Still not there!

When I started out I weighed just over 160lb, I'm now 130lb-which is just 3 or 4 pounds off my overall goal weight, the only thing is I'm not happy with how I look at the moment. I'm just over 5ft3 and I thought 9stone would be a good weight for my height, and although you can tell I have lost weight, my upper thighs and hips have only lost a couple of inches, making me look oddly out of proportion! dhas anyone else had this problem? do I need to look at losing more weight or toning my self up?


  • wlawhorn1993
    Here is the thing. Fat doesn't turn to muscle. You can build muscle or lose fat or both. Toning is not a real thing, you are losing weight when you tone. Toning really isn't heavy duty enough to build muscle, however it does raise your caloric expenditure so you lose weight. That being said, if you build muscle, which is agonizingly slow it may redistribute your fat to different areas of your body. You can't lose weight in a certain spot. If you do a bunch of squats and lower abdomen exercises you will not just cut fat from your mid section, you will lose fat period! So if you want to "tone up" you have to lose more fat. Losing fat and gaining muscle is possible as well. However you have to have really strict nutrition and work out hard enough to cause your muscles to break down and rebuild. If you don't eat enough and lift you will not gain muscle you will just be tearing down your muscles and making yourself extremely sore. So if you want to lose waist size, keep up the good fight and keep your caloric intake -20% of your tdee. You will get there. A really good resource is scooby's workshop. It isn't just for bodybuilders, the info applies to any and everyone looking to loseffat and/or gain muscle.