I'm curious, what work's for you?

I want to clarify a bit. Everyone loses weight by burning more than they consume. But I'm curious what you're doing in terms of eating, exercise, calories, macros that is fitting into your lifestyle and allowing you to lose weight.

Myself. I had to ditch the 6 small meals. I started doing much better after I switched to Breakfast, lunch, dinner, before bed snack. I have my calories set to lose 1.5/wk and I eat back half my workout calories. This is around 1800 a day. I workout 4-5 days a week with a combo of cardio and weights. I make sure to get adequate protein but I don't currently worry about my macros too much. I eat healthy 90% of the time but I fit in chips, fast food burgers or chocolate when I really want it.

Just curious what everyone else is doing, :happy:


  • mrrongilbert
    mrrongilbert Posts: 14 Member
    Basically the same thing here.

    My challenge is that I am the only one in my family of 4 that need, or is trying, to drop LBs. I have to plan out my meals, not doing that and going with whats fast/convenient is why I go to where I was at. Add in some personal medical issues and it was a recipe for trouble.

    Just like everyone else in the world my days are pretty fast and furious just as soon as I get up, kids/work etc... I have to get my workout in first thing in the morning so I get up at 4a and hit it 5 days a week. more cardio on M/W/F with strength on T/T that I will adjust as I go to more strength vs cardio.

    I do a fruit based juice (with coconut water and almond milk) first thing in the AM, workout on an empty stomach (just a big glass of water) then grab my juice (18oz) and go to work. I drink that juice all morning and am finished with it by 10am. Lunch is usually something that I cooked a bunch of during the week typically chicken/veggies or a salad but sometimes fish/pork/lean beef. I have some snacks handy at work for the 3pm hungers... usually some pretzels, nuts, trail mix... not a lot, just something in there along with some water to get me to dinner without being super hungry. Dinner is more protein and grilled/steamed veggies or protein and a salad. Sometimes a snack before bedtime. It doesn't seem like 6 small meals but in actuality it is. I don't drink the whole breakfast juice at once, I sip on it throughout the morning....

    I am doing more fruits/carbs in the morning and working towards proteins in the evening. I do not wake up hungry and don't really get hungry until in the evenings. That is the reason for the snack mid-afternoon, so I don't binge in the evenings.

    I am not getting enough protein right now and need to add some more in, especially when I start doing more strength training which will be in a few weeks.

    I think the main thing is to find out what works for you and adjust as you go...especially while working towards your goal and perhaps not as much once on maintenance but even then some adjustments will be necessary.

    Best of luck!! Stay motivated and don't settle for nothing less than your goal!

    On edit... I forgot to mention that I drink A LOT of water... after 9 kidney stones I typically drink enough water to float a battle ship each day. I know it helps me to not be hungry along with plenty of other benefits. I live in a hot climate (Houston) so water loss via sweat just throughout the day and my morning workouts have to be replaced. It works for me and has kept me "stone free" for several years.
  • ybee1991
    ybee1991 Posts: 106 Member
    My eating is not as balanced as I'd like. In general it's something like: breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, snack, snack. I would like to do 6 small meals a day for balance, but my eating tends to be kinda everywhere in the intake range. I workout 3-5 times a week: crossfit 3 times a week, bicycling twice a week, and rest days. I try to drink water and usually eat anywhere from 1400-2000 cals a day, on average about 1700.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    Sounds like you are on a great run right now.

    I am a 5'7" 188 lb guy trying to get to 150-160 depending on my bf%. I started at 203.
    I am eating between my BMR and TDEE which means I am shooting to net between 1800-2200 every day. So far it has been working and I have been losing about 2-4 lbs per month consistently.
    I do a lot of cardio: running/jogging, walking, elliptical and I am trying to steadily incorporate weight lifting.

    I try to "Surplus/Deficit" average so if I go over 500-1000 a day I try to make it up over the next few days or even better is to "plan and bank" those calories.

    --> The Fitbit has been a real game changer!

    Good Luck! :smile:
  • fallingtrees
    fallingtrees Posts: 220 Member
    I can't function without breakfast. I keep it at about 300 calories, plenty of protein to keep me going. I also keep lunch to about 300 calories. Another 200-300 calories for snacks (sometimes lunch is late, and I work on my feet, so I need the boost.) If I'm really active, I might fit in more snack. I usually have enough calories left for a reasonably satisfying dinner, and maybe some ice cream if I've burned extra exercise calories. I try to concentrate on protein and produce, and keep the processed and refined carbs out of my diet. I tend to overeat on carbs if I get started.

    (Mmmmm...warm fresh bread....mmmmm...stop it!)

    Some days counting calories is difficult or impossible. Those are my "cheat" days, where I just try to maintain some level of food sanity. I don't do that very often.

    I like to exercise, wish I did more of it. Once I get down another 10 lbs, I will try to start running again. Right now it's just too hard on my knees. I love to swim, haven't done it for a while, need to join the Y again, I guess...maybe once summer's over and the place isn't overrun with unsupervised kiddos.

    I like hiking, walking, and simple HIIT workouts. I also dance around the house when no one's looking.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i do 6 200-calorie meals per day, do cardio 3 days and resistance training 3 days. i was eating 1200 net calories per day and losing 1 pound per week, but as of a few days ago on workout days i get hungry between meals, so i eat half a greek yogurt or have half a protein shake in addition to my 1200 net calories.

    i'm a vegetarian, so i eat a lot of greek yogurt, egg beaters, pure protein shakes, some reduced fat cheese and non-fat milk or soy milk for protein - getting 75+ grams per day. i also eat 100 to120 grams of carbs per day from beans, tortilla chips, frozen hash browns, oat brand and oats, plus gluten-free bread and these tasty quinoa patties. i have broccoli, red bell peppers and some other veggies daily. and i drink water like mad! and some days i have half a square of sees sugar-free chocolate, letting it melt on my tongue... mmmmm... chocolate...

    something that's making it a little easier for me is that i do use some prepared foods - i have 3/4 of an amy's gluten free, dairy free burrito with a Tb of light sour cream as a meal, or 3/4 of a qrunch quinoa burger with half a greek yogurt or a sol veggie burger with a slice of bread. for a while a couple years ago, i was making everything from scratch, and when i got busy, that was just too time consumng - using prepared but still healthy foods has made losing weight and eating on time MUCH easier.
  • lady6starlight
    lady6starlight Posts: 127 Member
    Honestly, what works for me is not being too selective or critical of my choices. I eat what I like to eat, just smaller portions. I also try to pay attention to my cues, am I eating because I'm hungry or am I just bored or thirsty?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    What a great question!

    What works for me is to stay conscious of what I eat by weighing food and logging everything eat. My eyeballs and those measuring cups can be a bit deceptive at times.

    I used to do low fat, no granulated sugar (thus, no table sugar, not cakes, cookies, etc.) but ditched that to learn how to eat the foods I love to still lose weight. I have learned how to have 5 grams of sugar in my coffee, cookies every now and then, a bowl of ice cream or frozen dairy desert most every day, and to just enjoy a small portion rather than a bigger one.

    Heavy weight lifting and running 2-3 days a week works best for me. I have seen amazing changes in my body.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Enjoy food, not too much. Stay active. Active stuff can be fun stuff. I really can't way to get out on a tennis court again.
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And often a snack.
    45% carbs, 30% fats, 25% proteins.
    Lots of fiber.
    Exercise 5 days a week, between 30 and 50 minutes.
    Balance of cardio and strength exercises.
    Make room for indulgences in my calorie-count.
    Go significantly over calorie goal once a week.

    Edited to add:
    Not worrying about those days when I go 'over'. They are singular days. They only matter if they become the norm. Also not worrying when the scale and tap measure don't move. The weight came on slowly, it is OK for it to come off slowly. I know the changes I'm making are doing more good inside my body, other than just weight loss. Not seeing a change in the scale does not mean that changes are not happening internally.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    More healthy food, less junk. NO sweets or treats.

    If I want more carbs than protein (or vice-versa), I go with it.


    A little weight lifting.

    I don't do the math (for food or water) and still don't know (or care) what a TDEE is.

    I'm pretty good about the calories, but sometimes I'll just sit and eat grapes and take a guess of how many I ate. If I pop a strawberry in an forget to log it...oh, well. :)

    When I'm done, I expect to do nothing for maintenance. The plan is to get everything down so that it becomes a lifestyle and will not require any watching or working.
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    I eat a normal lunch and then the remainder of my calories before bed. usually 1300+. Lunch is about 700 or so. Days I work out I get another 200 or so. I aim for 35% protein 35 % fat the rest in carbs. I eat back every exercise calories gained from lifting 3 times a week. I usually have one or two days a week when I go for a walk a play frisbee with my daughter. my goals are to get to 2500 calorie maintenance number .
  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    Enjoy food, not too much. Stay active. Active stuff can be fun stuff. I really can't way to get out on a tennis court again.

    I'd so love to play tennis again but no-one I know wants to play against me.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    Enjoy food, not too much. Stay active. Active stuff can be fun stuff. I really can't way to get out on a tennis court again.

    I'd so love to play tennis again but no-one I know wants to play against me.

    I got a small group together last year by posting on Gumtree looking for a tennis "partner" as I don't know anyone nearby who played.
  • scb515
    scb515 Posts: 133 Member
    I log everything - sometimes I prelog to make sure what I'm thinking of eating won't tip me over.

    I have a low basic calorie allowance but I eat back my exercise calories. (I like eating, this lets me eat more and thus motivates me to do more walking/go to the gym.)

    I found a gym I like and I schedule time in my busy diary so I manage to go at least once a week. (i have a hectic life, if I don't make time, I know it won't happen.)

    I eat when I want. I don't stick to conventional meal times, I eat around my daily activity so my energy levels don't spike. I save calories for late night and enjoy snacking on lovely things - it's all built into my daily calorie allowance and feels gratifying.

    If there is a one-off event, I don't stress. I eat/drink what everyone else is having and start again the next day. I'm not that person.

    I weigh myself every day. It helps me understand the impact of what I've eaten.

    I go clothes shopping - I look at myslf in those awful 360 mirrors. Last time I got fat, I stopped looking at my full profile. I am forcing myself to be more self-aware and trying to love and accept what I see.

    I remember this is all about me, not anyone else. No point trying to trick myself.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    High, protein, low fat, moderate carbs, heavy weights.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    Breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert (ice cream, frozen fruit bar, chocolate). A snack if I'm home between lunch and dinner. Focus on protein, try to drink lots of water. Lift three days, cardio when I can. And if it gets all messed up sometimes (such as a late lunch yesterday at Cheesecake Factory)? Work your way around it.
  • Tomboly1
    Tomboly1 Posts: 42
    For me my biggest challenge is working night shift. I work 2-12s one week, and 4 12s the next on varying days. Not being a night owl, it really throws off my balance. But what has worked for me is swimming/ circuit training 3-5 days a week (depending on how many nights I work that week) and saving most of my calories for after midnight at work. Staying awake and alert till 8am is exhausting, so I need to make sure I can have plenty of snacks. On my work days I sleep, a lot! That way on my off days I am ready to go and get my exercise in.

    I am hoping night shift is not permanent for me, but if anyone else is struggling with it and trying to loose weight, maybe this will help a bit!
  • GeordieGirl80s
    GeordieGirl80s Posts: 120 Member
    Enjoy food, not too much. Stay active. Active stuff can be fun stuff. I really can't way to get out on a tennis court again.

    I'd so love to play tennis again but no-one I know wants to play against me.

    I got a small group together last year by posting on Gumtree looking for a tennis "partner" as I don't know anyone nearby who played.

    What a great idea, I'll try that.
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    For me, it's all about discipline. Not so much in my food choices. I naturally lean toward healthier foods... It's exercise and body weight training that I must (MUST!) focus on. Once I get into it, I'm good. Have to keep that 'just do it!' frame of mind.