

  • Ha! A friend of mine was just complaining to me that her 4 year old keeps asking when the baby is coming! Her little one has a really hard time believing her when she says that it's just fat. I'm 5'3" as well. There were a few years where my BMI said I was in my normal range but my friends and family said I was crazy scary…
  • I'm a console gamer primarily but do play on the PC from time to time. I noticed my gaming decreases dramatically whenever I'm more active in my life and I'd LOVE to figure out how to game more and still be active. Right now I'm part of a weekly D&D game so I can still get my fix if I wasn't able to fit in any xbox time…
  • I've just started and am going it alone as well. I'm hoping I'll find support virtually here on mfp. As far as food and exercise goes, I'm taking baby steps since I have a nasty habit of going all in then giving up because it is all too much. Right now I'm focusing on getting my body used to exercise and not beating myself…
  • Added. I'm super new and looking for supportive friends as well!
  • I'm new and looking for friends as well. Sounds like we'll get along. In my opinion anyone who says they don't love a spanking is fooling themselves :)