"I didn't want to offend you"



  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    it may just be that the people around you are not used to seeing you so slim, and are therefore concerned that you're losing too much.
    i know when my best mate lost alot of weight (went from 200lb to probably about 140), i didn't like how she looked to begin with. i'd only known her chubby, and i thought she'd gone too far. and, truth be told, i was probably extremely jealous as well. but it took me a while to recognise that she fit better in that skin than she did in the old fat suit.

    she has gained a little since then (not much, but has a bit more shape back) and i think she looks better now that she did before. but i'm a firm believer that women should have hips, bum and boobs. and now she has.

    but.... that's just my opinion on her shape, and it doesn't count at all! what matters is how she feels about herself, and she feels awesome about herself. and that makes me happy.
  • sweetsapphire85
    I've found socially the norm for accepting weight is really weird. Overweight is obviously the norm and if you aren't wearing a 3x and can still work and do daily functions it means that you don't have a weight problem. I know I'm 30lbs over weight, I know I don't like the way my clothes fit and want to make myself healthier.

    When people make the comments about my weight loss goal being unrealistic for my body (ie: that will make you look anorexic, or you may develop an eating disorder by doing this) I take it with a grain of salt, I think their views aren't about being healthy but accepting and loving yourself as you are.

    You make them feel like they shouldn't love themselves for how they are and place judgment on you to deflect the thoughts they have about themselves. (ie: if she is smaller than I am and trying to lose weight, then she most certainly thinks I could attempt to get healthier too)

    If you are happy with losing weight and are doing it in a healthy way let it pass; they will adjust and get over it.
  • MichhhB
    MichhhB Posts: 3
    I have been on the heavier side for my entire life- always in the highest percentile..

    So all of you saying it might be a shock to people- it definitely is.
    I have asked quite a few people about the double standard.. "That's funny..you never told me how obese I really was..."

    The issue with my significant other has yet to be..resolved.

    And I will ALWAYS remember to be happy for people. What's the sense in bringing someone else down because you're unhappy with yourself..?
  • Marazene
    Marazene Posts: 97
    I get the same crap from some of my friends and family...I figure some of it comes from the fact I did loose alot fast and the other half just comes from other people being jelouse.....I just blow it all off and just pay attention to my BMI and what my dr. says.
  • purnurple
    purnurple Posts: 102
    i am 5 foot 8.5 inches and i weighed in this morning at 124.4 pounds. does anyone tell me im anorexic? very few. someone even suggest a diet to me the other day. i think the people you are with are just shocked by the diference. its like dying your hair from bleach blonde to black. its very different but may look fine to someone who didnt know you as a blonde.
  • cowlover22
    cowlover22 Posts: 309 Member
    Well first of all good job with losing the weight. You know I dont know why people feel it is ok to make comments about peoples weight. I finally got frustrated with the situation and started replying to who ever it is asking..So is it ok if I ask you how much you weigh or say gee you look really old today. Are you going to eat that..you really dont need those calories. After making these comments..most people got the message. The trouble is..when someone loses alot of weight(maybe not you) they tend to have that drawn out look until the weight start to distribute more evenly. So many people have that gaunt cachetic look to them. This just really irrates me. I am sure they might be asking esp because of all the recent news of eating disorders and all but I know it can be frustrated. They also must care about you to ask..but I know it gets irritating! Kind of funny peoples perspectives though..someone who doesnt know me really well and hasnt seen me in a awhile saw me the otherday and said that I looked good.(meaning since I lost weight) well I look so good that I currently will be going to the hospital to gain weight. Somethings are just best not said!
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Most people simply do not want others to succeed. It reminds them of their own weakness.

    So, in their own way, they are telling you "You win, I lose."
  • reesesrunner
    You are at a healthy weight!

    It is true, however, that there are those who will point out how "skinny" one is, but would never say a word about a heavier person. Double-standard,for sure.

    If someone makes a comment about your appearance, smile and say 'Thanks for your concern about my health!', because, really, what can they say to that?

    Keep keeping on and stay true to you. :smile:
  • kimberly130
    I could be way off track here, so feel free to ignore what I say...

    I find people who down play other people's success do so because they are insecure with themselves. They knock people down when they feel good about themselves. Your significant other might be hearing from other people that you are looking slimmer and therefore "hot" and he might be feeling a bit insecure. Reassure everyone that you are eating healthy foods and your body is adjusting appropriately. Then tell them how great you feel now that you are not carrying around all of that extra weight.

    You are doing great, don't let others get you down.
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    I know ALL too well what you're talking about! I was never extremely overweight, but I was 5'4 1/2 at 158 and was in the "overweight" category. All last year I started eating healthier and exercising pretty much every day. Over the course of the year, I dropped to about 125. Tons of people (that know me), mostly from church, were commenting on my weight to me or to other people (and they told me). It was things like "Is she okay?" "Is she eating enough?" "You're not anorexic, are you?" I mean...COME ON! Nobody says anything to the overweight people. And nobody says as much to the people that have always been thin. It's very annoying, but I would just keep a smile on my face and say "I'm eating healthy and exercising. I feel great" and keep on going
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    People are saying these things to you because they are unhappy with being overweight.
    Practice saying these firmly in the mirror:

    Awww, thanks for your concern. My doctor is happy with my healthy weight. Are you happy with your weight?

    You know, underweight is BMI 18 and under. My BMI is 22. What's yours?

    What a rude thing to say! If you knew me better you'd know I'm at a healthy weight.

    Where's my knight in shining armor? You should be proud of me and how healthy I am.

    Keep in mind I am an aggressive person with few social skills LOLOL!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Many of us have had the same reaction from people. I think part of it comes from their own insecurities (they feel more exposed being overweight now that they are with a healthy-weight person), part of it from having to mentally adjust to the new you, and partly from the fact that so many Americans are overweight that slightly heavy looks normal and obese looks less intense than it is - then normal weight looks skinny. Add that to the fact that it has become very un-PC to say anything to a fat person about their weight, and it gives a lot of fuel to pick on the healthy person.

    Whatever it is, just let them know you appreciate their concern but you are focusing on being healthy and you are making your choices based on that. Then tell them you'd rather not discuss the subject any more unless they want to start talking about their own weight and diet. That might silence them quickly :)
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    You are taking care of yourself. Period. You are not taking care of all the other yahoos around you. Don't worry about what they have to say.

    Interestingly enough, all the girls in my gym class in high school said I looked anorexic. Of course, it was the overweight girls that said that, but anyway... I look back at pictures of myself from that time, and yes, I was very bony. However, I ate whatever I wanted, and I was somewhat active. I was healthy, and that's what mattered. (And my boobs grew a lot more in college than they did in high school. Who cares?)

    I have a friend who is 5'4" and 95lbs on a good day. She gets comments like that all the time. However, I've had many meals with her, and spent time hanging out with her, and I know good and well that she does not have an eating disorder. She does have a few issues with her intestines, but she is now gluten free and while she feels great, she still looks the same.

    If people REALLY don't want to offend you, they will learn more about you than just the way you look.

    Anyway, just tune them out the best you can, keep eating well and exercising.
  • Jenna70
    Jenna70 Posts: 130 Member
    Congratulations! Sounds like a healthy weight to me! I am 5' 3 1/2" tall and my goal weight is about 140 pounds. But honestly, I am more concerned with the size of my jeans... I still have my favorite pair of size 10 slim cut Levis and that is my goal... I fit in them about 9-10 years ago and I think I weighed 145 or so. I wore size 10 and some 8 and I looked great. It is not all about the number on the scale -- amount of muscle and bone structure has a lot to do with how a person looks. I have a muscular and athletic build and a fairly large bone structure and have always been on the high side of those damn charts as well.
    The people commenting must be either jealous or having trouble adjusting their image of you from what it was to what you look like now... whatever it is their problem, not yours. And your boyfriend is probably nervous someone will steal you away because you are a hot babe now! Give him some reassurance of your feelings for him (if you want to keep him) and tell him how much better you feel about yourself.
    I can't wait to get to my goal weight and if anyone tells me they think I am too skinny or asks if I am sick I will smile and say, "I am perfectly healthy, but thank you for your concern" then walk away.
    I also think continuing to count your calories is a smart way to keep on top of what you are eating and avoid gaining it back.
  • DarcieC2389
    It might be possible that whoever said these means things may be jealous of your success. If they are not a close friend or relative just blow it off. Life is too short to get worked up by insensitive people like that.
  • Thetera
    Thetera Posts: 49 Member
    i weigh the exaact same as you, im the same age as you, and im the same height on top of that. its a completley healthy weight i feel healthier at this weight than i ever did at my higher weights before i went on MFP. my doctor is always telling me that im so healthy its obnoxious. You're right, people should have been afraid for your health before, not now. i get alot of mean people telling me im anorexic or that i shouldnt excercise or diet because im skinny. but people dont always understand that thats how you get there, and thats part of being healthy. In the end what matters is medical opinions. and if my doctor says im healthy with the exact same stats as you, you probably are too.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    Be a Honey badger.

    Seriously it sounds like you are doing things the correct way. Stop letting other peoples issues get to you.

  • digihed1
    digihed1 Posts: 8 Member
    I've been getting the same comments. Don't listen to them.
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    Be a Honey badger.

  • Quiltmania
    You should give them a great big smile and say "Congratulations on getting your medical degree! I didn't even know you were in medical school." Then tell them that until they do get their medical degree that you will keep living a healthy lifestyle and they can keep their traps shut.