30 Day Shred Challenge **CLOSED**



  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    I started today off real late. I could not sleep last night and ended up sleeping until 1 pm. I will do some time of exercise today, I might skip the 30 day shred and just walk today I am sore but then again I should at least do Level 1. I have a question do we do our measurements and weigh in on Monday. I know I have lost weight my boobs have shrunk big time lol, but I still dread getting on the scale. I was weighing myself everyday and stopped doing it, it was too discouraging so now I cannot wait until Monday.
    Hope everyone else is doing well and I wish everyone the best with this challenge.

    How come your stats arent up there? Or am I missing it?

    Just wondering...

    I was planning on weighing in on Wednesday.. So it would be a level up/weigh in type thing.. I haven't weighed or measured since we started so I am nervous, I don't feel any lighter or smaller but we shall see.

    They are.. They're just under my name Kim not my screen name
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    well, i decided to take yesterday off so i did my L1D7 today. i actually felt WAY better today after taking one day off. i think my muscles needed it! looking forward to weigh in/measure in day! i know i've lost some inches here and there and i weighed yesterday but i guess we'll see what another couple days brings me!
  • pehermann
    Okay, so I'm a slacker. Haven't started yet but I'm planning on walking up to Walgreens and buying a stupid tape (3 mile roundtrip hike from here) and starting tonight. Hubby is back from his business trip so I'll have some time baby free to exercise!

    Hope you don't mind if I'm a few days late on my measurements/weigh-ins.

  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    I checked my heart rate every circuit and Im sad to say that level 1 isnt doing it for me anymore. My heart rate goes down after the ab moves at 105 and thats not in my "zone" So I feel like Im getting much of a work out. I hope level 2 changes things up and get my heart rate back up to the 130s.
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    Here are my measurements and weight for my 6th day of 30 day shredding. I missed a day and wasn't following the correct way of doing it so I am going to do 4 more days of level 1 and then go to level 2.

    SW: 150
    CW: 148
    GW. 125

    Chest 38
    Waist 39
    Hips 39
  • pehermann
    Bust: 40
    Waist: 38 (this is obviously the problem area lol)
    Hips: 43
    Thighs: 22.5
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Finished L1 D9 today! Will weigh in and do stats on Wednesday morning when I start Level 2! Eeek, the side lunges aren't getting any easier!

    I feel a bit bitter, but am not sure if I've actually lost any weight or inches, we'll see on Wednesday I guess!

    Good luck everyone!
  • Peque1130deleted
    Finished L1 D9 today! Will weigh in and do stats on Wednesday morning when I start Level 2! Eeek, the side lunges aren't getting any easier!

    I feel a bit bitter, but am not sure if I've actually lost any weight or inches, we'll see on Wednesday I guess!

    Good luck everyone!

    I was trying to be 'strong' and was using a 5lbs weight for all the workouts...the one I have the most problems with is the side lunge (my knees kill me!) but the I switched my weights to 2lbs for that set only and I was able to get through the whole set with no problem...just an idea!
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    So ready to move onto level 2!! I'm starting to memorize level one.. " again why are we doing...*trails off* look at you guys" Drives me nuts!, But also ready to try some new, more challenging moves, not that these ones aren't.
    Good job everyone on keeping up! We all should be very proud, and with weigh in coming up wednesday, we will see all our hard work paying off! Keep in the game Ya'll!
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Will need to purchase some 2lb weights, might use soup cans until then haha!

    I meant to say I'm feeling a bit BETTER not bitter !!

    Last day of Level 1 today EEK!

    I hate that part when she trails off too, after doing the video 9 times I feel like I have her motivational talks memorized as well, 'hurts so good doesn't it?' haha!

    Good luck everyone, nervous for my stats tomorrow!
  • Peque1130deleted
    Today is day number 9 for me!! Once I get past the 1st strength circuit I am gravy! *Mmmmm, gravy!* :laugh:

    I hate going to lower weight...but at least I know I am doing the stuff properly which should give me better results.
    I think this week I am getting 8lb weights...hopefully L2 isnt TOO tough and I can incorporate them...I told myself I would watch part of L2 so I can see what I was getting myself into, but I am too scared to do so lol....and I heard somewhere that there are walking push-ups on L3???
    What in the world???

  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    today was day 8 for me, since i took sunday off. it went well and i started C25k last night. looking forward to weigh in day. should i weigh in tomorrow or wait for thursday since thursday will be by day 10? i don't wanna mess up weigh in day. hope everyone is having a great day!
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    I did level 2 one day because i had skipped a day... it's not that hard and the walking pushups are nice..( i think ) .. and we all will weigh in **wednesday** no matter what day you're actually on, just so everyone is on the same page and i can get the spreadsheet made and posted sooner.
  • Aimer45
    Aimer45 Posts: 55 Member
    I did Level 2 Day 1 tonight after doing 7 days on Level 1. I felt like I needed a challenge so I moved on. I will be missing a few days next week when I am away at a conference, so this should keep me on track with everyone (I plan to do at least cardio while I am away).
    Looking forward to the weigh-in/measurements tomorrow, although I don't feel like that much has changed yet.
    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Ok! New Stats Today

    Weight: 133.6lbs, down 3.6lbs yay!

    Chest: 34.5", down 0.75"
    Waist: 29" down 0.5"
    Hips: 39.5" no change

    Am quite pleased with this and am starting level 2 later today! Goodluck everyone!
  • pehermann
    Weight 160.9
    Measurements = same as posted on monday.
  • Peque1130deleted
    Today is day #10 for me...here are my number"

    Weight 189.2...gained 1.2lbs!
    Chest 42.5...gained .5inches!!!
    Waist 41.75...gained .25 inches!
    Hips 44.5...remained the same....

    I hope I am not the only one that gained....not that I want someone else to gain, but if someone has, at least I wont feel so bad :sad:
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    I did level 2 one day because i had skipped a day... it's not that hard and the walking pushups are nice..( i think ) .. and we all will weigh in **wednesday** no matter what day you're actually on, just so everyone is on the same page and i can get the spreadsheet made and posted sooner.

    good thing i read this!! i'll go weigh in shortly and report back. i just weighed in on sunday so its probably not much different.
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    stats for me: 140lbs
    waist: 36 1/2
    hips: 40
    bust: 39 1/2

    i don't remember my measurements from last time so hopefully its a decline! i know i lost 2 1/4lbs! yay!
  • julesisrunnin
    HIPS 46
    CHEST 40
    I hope you ladies had more success than I had :) Lost inches, but gained pounds!