Mythril Member


  • I want to thank everyone who stopped by and said something in here. It has actually bolstered my spirits to have people take time out to say encouraging things! You guys are pretty awesome. :)
  • For me it was discovering Keto. I had always wanted to lose weight, had always tried and failed. It didn't come down to simple "calories in vs out" for me. I have bad, bad, bad PCOS and it has made weight loss terrible and difficult. I discovered keto and I began to lose, and easily. And then I could move, so I did. And…
  • I have 190 lbs to lose. I have already lost 45 lbs, but I got a little side tracked when things in my life changed and gained about 30 back. But I'm back with a vengeance.
  • I do deserve new PJs! Lol. I have always wanted a cute set to wear.
  • I play on Hellscream and Shattered Hand when I play. Haven't for awhile. I don't have the new expansion so I'm stuck at 90. I've got a 90 Holy Priest. I play with my husband.
  • My moment was when I saw a picture of myself in an outfit that at the time I felt looked good on me. And people were complimenting me. When I saw the picture though, I have this massive stomach hanging down, and you can see that huge bulge in my pants and my shirt didn't cover it. And I just. I actually didn't start right…
  • I will admit that was a little confusing. I eat a keto diet because of PCOS. (if you don't know what Polycystic ovarian syndrome is I suggest looking it up.) I have ALWAYS tried losing weight and felt like it just wasn't possible for me. I'd struggle against the gain, and then give up, then struggle, give up. Keto has been…
  • Okay, so. The zoo trip went amazing. We got there at ten and I walked around until lunch at 1 like I was unstoppable. I felt light and had no pain. About an hour or two after lunch (about 3 or 4) my feet began to hurt so bad I could barely stand it. I powered through until I couldn't handle it anymore, then I asked my…
  • I seem to only get hit on by really old men. I really like the attention when someone younger flirts with me (even though it almost never happens) and I tend to believe that I'm being made fun of and not flirted with. But I will blush like a school girl when someone flirts with me, even though I'm happily married and not…
  • Hi. I'm doing keto for PCOS, as well. And weight loss and fertility reasons (goes along with PCOS and the insulin resistance.) I'm not in a group, but you can add me. I see that there are a lot of people blowing up this thread, and I didn't read it all, I only read about half of what was here. But I'm here. Hi. Just be…
  • Excellent work! I'm on keto, I've lost 40 lbs. I've got 200 to lose total, so about 160 to go!
  • I wonder if she hurts because of her body type? I mean, how strong is that tiny middle portion and does it ache from the large top portion? I don't know if it makes a difference.
  • I eat low carb. I usually stay around 1400 calories. But you can look at what's in my diary for ideas.
    in struggling Comment by Mythril May 2015
  • Oh, this one was my dad's favorite. I was lying in bed last night, looking up at the stars and thinking... where the heck is my roof?
  • A man sees his doctor, and tells the doc that he thinks that his wife is going deaf. The doctor tells him there's a simple way to tell, and sends him home to test. The man gets home, goes into the kitchen and sees his wife doing dishes. He stands in the door way and says "dear, what's for dinner?" No response. So he gets a…
  • Yeah. I have seven cats. Hair ties are either closely guarded or lost. I buy the large packs and go through them. What I want to know is where THE HECK do they go? Am I going to move a piece of furniture and find that underneath of it is a hair tie mountain? Although I clean under the couch and the bed regularly, so idk…
  • Hi! I have 220 lbs to lose. But for this year my goal is 100. So far I've lost 31 lbs. :smile: My diet is not the standard American diet because I have poly-cystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) but I've been at 99 days non stop. So I might be helpful? I'm trying to act as a work horse, just keep plowing forward. Lol!
  • 30 lbs by January? You totally can do that! *I am trying to lose 100 lbs by January, but I started January 1st of this year and I'm already down 30.
    in 30 pounds Comment by Mythril April 2015
  • I did know about electrolytes and ketosis. I get a lot more sodium than most because of this. I will look over my food diary and see if maybe I haven't been getting as much as I thought. I drink powerade zero after work outs (and sometimes when I feel like I need it.) I haven't been able to find the potassium salt, but…
  • I need to lose 220 lbs but I'm only trying for 200. I've lost 30 lbs so far, and I'm trying to lose 100 by the end of this year. I'm moving steady but surely. If you friend me tell me where you're from.
  • Well, if it IS the keto diet doing it then that's too bad, because I'm not switching off of keto. Like I said, I WILL take a test if I have a missed period. I know the horror stories- you can still have a period and be pregnant. But I will not get my hopes up again. I know that seems silly, but I can't handle another let…
  • I just am not pregnant. Sorry, it doesn't happen to me. I have thought in the past that something looked like I was potentially pregnant, and I wasn't. I want to have a baby so bad I drive myself nuts sometimes. I just can not believe that I am pregnant. I do not believe that I CAN be pregnant.
  • I haven't had my blood drawn in a few years. I don't have very good insurance, and I don't do regular check ups. I haven't been since I had my gall bladder out in 2011. I've only been to the gynecologist for my yearly check ups. The prenatal doesn't have iron, I don't think. I'm getting a lot of iron from my diet. I am not…
  • I do sleep a lot! Lol. I sleep 7-8 hours a night and then 1 or 2 more in the morning, and sometimes another hour in the afternoon! I am definitely positive I am not pregnant. I will wait until a missed period before I take a pregnancy test. If I miss it, I will. I was on Keto for 6 months last year, and have been back on…
  • No, I'm not trying to get pregnant. I take a prenatal vitamin because it's good for anyone of a child-bearing age to take one. Plus it has a lot of good stuff in it. I'm definitely not pregnant, I'm on the pill and I don't have any other symptoms. And I need doctor aid to get pregnant. Keto is I only eat 25g of carbs or…
  • It's weird that I was just pondering this same question last night and here it is! Glad someone asked it for me.
  • Hello! I have 200 lbs to lose, and I've already lost 18 since beginning on January 1st. I am all about losing weight but I'm also trying to get stronger. I can't keep a job because I am not physically able to stand, or mentally able to handle phones! So I am working on being able to stand.
  • My diary is open. Feel free to look. I do keto.