what do you think of having a cheat day? or a cheat meal?

There are typically two sides of saying about it YES or NO.

Well of course having a cheat day or a meal would be not better than

keep following healthy diet plans every day.

However, if it is not that bad to have one per week or per month,

i do want to enjoy that time.

I am kind of confusing right now, and want to hear from more people who are actually on a diet.

Comment Please! :)


  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    I don't have a specific cheat day or cheat meal, I just eat within my calories. If I fancy a chocolate bar I'll just make sure the rest of my meals are healthy and fit into my allowances.
  • curly1986
    curly1986 Posts: 98 Member
    I have a cheat meal once a week - once a month. For me its just a meal where I can relax and enjoy what I eat without considering the calories or macros or worry about logging it. Most of the slim people I know who like to watch what they eat have the occasional blow out and have pizza or something and dont stress over it or spend hours in the gym to compensate... That to me is just part of life so I incorporate it now.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    I don't have a specific cheat day or cheat meal, I just eat within my calories. If I fancy a chocolate bar I'll just make sure the rest of my meals are healthy and fit into my allowances.


    I would never stick to a restrictive diet, I'm looking for a long term healthy way to live not a quick fix, and I definitely don't plan on /never/ having cake or chocolate or crisps or beer again. If you know you've got a big dinner/ social occasion try to work out that morning to 'buy back' some calories for later. Or just don't sweat it, let your diet fit around your life not dictate it.
  • Ainar
    Ainar Posts: 858 Member
    I used to have it once a week. Definitelly helps you motivated mentally cos it gives you a time to relax and you know that you don't have to say no to bad stuff forever. When you restrict something completelly you will wear out mentally and end up binging, these type of diets don't seem to last very long.

    Now I just ate what I want and make sure that it fits in my calories. No particulat cheat day or meal. I find it to be better for me than cheat meals. Mostly because you can ate crap every day, lol, while still ahving great results if it fits your calories. Only you have to log it all, what I did not do with cheat meals.

    if you are new to this healthy eating stuff I definitelly suggest to have a cheat meals once or twice a week rather than eating whatever you want if it fits your calories. I think that will help you better and once you get a hang of monitoring stuff then you can switch. Otherwise you might want to just ate crap every day and not lose any weight like so many people do cos they don't have will power to limit their calories.
  • mitchfergustitus
    mitchfergustitus Posts: 28 Member
    I plan a meal that may be higher in calories and I cut back a little on the days prior to it so that it almost balances out. It's not what you do every now and then, like having a cheat meal, that will make a difference, it's what you do consistently that will. So if for 6 days you eat clean and within you calorie range, one meal won't throw you completely out of whack. A whole day of cheating? That may cause you to lose the progress you made for the week.
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    I don't have a specific cheat day or cheat meal, I just eat within my calories. If I fancy a chocolate bar I'll just make sure the rest of my meals are healthy and fit into my allowances.


    I would never stick to a restrictive diet, I'm looking for a long term healthy way to live not a quick fix, and I definitely don't plan on /never/ having cake or chocolate or crisps or beer again. If you know you've got a big dinner/ social occasion try to work out that morning to 'buy back' some calories for later. Or just don't sweat it, let your diet fit around your life not dictate it.

    But I don't feel the need to have a cheat meal or day. I love what I'm eating, I rarely eat out or get takeaways as I have no spare money, so I'm not going to have a cheat meal/day just for the sake of it. My diet is certainly not dictating my life, I'm enjoying my life right now.
  • elliej
    elliej Posts: 466 Member
    helenrosemay - sorry the QFT was in support of your statement, the rest of the comment was meant for the OP! :)
  • helenrosemay
    helenrosemay Posts: 375 Member
    helenrosemay - sorry the QFT was in support of your statement, the rest of the comment was meant for the OP! :)

    Ok I see what you mean now!!!
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I don't have a specific cheat day or cheat meal, I just eat within my calories. If I fancy a chocolate bar I'll just make sure the rest of my meals are healthy and fit into my allowances.

    This is what I do. Just work it into my calories.

    edited to add: My ticker shows my new goal by the way. I've already lost 69 pounds. So this has been working for me.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    I don't have cheat days purposely because it sets me back too much now I'm close to goal. I can gain 2-3lbs of water weight and it'll take me 2-3weeks to get rid of it again, despite how I eat/exercise.

    I eat everything within my daily allowances unless it's a special occasion I can't avoid then I will enjoy myself but don't go crazy on the food. (Drink is a different matter.. lol :drinker: ) As I'm not a big eater anyway, I can't eat a full 3 course meal anymore and will usually just stick to a main dish if I'm eating out.
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I don't have cheat days purposely because it sets me back too much now I'm close to goal. I can gain 2-3lbs of water weight and it'll take me 2-3weeks to get rid of it again, despite how I eat/exercise.

    I eat everything within my daily allowances unless it's a special occasion I can't avoid then I will enjoy myself but don't go crazy on the food. (Drink is a different matter.. lol :drinker: ) As I'm not a big eater anyway, I can't eat a full 3 course meal anymore and will usually just stick to a main dish if I'm eating out.

    I hear you on this one!! I'm like this as well. When we go out to eat I don't order all the extras. They're all usually high fat and salt anyway, I stick with a healthier main course. At parties I go for the healthier items like the veggie tray. Never went to a party yet that didn't have veggies. Don't even look at the bowl of chips or pretzels. For me that salt means painful joints and high BP. Same problem for me with any alcohol. Just don't do it. Try to think of how that stuff makes you feel in the long run. It may tastes great now but the next few days for me are agony and not worth that couple of minutes of salty sweet in my mouth.
  • sal52green
    sal52green Posts: 2 Member
    It all depends on your definition of 'cheating'
    Life would get pretty boring if we stuck within the narrower parameters of our 'diet' all the time.
    If u fancy a highly calorific meal, have it but make sure that u get back on track afterwards. I'm having a curry tonite and won't even worry about the calories involved because I know I'll b back on track tomorrow and perhaps I'll do an extra walk next week - to even things up.
  • cagney1024
    cagney1024 Posts: 4 Member
    I have dedicated my diet to change. Change for life! I achieved my goal of 50 pound weight loss after 302 days! During that time, I focused on attempting to eat healthier. But as long as it fit within my calorie count for the day, I ate it! No cheat days/meals for me! Good luck to all! Dawn
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I work what I want in my calories too. It doesn't mean I won't have a cheat day/meal once in a while (some things are just worth it!), but so far I haven't felt the need for one in 6 months.
  • kelsbeckins
    kelsbeckins Posts: 26 Member
    I've found in my year of healthy living/losing weight, I have to have a meal a week where I eat something I normally wouldn't (sushi date night or a friend's birthday dinner.) Now that being said I don't treat it as a "cheat meal." I simply try to work out more to compensate a little and I always at least stay within "maintenance" meaning I don't worry about creating my normal weight loss deficit.
  • lyndausvi
    lyndausvi Posts: 156 Member
    I don't have a specific cheat day or cheat meal, I just eat within my calories. If I fancy a chocolate bar I'll just make sure the rest of my meals are healthy and fit into my allowances.


    Last night I was invited to after dinner drinks and dessert with some friends at a restaurant next to my home. It was last minute so it was too late to fit it in my daily count (although I did have some calories to spare). I still went. The wine and bread pudding were great. I didn't considerate cheating. It's just living life to me. I even woke up a 8th of a pound lighter.
  • bukudap
    bukudap Posts: 1
    I just started this site today. I have been on a low carb diet for a while now and it seems to work for me. I in fact have a cheat day each Friday in the evening with a few low carb beers with my friends. This may not be recommended but it does wonders for me and gives me something to look foward to. It may cost me a lb a week but to have this night out with the wife actually motivates me to stay with it. I don't have a huge meal or anything this night. Works for me.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    It's all about balance.

    Overall we should be eating healthily and exercising frequently.

    This doesn't mean we can't occasionally eat empty calories or just laze about. Occasionally, ie don't make it your way of life.

    Some of the food I eat for fun as opposed to sustenance happens to be healthy too, which is convenient. But I think it's okay to eat things which are not nutritious.

    If you're eating/drinking things which are potentially actively bad for you, that's when you need to pay real attention to doing it very much in moderation.

    For these reasons, I never have 'cheat' meals or 'cheat' days, because no decision I take is cheating anything. I haven't set any restrictions.
  • Here is what I think of a cheat meal, I tried strict nutrition, vegetables and really lean protein, at specific ratios in specific amounts at specific times of the day. I hate it, it is bland no fun and do you know how hard it is to eat 3 cups of mixed veggies and 6 eggs or a half of a chicken breast every three hours? The energy also left me so quick, the veggies were high in complex carbs and my body just burnt through them so easy that I almost passed out on a few calls because I was either too full to eat anymore and at the same time malnourished, and or dehydrated because I couldn't stand to drink any more water I was so full of veggies! So, I actually stopped the strict nutrition, backed off on my strength training and decided I would just cut fat first, then build more muscle. So I stay within my calorie limit, and make sure I get at least 1g of protein to 1lb of bodyweight to maintain my muscles on q hypo caloric diet. You can cut calories and lose weight lean mass and fat. If you lose 50 lbs and 40 lbs was fat but 10 lbs was muscle and bone density, then it will take most adults with a moderate strength training regimen almost a year to gain that muscle back. So make sure you ear enough, and enough of the right stuff. Finally, the cheat meal. Once or twice a week I have a scheduled cheat meal. Not a cheat day! I cut back a little through the day and save a few calories, so I have a surplus of calories to "spend" on my cheat meal. So I may eat a few Slice's of pizza and a coke for this meal, staying really close to my calorie limit and making sure I have enough protein. You can blow your calorie cap by 1000 calories, but it throws you off your groove so to speak. It will take you a day or two of strict to get back to a catabolic state. Always take your cheat meals, eating the same stuff over and over will eventually cause youto build up a craving and binge. So have a cheat meal once or twice a week. Track your progress and adjust accordingly.
  • Seesawboomerang
    Seesawboomerang Posts: 296 Member
    Sorry, I should clarify I am not on a diet.

    I hope to shift a few lbs but I'm just paying attention to the balance of calories in vs calories out. No way am I dieting :wink:

    Also I've gone a lot over calories the past few days and have no issue with doing that. I've also exercised plenty and eated some nutritionally valuable food.

    Some regard 'cheating' as eating bad food. Some regard it as going way over calories. I regard it as a way of getting into a negative mindset that ultimately would trip me up.

    Stay happy!