What was your 'I finally need to lose this weight' moment? (And was it as bad as mine?)

Fivefarthings Posts: 33 Member
edited June 2015 in Motivation and Support
I'm 5'7 and was 12.1 stone (down three pounds so far, go me!). I'm about a stone and a half overweight and unfit and have been for the last couple years and I've promised myself time after time that this year will be the year to lose the weight, and it's never happened... Until now

This year in June my boyfriend and I were at the Le Mans, France, 24 hour race (the bf is a massive car geek). He has a nice car, convertible, and this year we took it to a car show so he could show it off. So there we were, driving slowly through the crowds, when we stopped in the traffic, and two guys came to admire the car. And as they were stood right next to me in the passenger seat (roof off) one of them said, really loudly, 'That's a really stunning car, though you definitely need a more fit bird sat in the front.' And they walked off before I could think of anything to say in reply. Needless to say I was utterly mortified.

And that my friends, right there, following a cruel remark from a total stranger, was my 'moment' when I said, no more! I am going to get fit and healthy and look and feel fabulous from now on and damn any strangers who say otherwise!

What was your moment?


  • nishatay
    nishatay Posts: 67 Member
    I'm in the U.S. so I have no idea what 12 stone is equal to in pounds. But in that moment I would have pissed. I don't think I would have been able to compose myself as well as you did...But my moment was when I saw myself in some really unflattering picture. That's when I said enough is enough.
  • Fivefarthings
    Fivefarthings Posts: 33 Member
    nishatay wrote: »
    I'm in the U.S. so I have no idea what 12 stone is equal to in pounds. But in that moment I would have pissed. I don't think I would have been able to compose myself as well as you did...But my moment was when I saw myself in some really unflattering picture. That's when I said enough is enough.
    I'm at about 168 pounds at the moment. And trust me, they were lucky they walked off otherwise I probably would have jumped out of the car and punched them! Lol
  • ekvamme
    ekvamme Posts: 1 Member
    Mine was getting my engagement photos back & seeing how large I looked in all of them. That combined with the upcoming wedding where all eyes would be on me did the trick. I lost 35 lbs (wedding was 2 years ago) and I've slowly been putting it back on. I've gained 20 lbs & again recently saw some pics of me and was shocked at how much I really had gained back. So here I am, again!
  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    Mostly pictures and health reasons. Socially I don't feel fat or out of place (most of the time) but my knees are not happy with all the extra weight. Plus shopping sucks now. I am tired of being "the fat sister" in the family.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    So, at 168 and 5'7", you've got about 25 or so pounds to lose, which, first of all shouldn't have sparked that comment (so those guys are jerks) and second is about where I started.

    My aha moment was realizing I had been yo yo-ing those 25 lb my whole life and suddenly feeling "fed" up. I was stirred by noticing I was about to go up one more size in clothing. All three of those aspects lead me to look for and find a real solution to my food issue, rather than putting another bandaid on it.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    My wedding pictures. I knew I had gained weight, but for the first time, I saw my picture are realized I was fat. That's what got me started.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I think it was the knee cellulite for me.
  • lilbthebasedgod
    lilbthebasedgod Posts: 34 Member
    For me it was when my depression was at its greatest point, where pretty much every aspect of my life felt like it was falling apart, gaining 20 pounds within 1.5 years in college and having new stretch marks appear on my body every time I looked in the mirror
  • charcoal18
    charcoal18 Posts: 1 Member
    My husband was best man in his friend's wedding almost 2 years ago. A doctor visit shortly before revealed I weighed as much as when I had our 4th child 2 years prior. I also had no dresses that fit for the wedding. That coupled with my upcoming 15 year reunion that year lit a spark. I lost 12 lbs before my reunion and am at 30lb lost to date. I still have about 20 to go before I reach my goal weight.
  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    A really, really horrible picture. Over three years later and 80lbs down I still use that picture as motivation.
  • SongDragon
    SongDragon Posts: 205 Member
    Last time it was seeing the number 150 lbs and going uh-uhh. This time it was no longer fitting the jeans I bought last time I lost weight and having no pairs of jeans that fit. I did not want to buy any that fit at that weight!

    I probably would have started crying in your situation.
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    My moment was when I realised that I would be going wedding dress shopping at some point in the next 12-18 months.
    I want to lose weight slowly before then and not go choose a dress and crash diet to fit in it.
  • mummyzena
    mummyzena Posts: 259 Member
    I had an appointment with my gynaecologist for an ablation and she asked if I had tried losing weight before and if I was having trouble maybe consider wls. I told her I can do it I'm just lazy so did it to keep off the surgeons table and to prove that sometimes people are just lazy when it comes to losing weight not that they can't.