

  • one of my girlfriends told me a story: When she use to work in an office (she now works from home), she'd drive the same route to work everyday. Everyday she'd see this big girl run, she felt like she should cheer her on, roll down the window and say "you go girl", she didn't. BUT everyday, she'd see her run and because of…
  • ooo ... send the tim tams my way :) can't get them here in California very easily. I tend to gain when I get close to the time of the month. Give yourself a little more time, it probably took you longer to put on the weight, it won't come off easily :(
    in :( Comment by soifua November 2011
  • good idea ... here's another post from this morning with more protein shake ideas ...
  • nuts are a good source of protein as well. there's also hummus and tofu. a protein shake won't be bad either :)
  • I have the chocolate protein powder from trader joes and I don't really like it on it's own, but with some peanut butter and banana in it it's fabulous.
  • we threw out last years candy - we're taking the kids trick or treating a bit further away from our neighborhood this year, so we've got leftover candy from the weekend's halloween parties, if anyone come over while we're home BUT the kids loved getting juice boxes and individual bags of microwave popcorn in their bags
  • I did p90x lean for a while, I love switching things up ... it really does work great
  • in the cardio section search "strength training" it will come up, then you can log your minutes
  • salsa - I add some beans and chicken ... SOOOOO yummy
  • I have not made this, but a friend did and she really liked this recipe I figure a greek yogurt based cheesecake can't be all bad, right?
  • if you got bored then I'd switch it up, do them both, and switch every other day (or week). I like to change things when I'm doing workout videos
  • cheese :smile: I can't think of anything else except lunch meats from the deli counter.
  • I would make a peanut butter, banana smoothie - use frozen bananas (or fresh if you want), some milk, peanut butter and greek yogurt (plain or vanilla), sweeten to your liking. You can easily add some chocolate if you want a nice treat :) it's so yummy
  • I've had to add a drink here or a bar there when I work out really hard (I'm not really hungry after a workout), I've found when I don't my body it hungrier the next day. but I'd love to know the answer
  • sometimes I sautee some onions and garlic then add rice and chicken broth, when it's done cooking I add drained black beans, some cumin and cayenne pepper, easy and yummy
  • my favorite, I don't follow the recipe anymore but it's pretty basic and YUM and I don't add noodles all the time, you can leave them out and add more veggies
  • honestly ... I wouldn't worry about it too much, UNLESS you know you'll get super hungry. BUT a peanut butter sandwich with a banana would be super yummy
  • go for a walk - find a double stroller or take the kids to the park, have baby on you and keep 4yo in sight while you walk around the playground
  • this is ME - and when I'm in the kitchen I just shovel stuff into my mouth, it's really bad, luckily it doesn't happen too often
  • for breakfast I usually have a piece of whole wheat bread with peanut butter, lunch changes daily but today I'm having a nice big salad with some cooked chicken breast
  • maybe some crockpot recipes are in order :)
  • the time of the month adds some pounds, don't be discouraged, for me it can add close to 10 pounds. did you take measurements? are your clothes fitting better? how's your stamina? I lost 40 lbs and have been gaining and losing the same 5 pounds (or so) for the last 6 months, it's annoying BUT I feel great, sleep well, and…
  • that was me, for a long time. you have to do one of two things ... either 1. find an exercise that you enjoy (I love zumba) or 2. just suck it up and do it (I've done this one many many many times). After a while the workouts just become part of your routine. Never in my life would I have thought I'd be one of those people…
  • the theory behind the calories is this ... your body needs a certain amount of energy (calories) each day, it is said the 1 pound is 3500 calories, if you put in mfp that you wanted to loose 1 pound a week it will give you a calorie count 500 calories less each day then what your body needs to maintain your weight, at the…
  • if you have a crockpot, I'd purchase dry beans and make it in the crockpot, freeze what you don't eat. popcorn kernels - put 2 tablespoons in a brown paper bag, roll the top a couple times and microwave it for a couple minutes yogurt - buy in larger containers and portion it out, you can buy plain and mix in jam or honey…
  • someone posted here last week that she didn't loose anything for months (6, I believe), she kept her calorie count in check and did her workouts, THEN she decided to increase sleep and get at least 7.5 hrs of sleep a night, she lost 14 pounds in 2 weeks. Just a theory, but I'm trying that one out, since I haven't budged in…
  • I guess I could be counted as one of them .... last time I went to purchase clothing I bought ONE pair of capris a size smaller then what I wear (my first time, honest) - I've been shrinking and I usually don't buy clothes until they're falling off. It's hanging in my closet right now, I can button it, but it doesn't look…
  • this would probably make your family happy ... unless you want to go and try lots of different kinds of loaves, this even looks like white bread, but it says it's white wheat