

  • Awesome! I am always glad to hear of another person diagnosed and treated! I had a huge workload before, after I was treated, I was able to handle everything. I don't sleep like I should, however I don't procrastinate anymore I make sure to complete every task before me and take advantage of every second that I have as…
  • Find your BMI, use a calorie calculator to determine what your TDEE is. Use MFP to make sure you eat your -10%TDEE, eat back your calories from working out. Make sure you eat plenty of protein, 1g per lb of lean body mass. Eat plenty of good complex carbs, fuel for your workouts, make sure you do at least some cardio to…
  • Also I forgot to mention, that it would probably benefit you to calculate your BMI on scooby's website and use his accurate calorie calculator. Most calorie calculators, are on a really basic formula, if you have less muscle than what the calorie calculator puts I'm for you, it will make your BMR seem higher, which makes…
  • At any rate as your BMI gets lower it will get harder to lose fat, simply because your body will realize that your fat stores are depleting, it will rely more on what you eat daily instead of trying to use up its excess stores. I would stay at TDEE -20% until you plateau, which means you don't lose any significant amount…
  • One more thing just as a reminder, when you lift heavy, nutrition on your rest days is twice as important as on your lift days, because that is where muscle is built, in recovery.
  • OK bear with me here, #1 if you are going to lift heavy and try to add muscle mass, while at the same time maintaining a caloric deficit to lose fat, you are going to need to be on strict nutrition so that you have the ability to allow your muscles to recover. If you lift heavy and don't eat enough protein you will lose…
  • My advice, I have been diagnosed with ADHD-PI (there really is no such thing as ADD). I take 30mg Vyvanse daily, have two jobs, got school three nights a week, and volunteer at two fire departments. Time management is key. It doesn't take an excessive amount of time to count calories. Taking breaks can be defined many…
  • 14mph, Now Im following what you are saying lol. Alissonnj, when I say scheduled cheat meals, I know that three nights a week, I goto class out of town, and I go with friends who don't really care about their nutrition either A because they are lazy or B because they just truly don't care they are married and continent…
  • Here is the thing. Fat doesn't turn to muscle. You can build muscle or lose fat or both. Toning is not a real thing, you are losing weight when you tone. Toning really isn't heavy duty enough to build muscle, however it does raise your caloric expenditure so you lose weight. That being said, if you build muscle, which is…
  • Low Carb diets suck. Many people including myself have had success with them, however most people also gain back. Truth is, you have to have carbs. Your body cannot work without them. Most low carb diets preach 20 to 60 carbs a day. Truthfully I eat around 50 carbs per meal. You just have to keep your caloric intake below…
  • To help satiate cravings, have a cheat meal or two a week, not a cheat day a cheat meal. Go on scoobysworkshop.com and under the nutrition tab there is a link called cheat meals. Read it and use it to your advantage.
  • The calories you eat correlates with your basic metabolic rate, and how much you exercise. I like scooby's workshop's calorie calculators. It is best to read his site, try not to go to hardcore all at once, and find your BMI. For my weight and height, my BMR on MFP I didn't eat enough calories. I have a larger build than…
  • TDEE -15% and make sure you have enough protein and amino acids. Continue with cardio, and light strength training to maintain, I I would not work out really hard to the point that you are breaking down, just lower weight higher reps to keep your vascularity and keep your metabolism up. I'm sure you know all about breaking…
  • Okay, let's talk safe drinking. Before you drink, make sure you are hydrated. I mean well hydrated drink a glass of water every thirty minutes until you pee every thirty minutes and it is clear. Then be careful what you drink it is really east to blow your calorie cap. If you drink liquor you may fair better, but not…
  • Here is what I think of a cheat meal, I tried strict nutrition, vegetables and really lean protein, at specific ratios in specific amounts at specific times of the day. I hate it, it is bland no fun and do you know how hard it is to eat 3 cups of mixed veggies and 6 eggs or a half of a chicken breast every three hours? The…
  • I'll weigh in here, aesthetics aside, the health risks are numerous and large. I am a firefighter EMT, and an ex smoker. I see people everyday, 55 yo Female C/O diff. Breathing. Etc. 9.9/10 they are smokers, been smoking 30 years. They have COPD and cant breathe laying down. Some quit, docs always ask why they smoke and…
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