30 Day Shred Challenge **CLOSED**



  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Wow, I completely had no motivation to shred tonight. I almost didn't, then I got on MFP and read through our group and just got up and decided to do it. It wasn't even so hard!
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Hey everyone! Hope your workouts are going well! Just finished Day 4 of Level 1, ouch my shoulders were killing me!!!

    I haven't done the shred before so could someone please verify:

    I know it's 10 days per level, does that mean we go straight through each week, no days off?

    It's only a 20 minute workout so it wouldn't be too tough to go straight through, I was just curious what everyone else is doing, because ripped in 30 said 5-6x per week, per level.

    Any contribution would be appreciated!

    Good luck! :)
  • AHealthyJD
    I haven't done the shred before so could someone please verify:

    I know it's 10 days per level, does that mean we go straight through each week, no days off?

    It's only a 20 minute workout so it wouldn't be too tough to go straight through, I was just curious what everyone else is doing, because ripped in 30 said 5-6x per week, per level.

    Any contribution would be appreciated!

    Good luck! :)

    I researched this myself and apparently it's up to you. Jillian Michaels has said you can go straight through or take a couple of days off to rest sore muscles. Someone in another forum suggested taking a rest day in between each level so Level 1: 10 days in a row, rest day, Level 2 10 days in a row, rest day and then Level 3 10 days in a row.

    As of now I'm going to attempt to go straight through (knowing there will likely be a day or two when I'm too busy) but I might take the two rest days in between levels if I feel myself burning out.

    Hope this helps!
  • julesisrunnin
    I was wondering the same thing-- I planned on doing it every day- but will do whatever the majority decides :) L1D3 today! woot woot!
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    I just made it through day 2 of Level 1 I am going to do Level 1 again tonight then onto Level 2.
    Hope everyone's workout is going well. Keep up the good work.
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Anyone else dread doing the side lung/shoulder raise? .. I do lol
  • amber11132122
    Starting tonight here are my stats

    Current weight 195
    Sw 200
    Gw 130
    Chest 47
    Waist 45
    Hips 46
  • Aimer45
    Aimer45 Posts: 55 Member
    L1D2 Done!
  • julesisrunnin
    Anyone else dread doing the side lung/shoulder raise? .. I do lol

    Yes! I haate that part!!
  • annikasmom
    Just did L1D2. I wasn't sore during the day today, but OMG was I ever hurting during the first circuit. It was much harder today then yesterday. Once I got to the second circuit it wasn't so bad, I guess because I was warm then.
    I really hate the push-ups. Someone please tell me there are no push-ups in L2 or L3...
  • annikasmom
    Great job on the spread sheet. My bust is unfortunately a 38, not a 32 as recorded :-)
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Great job on the spread sheet. My bust is unfortunately a 38, not a 32 as recorded :-)

    Ah Crap! I'm sorry, I'll have to correct that when we weigh in next time!
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Hey! Can you please change my starting weight to 137.2lbs? I just weighed myself today on a new scale and unfortunately it makes you heavier haha, just want to show accurate progress for this challenge!

    Thank you !! :)
  • Kissxx
    I hate it, I modify it to a chair squat instead of side lunge cuz for some reason my left side has bad for with a side lunge lol. I dont know.. I am not sore at all anymore. DAY 6 today for me, I feel level 1 is pretty easy now. Cant wait to move on up. =)
  • kajones2009
    kajones2009 Posts: 93 Member
    Hey! Can you please change my starting weight to 137.2lbs? I just weighed myself today on a new scale and unfortunately it makes you heavier haha, just want to show accurate progress for this challenge!

    Thank you !! :)

    I changed it in the doc i have, so it'll post when we weigh in again, but i can't actually edit the one posted at the top of the page (mfp isn't so user friendly, I can't edit posts over an hour old), so you won't see the change till we weigh in on WEDNESDAY!!, but I've fixed it.. promise :)
  • mtf11
    mtf11 Posts: 31
    Thank you very much I appreciate it! Finished Day 5 today! :)
  • annikasmom
    Just finished Day 3. I've managed not to skip a day yet, but I so didn't want to start today. I came online to look for some motivation and there were hardly any posts in our group. Instead I remembered back to yesterday when I went into the Gap to try on some new pants. They were gorgeous skinny jean cords. I tried them on in a size 12 which is the size of the Gap jeans that I'm wearing now and they didn't fit! I was kinda sad.
    When I reach my goal I think I'll be a size 10. I'm almost 6 feet tall, so I don't ever get smaller then that (at size 8 I look too skinny). My husband was with me and he said that if I did the 30DS every day without skipping he would buy me a pair in every colour. So there's my goal and my motivation :-)
    Day 3 went ok today. It wasn't nearly as hard to get through the first circuit as it was yesterday.
  • jewel6018
    jewel6018 Posts: 210 Member
    I understand how hard it is to get motivated to exercise. I have not exercised in 10 years and I used to do 45 minutes of aerobics 3 times a week. I have been doing pretty good being in this group and being on MFP. I have just finally made it through Level 1 and did not do it today but am going to shoot for Level 1 in the morning and shoot for Level 2 in the evening. I will also send you a friend request because I am on every morning sometimes late morning but I am more than happy to help you with your motivation. We can help each other.
  • julesisrunnin
    Keep it up ladies! It's only 20 minutes! Think about how smokin' we will be and feel with these 30 days done! I think about the holidays being around the corner and establishing a nice routine when all the temptations ramp up that time of year. I also think about the family and friends I only see once a year and how I want to feel and look the best I can! We take a zillion pictures around the holidays, I think about how I want this year's to actually make into frames and displayed in the house because I am pleased with what I see.

    The 20 minutes fly by :) Thats it! We can do it :)
  • young9
    young9 Posts: 51 Member
    Keep it up ladies! It's only 20 minutes! Think about how smokin' we will be and feel with these 30 days done! I think about the holidays being around the corner and establishing a nice routine when all the temptations ramp up that time of year. I also think about the family and friends I only see once a year and how I want to feel and look the best I can! We take a zillion pictures around the holidays, I think about how I want this year's to actually make into frames and displayed in the house because I am pleased with what I see.

    The 20 minutes fly by :) Thats it! We can do it :)

    every single one of these reasons^^^^ are exactly how i feel. i just had family pictures, the one posted on my main profile pic is one, and i hate how i look. i would never forgo family pics because i think they are super important...but i have yet to take one that i'm completely ok with.