what do you think of having a cheat day? or a cheat meal?



  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    Sorry, I should clarify I am not on a diet.

    I hope to shift a few lbs but I'm just paying attention to the balance of calories in vs calories out. No way am I dieting :wink:

    Also I've gone a lot over calories the past few days and have no issue with doing that. I've also exercised plenty and eated some nutritionally valuable food.

    Some regard 'cheating' as eating bad food. Some regard it as going way over calories. I regard it as a way of getting into a negative mindset that ultimately would trip me up.

    Stay happy!
  • Tessyloowhoo
    Not on purpose... sometimes it just happens yah know? I never plan it... yesterday turned into a cheat day and i was not to happy about the results today :ohwell:
  • red869
    red869 Posts: 59
    Well the last time I was on myfitnesspal, I would have a shop-brought sandwich and a slice of cake on my 'cheat day'. I didn't really think of it as a cheat day exactly as I didn't go over on my calories but it was something I only had once every two weeks. After about 4 months, I allowed myself a takeaway, (burger and chips meal). I had a normal healthy breakfast and then had the takeaway for dinner so wasn't too over on calories. I intend to do something similar this time around, but maybe will have a little more unhealthy food, as long as it fits into my calories.
  • Gimpdogg
    Gimpdogg Posts: 163 Member
    I try to make the majority of my days good days. Than when you do go out or have a holiday meal or a cheat day you can feel confident knowing that you won't do much damage. Just don't let the cheat days become cheat weeks and you'll be fine.
  • da_bears10089
    da_bears10089 Posts: 1,791 Member
    I usually stay under my calorie goal. My cheat days usually mean that I dont pay attention to my macros but still come in under goal
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    It is so easy to lose a pound so I frequently pig out with friends at buffets or cookouts.
  • Bernadette60614
    Bernadette60614 Posts: 707 Member
    I'm for finding what works for you.

    I have one "cheat" meal a week and it is on Saturday night when my DH and I have our date night. I'm sitting down, I'm chosing foods which may be favorites or new to me, even with restaurant portions, it is limited, and when I'm done...I'm done.

    Where it hasn't worked for me is eating a cheat meal at home and then going back for 2nd which turns into going back for 5ths and then it turns into a binge.

    It works for me.

    And, interestingly, I find now when I "cheat" it is on smaller portions and healthier foods..which I think is a sign that my taste preferences and capacity have changed.

    Good topic! Thanks!
  • wlawhorn1993
    14mph, Now Im following what you are saying lol. Alissonnj, when I say scheduled cheat meals, I know that three nights a week, I goto class out of town, and I go with friends who don't really care about their nutrition either A because they are lazy or B because they just truly don't care they are married and continent with the world like it is. So I go out and eat with them one or two of those nights, and try to stay within or just above scheduled caloric intake. By scheduled I meant per meditated, not that every Wednesday and Saturday evening is the only time I can eat anything other than grain and egg whites lol. I just mean that I don't say hey today, don't care I want pizza, and eat a whole large pizza and a two liter of Pepsi just because I think I deserved it today! I premeditate. Saturday I have a wedding, so I will probably drink a little bit, and eat some unsavory choices of food. So I prepare by saying lighter earlier in the day and making it where I can "afford" to eat junk.