

  • I always have coffee with a splash of skim milk (coffee addict...). Then, usually Special K with some cinnamon sprinkled on top! If I'm out of milk, I like to make a toad in the hole (one egg cooked into a cut-out hole in a piece of toast)! I try to keep my sugar intake low in the morning. I used to HAVE to have a big…
  • Lately, I've been enjoying a half cup of raspberries/blackberries mixed with a couple tablespoons of yogurt, a dab of honey, and some cinnamon! It is a quick snack, and so yummy! Only about 70 calories.
  • I'm so glad you posted this, I feel exactly the same way! In fact, I just searched my entire apartment looking for anything I could use as free weights to avoid the awkwardness I feel at the gym. I really want to get over it!
  • I'm in! That would put me at my goal just in time for summer :)
  • Good point about the routine! I just realized that my workouts are almost always at a different time of day, which probably doesn't help me get into a routine. When I was working out successfully a few months ago, I was going at a more consistent time each day. I think I'll try get back to that! I like those podcasts too…
  • Thanks for the reply! What helps you stay motivated to exercise?
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