30 Day Shred Challenge **CLOSED**



  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Oh, I thought everyone had bailed on me since no one was writing on the new topic with the new chart! lol I also have been slacking big time!. With a lot of excuses :S
  • annikasmom
    I'm still here too. Was away this weekend visiting and EATING for Canadian Thanksgiving. Managed to do the workout 2 days out of 4 while I was away. I just finished L2 D5. I didn't weigh in last week because the batteries have died on my scale. I measured this weekend (on about day 12), but I did it right after working out so my measurements haven't changed from before. I'll buy a new battery and measure properly for the next weigh in.
    On a positive note, I ripped my post pregnancy size 12 jeans, and had to switch to my pre-pregnancy size 10's. They fit!! I have a pretty good muffin top that wasn't there before, but it's nice to know my hips and thighs are back to their old size.
  • julesisrunnin
    Let's keep up the good work ladies! Let's not quit on this!!! We can do it..The hardest part is to keep going when you don't feel like it, lets keep it up! I have to take my own advice too :) What is the one thing you look most forward to once you hit your goal weight???
  • Peque1130deleted
    Let's keep up the good work ladies! Let's not quit on this!!! We can do it..The hardest part is to keep going when you don't feel like it, lets keep it up! I have to take my own advice too :) What is the one thing you look most forward to once you hit your goal weight???

    A new tattooo!!!
    I have never been skinny enough to pull off a 2-piece, and honestly, it has never been something I really wanted...but now I want smaller clothes, cuter shoes (my feet size changes depending on weight, believe it or not lol) and a tattoo on the left hand side of my body...I want a big piece...going from the side of my boob to my hip... : )

    Tomorrow I finish Level 2....anyone even seen what will be going on on level 3?? I can look, but I am too scared lol
  • Peque1130deleted
    Let's go ladies!

    I believe today is weigh-in day...right?
    I did L2D10 of the shred today!
    Let's see how Level 3 goes...has anyone started it?

    Chest: 41.75
    Hips: 43.50
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    We need to have a set date that we do our weigh in and measurements. On the day of the weigh in someone needs to post that we need to post our measurements and weight. Last I knew it was on Wednesday so why don't we start this Wednesday Oct 19 and just stick to our weekly weigh in to keep it simple. Just a suggestions but I think it will also help us keep motivated. We all need to check in to keep ourselves accountable.
    I hope everyone is doing good and please stick with it. I know it is hard. I have lost 2 days myself but am getting back on it today.
    I am on L2D5 so lets go everyone WE CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Aimer45
    Aimer45 Posts: 55 Member
    I am back in starting today. I have been out of town for work since Wednesday, and I did some walking, but nothing else. Expecting pain tonight! Before I left, I had completed 14 days, 7 days on L1, and 7 days on L2. I plan to do 3 more on L2 then do my 10 days on L3. I also need to run because I have a 5K scheduled for the end of the month. Hoping for some inches lost by then!
    Hang in there ladies!
  • julesisrunnin
    That tattoo sounds sweet! I am the same way with shoes! The smaller I get, the smaller my feet become! I have been awful with working out, but great with eatting. Today I am back at it babes! So, we are all weighing in on WED? We can do it ladies!! Woo hoo!
    I am looking forward to a bathing suit without shorts and cute dresses in the summertime!! Let's not give up--everyone is doing great!!
  • Peque1130deleted
    That tattoo sounds sweet! I am the same way with shoes! The smaller I get, the smaller my feet become! I have been awful with working out, but great with eating. Today I am back at it babes! So, we are all weighing in on WED? We can do it ladies!! Woo hoo!
    I am looking forward to a bathing suit without shorts and cute dresses in the summertime!! Let's not give up--everyone is doing great!!

    I guess we can weigh in tomorrow...I'm just excited that I am on level 3 and I can do the full minute of sit ups without stopping!! Yay me!!

    I don't know why but bathing suits have never been something I look forward to wearing...I don't look forward to them, now dresses and jeans and cute skirts...YES!!!

    We can do this!
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Just finishing up Level 2 , still sorry for slacking, 2 more workouts of Level 2 and then I'll post results and then on to Level 3!!!