

  • I'm still here too. Was away this weekend visiting and EATING for Canadian Thanksgiving. Managed to do the workout 2 days out of 4 while I was away. I just finished L2 D5. I didn't weigh in last week because the batteries have died on my scale. I measured this weekend (on about day 12), but I did it right after working out…
  • Did L1D5 today. Still haven't missed a day amazingly. I'm finding my right shoulder getting really sore with the raises in the last circuit. I think for the last 5 days of this level I will move up to bigger weights except for that exercise. Went to a neighborhood party today. Just added 1000 calories to my afternoon snack…
  • Just finished Day 3. I've managed not to skip a day yet, but I so didn't want to start today. I came online to look for some motivation and there were hardly any posts in our group. Instead I remembered back to yesterday when I went into the Gap to try on some new pants. They were gorgeous skinny jean cords. I tried them…
  • Great job on the spread sheet. My bust is unfortunately a 38, not a 32 as recorded :-)
  • Just did L1D2. I wasn't sore during the day today, but OMG was I ever hurting during the first circuit. It was much harder today then yesterday. Once I got to the second circuit it wasn't so bad, I guess because I was warm then. I really hate the push-ups. Someone please tell me there are no push-ups in L2 or L3...
  • I agree that you should measure them to see if they're really getting bigger. Even if they are, my suggestion is to keep going with the workout and don't change anything. The higher muscle mass will help you burn more calories during the 30 days. After you finish the 30 days, you can switch to another type of workout that…
  • I'm in! It's a day late, but I just bought the DVD today. I was planning on joining the Oct 1st group, but decided that there's no time like the present to start. I just finished L1D1. It was pretty tough, we'll see how I'm feeling tomorrow morning (or tonight at 3 am when I have to drag myself out of bed to feed the…