digihed1 Member


  • I eat steel cut oats every day. I was eating it with bannana and blueberries. Blueberries are out of season now so I'm using a banana, walnuts, raw honey, and ground ceylon cinnamon. A good and filling breakfast.
  • Water? And lots of it. I quit all sodas cold turkey in January and started drinking lots of water. I think this change contributed the most to my weight loss.
  • I say ignore the sugar column if you avoid most added sugar. If most of your sugar comes from fruit then I think you are fine. I always went way over on sugar and still do but I eat a lot of fruit and I don't let the sugar numbers from fruit bother me. It has worked great for me.
  • 6'3" and I'm about 170 now. Passed my goal. Now I'd like to gain about 15 pounds of muscle.
  • I've been getting the same comments. Don't listen to them.
  • Sun Crystals is another Stevia alternative to Truvia. I use it just in coffee and it isn't bad. It's a mix of stevia and pure cane sugar.
  • By far my favorite is Ken's Steakhouse - Lite Northern Italian Dressing. In 2 Tbsp, 50 calories, 5G fat, 1G carbs, 1G sugar, 330mg sodium. Sodium is the only negative but I can deal with that as I generally stay fairly low in sodium throughout the day. It's not fat free either but I don't worry about fat too much. I just…
  • Walk about a mile in 15-20 minutes twice a day if I can. If it's raining, cold or too hot, I do laps inside the building for about the same time.