Just keep on working. Eventually you will see it.:happy:
get back on track. don't waste the money you spent.
I have had migraines for over a decade. Drink plenty water and STOP WORKING OUT WHEN IT HITS!
FOOD is my weakness. Food and boredom.
Definitely (coming from my physician hubby).
I don't know how I am going to feel but I know how I am going to look and I anticipate it. Recently my husband and I watched some videos of when I was pregnant, like the day before I was going to be induced. I was smaller then. I can't wait to get back to my pre-baby weight from NINE FRICKING YEARS AGO!
My weakness though is coldstone. OMG, Their sweet cream and birthday cake flavors. Their ice cream cupcakes. . . Created by - Free Calorie Counter
You got me babe!