An anxious gamer in UK

Hi all. (Kinda) New here. Joined MFP quite a few years ago. Never went anywhere. I deleted my old account and started fresh recently. I'm an Aussie living in Cornwall, England, 29, 5'3", SW 174lb/79kg.

I have social and general anxiety, which hasn't really helped much with my weight gain over the last few years. Mostly just no motivation because of mental health. Quite the avid gamer too (PC games, Steam mostly), which I guess isn't perfect for physical activity, right? I'm not afraid to admit that yeah, I sit on my *kitten* a lot because of it. :laugh:

Anyway, recently decided I really needed a change in lifestyle without losing my interests in gaming. Not just so I can feel better about myself (really quite negative about my appearance), but for physical and mental health reasons. Four years ago, I weighed 115lbs (actually because of a very bad anxiety spell), but I was "skinny fat". Put on weight... and here I am. Started at 174lb/79kg about 3 weeks ago, and have managed to get down to 168lb/76kg so far. My goal weight is 120lb/54kg and would like a bit of muscle. I also recently quit smoking (65 days smoke free, after smoking since my early teens).

I'm counting my calories the best that I can (I'm not perfect really, had a bad day today eg) and exercising about an hour a day. Unfortunately I have an injury already (knee). My GP says I'm just never going to be very flexible but keep going. So still exercising, just taking it easier.

Wouldn't mind some like minded MFP friends, especially gamers or anxiety sufferers also looking to lose weight. :smile:


  • evilpixiegrrr
    Hi, welcome!

    Best of luck to you on your endeavor here, there's lots of great people to offer support. :)

    I'm an avid gamer as well, and I work in the industry! I play mostly on consoles, but I do occasionally play PC as well.

    If you'd like a gamer buddy, please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • a_regius
    I'm a console gamer primarily but do play on the PC from time to time. I noticed my gaming decreases dramatically whenever I'm more active in my life and I'd LOVE to figure out how to game more and still be active. Right now I'm part of a weekly D&D game so I can still get my fix if I wasn't able to fit in any xbox time during the week.

    I'm starting out super slow with the exercise. Only 25 minutes a day this first week then next week I'll bump it up to 45 minutes a day with my goal being an hour a day plus a rest day or two.

    We're the same height and close in weight and age as well. Feel free to add me. I plan on being as active as I can on here to keep myself motivated.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Hey! When I started I was a total gamer, playing MMOs on PC... which I've been doing on and off for 13 years (and I mostly haven't been working so yeah... spend a lot of time on my butt). I ended up stopping so I could workout on some nights instead (that and I was getting bored). It will be a struggle when the next one I want to play comes out for sure though... so I'm right there with you! And I've lost 54 pounds in 7 months, exercising/walking one hour a day and watching what I eat. So you can do it too!
  • NyssaDuck
    Hi, welcome!

    Best of luck to you on your endeavor here, there's lots of great people to offer support. :)

    I'm an avid gamer as well, and I work in the industry! I play mostly on consoles, but I do occasionally play PC as well.

    If you'd like a gamer buddy, please feel free to add me as a friend.

    That's cool. Always nice to meet/see women in the gaming industry. :) And thank you, most people seem friendly and supportive here... mostly. ;D I added you.
    I'm a console gamer primarily but do play on the PC from time to time. I noticed my gaming decreases dramatically whenever I'm more active in my life and I'd LOVE to figure out how to game more and still be active. Right now I'm part of a weekly D&D game so I can still get my fix if I wasn't able to fit in any xbox time during the week.

    I'm starting out super slow with the exercise. Only 25 minutes a day this first week then next week I'll bump it up to 45 minutes a day with my goal being an hour a day plus a rest day or two.

    We're the same height and close in weight and age as well. Feel free to add me. I plan on being as active as I can on here to keep myself motivated.

    I read your profile, and it all sounds so familiar. I'm also finding I'm not gaming quite so much, but I don't work much so I can fit in both exercise and gaming (though I'm losing a tiny bit of motivation gaming wise some days). I added you. :)
    Hey! When I started I was a total gamer, playing MMOs on PC... which I've been doing on and off for 13 years (and I mostly haven't been working so yeah... spend a lot of time on my butt). I ended up stopping so I could workout on some nights instead (that and I was getting bored). It will be a struggle when the next one I want to play comes out for sure though... so I'm right there with you! And I've lost 54 pounds in 7 months, exercising/walking one hour a day and watching what I eat. So you can do it too!

    I only work 4.5 hours a week, so it ends up I game a lot so I kind of understand about the not working and being on your butt a lot. That's a great achievement though and very encouraging! :)