I usually stick to the vanilla though. Sure beats powders of the past....
  • Basically the same thing here. My challenge is that I am the only one in my family of 4 that need, or is trying, to drop LBs. I have to plan out my meals, not doing that and going with whats fast/convenient is why I go to where I was at. Add in some personal medical issues and it was a recipe for trouble. Just like…
  • I fire up the grill 4-5 days a week - and on the days that I am not firing up the grill I am eating leftovers from the day before. I have a busy week coming up so I cooked a bunch of chicken breasts yesterday to go in my lunches (salads) for the week. A few from the back porch... As much as I love bacon I have gotten good…
  • Not sure why the images didn't show up..... gotta run but will try again later today.
  • Simply amazing, Keep on keeping on!!! I am curious as to why you are concerned about joining a gym.... you have more than proven that you can do amazing things, If going to the gym can (it will!) open up new options so you can continue on your journey I say do it! Of course, check with your doc, get a trainer and explain…
  • Yep.... show him the door. Sounds like he has his priorities F'ed up. Unless he is concerned about your health and it's not just him being selfish.
  • I have to knock out my workout first thing in the morning (4am) so it's just a big glass of water and off I go. I follow up the workout with more water and eat when I get to work which is ~1 hour after. It works well for me and I am far from hungry, I know I need to "feed the machine" so I try and make good choices and get…
  • Exercise, IMO, will supplement proper nutrition but its all about what you put in your mouth. I used to think I could hammer out bad eating decisions in the gym and I was flat out wrong. Keep working out, but you have to focus on what you are consuming.
  • It really is amazing, eyeopening and more than a little sad in my experience. I knew that I was over eating, just really never put the data in front of me. I feel empowered and I am just getting started. One thing that I really like is the ability to make better choices keeping an overall goal in mind.