I am new to this....

iamnessa7 Posts: 4
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I am new to this and am really hoping to be successful and maybe find some new friends along the way. I am trying to make a greatllifestyle change. And I can say its hard especially with not a whole lot of support. How do you stay motivated? I have been doing ok on my own. But it helps to have someone in your corner you can talk to sometimes and that is what I am hoping to get from this.


  • I just started a week ago.. and it's been HARD. I won't lie. But I have this little voice in my head that keeps telling me I can do it. It also keeps telling me "NO"! No to donuts that people bring to work, No to the cheeseburger in the cafe, No to a giant glass of wine. Just try to stay positive and take each day at a time.
  • blg5
    blg5 Posts: 89 Member
    I stay motivated by making it a habit to log every bite of food every day and exercise at least 4 times a week. Once it's a habit it gets so much easier. I still slip up from time to time and go way over my calories but I still log it. Feel free to add me if you want friends who are motivated.
  • yes its hard! get some support and friends on here, i/we will help you through it!
  • I'd say just force yourself and after a while it becomes routine. Also, try to find things you enjoy doing concerning exercise, if you do exercise. :)

    Also, get some friends on here! That makes the journey more enjoyable, and it's easier to stay motivated when you have people around you on the same track.
  • danamarich
    danamarich Posts: 74 Member
    I agree-making the changes necessary are hard (sometimes you'll find yourself bargaining with the cupboards to reveal a treat to eat only to find spices and tupperware) :)

    What I've been saying to myself lately (and has been working so far) is: "If I weigh in tomorrow and the number on the scale is up, is this *insert snack name* still worth it?"

    Also making time in my schedule, keeping temptation out of my house and friends to encourage are all musts!

    Feel free to add me!
  • I've just started and am going it alone as well. I'm hoping I'll find support virtually here on mfp.
    As far as food and exercise goes, I'm taking baby steps since I have a nasty habit of going all in then giving up because it is all too much. Right now I'm focusing on getting my body used to exercise and not beating myself up over unhealthy food choices. After a couple weeks I hope exercise will be a lot more natural and I can then put energy into a better diet.

    It is going to be hard. Hopefully, just a smidge more tolerable with all of us rooting for each other :)
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