mumblemagic Member


  • I suggest trying them all. If you want woo-free, check out Yoga with Adrienne on youtube, and/or go to a yoga class at your gym rather than independent. Headspace is a great, woo-free intro to meditation. If you like the woo, try a buddhist centre - they will likely do both.
  • 1 cup is only 250g for something that weighs 250g per cup. For denser materials, 1 cup will weigh more. For less dense materials (e.g. icing sugar) it will weigh less.
  • Make sure even if the recipe calls for "cups" you weigh in grams anyway.
  • Thanks. What I got from this is that the body requires energy to transfer glucose to energy, via acetate. Alcohol is easier to convert to acetate, so it takes less energy to transform to energy, meaning you get more "miles per calorie". The presence of alcohol in the blood stream also decreases the fat digestion process.…
  • Cite source please? Interested to understand the mechanism and statistics behind this.
  • OMG that makes it so complicated. If you have an active job that requires you to be on your feet, set to sedentary and get a fitbit or similar that can link up with your MFP and do the hard work for you. If you are doing a non-step related exercise log it. If you have a desk job / mostly sitting job, set to sedentary, log…
  • Read it! Mwahahahahahahaha!
  • It's b*ll*ocks. Please tell me you knew and are being sarcastic?
  • Yarp. Do you think the poster means melted sugar or dissolved crystalized sugar? The physical and chemical properties are quite different :smile:
  • If hubby is hungry, hubby is hungry. I'm kind of with the people who say hubby shouldn't be forced to not eat because of your diet, but at the same time I can empathise with how frustrating it must be for you. Maybe talk to hubby and ask if he would mind having something that isn't hot if he needs a late night snack, so…
  • @Look_Its_Kriss - Completely agree with what you are saying - very insightful and wise ... but I am a grammar pedant. It's "I'd have never" not "I'd of never". I know we say it "I'd 'av never" and it sounds like "I'd of never" so it's a common mistake. OP - listen to @Look_Its_Kriss
  • Hi fellow pedant! Nice to meet you! Seriously OP - if you are hungry, eat, and revisit the composition of your meals (are you eating enough protein and fiber) and your calorie limit (are you eating too few calories) if this is a regular occurrence.
  • Great line!
  • You've not heard of it because there's no science behind it. The whole "added sugar is evil" thing is massively blown out of proportion. Added sugar is bad not because it is inherently different to natural sugar, but because it's put in foods that don't need additional sugar to be tasty, such as bread, which adds calories…
  • So, the science around food seems spot on although I can't fact check all of it. His initial premise though is b*ll*cks - he plays into the "clean eater" rhetoric that IIFYM is an excuse to live off twinkies, and uses this to justify an article on what IIFYM isn't. There isn't a person in the IIFYM community who really…
  • In theory, yes. In practise they do not assign a set number of calories a points value. They give their products lower points value per calorie than other products, and there are "free" foods that "you can eat as much of as you want" which nevertheless have calories. "Accuracy" is about being able to measure something with…
  • NHS assessment of WW and Slimming World is that they can be helpful for the social support you get from group activities. However, because they don't address calories and portion sizes (think foods that are "free" on certain days), you don't learn how to live healthily for the long run. Only around 5 % of WW & Slimming…
  • Most likely you are not measuring your intake accurately. Weigh in grams on a digital scale. Don't use "cups" or "tsps" - use mls for liquids. Log everything including your drinks. When you're cooking, if you nibble while you cook, log it. Hopefully this will help:
  • According to harvard business review, the sexiest job is Data Scientist - big data nerd such as myself. :smile:
  • Nah, give yourself a break. Part of a healthy lifestyle is having a feast every now and then. Don't let it be a regular thing, but don't punish yourself either :smile:
  • You send your friends on vacations and buy them cars? Why?
  • Take a peek at the fitness pages. Look at the uk NHS choices website for some beginners exercise programmes. Buy a pair of comfy trainers and try a few things. Personally, I love running, gym, swimming, walking (especially with a dog although i have to borrow one!). I usually listen to audio books while I exercise. I used…
  • Part of the decision to lose weight is the decision to accept the depressing stuff - weighing food, learning you can't eat as much chocolate as you want to, saying no to desert. If you don't want to make all those changes in one go, start with weighing your main meal when you cook. You have to do that to follow recipes…
  • This! Also, check with your doctor/physio what exercises you can do. Are you allowed pilates, swimming, walking? Excercise is not necessary for weight loss but is good for the mind and body so if you can do something gentle, do try.
  • Both are useful indicators, and both are (statistically) better than bmi for estimating many of the health risk factors associated with over-fatness. Fun fact: waist to hip ratio is associated with fertility and some intetesting studies on attractiveness vs waist to hip ratio have been done. The comparison of waist to hip…
  • As a person with epilepsy I second this suggestion! Also, don't have baths until you've got it sorted unless you have someone sit with you. Likewise swimming and driving, and come to think of it, hiking into the middle of nowhere on your own in a country 28 hours flight away from home! #personalexperience
  • I found the headspace app to be very helpful for my anxiety. It's a mindfulness meditation thing. Mindfulness has been shown in some clinical trials to be helpful for anxiety disorders and depression, so it might be worth a shot. You could also try something mentally absorbing to take your mind off - painting or knitting,…