mbastuk Member


  • Actually, been thinking the same thing...I was using my FITBIT for most workouts and for P90X, I was using to estimate calories burned. I knew the FITBIT would be off for some of the workouts but in general, it seemed reasonable. I got a Polar FT7 last week and I was shocked at how much higher it predicts…
  • I have had the same frustrations - high calorie burn but weight stays the same or slightly up....then I eat badly and the scale goes down ;-) Relative to Labrada products making a difference - I think the goal of the LBC was to get people into the mode of a "healthier" lifestyle. For most people that would include some…
  • I was actually thinking the same thing the other day - how is everyone doing? I'm in week 8 and have lost 15 lbs and about 3" from my midsection (measured at belly button). I actually went back and looked at my Lean Body results from 2011 and had lost more weight by this time but I was doing a lot of cardio as we were…
  • I'm like you...I was doing a basic gym workout similar to Lee's suggestion but it was challenging to balance the gym time with kids and travel so I started P90X since it is more home based and I can do most of it on the road in the motel. Less excuses too - feel too tired to drive to the gym, etc ;-)
  • I looked back and in the past month I have eaten 35-45% carbs...I'm a bit clueless about gluten free but couldnt you get "good" carbs with things like brown rice?
  • Wow...70% sounds high! I've always tried to stick in 50-60% range but have been raising my protein levels recently. I also read Lee's article on carbs - interesting. I know personally, if I go too low on carbs (i.e. Atkins), i feel terrible and have no energy...I lost little weight doing Atkins so it blew my mind when I…
  • One other thing I forgot is that I am trying to up my protein intake to 1 gm/ 1lb of weight (I think the formula is different for women)...I have read in numerous places that higher protein helps
  • My experience has been that everytime I have tried to lose weight, my body has reacted differently...When I was doing the gym/personal trainer method in '07, it took about a month before my body kicked and started to lose weight. It was really frustrating because I was eating right and working out. At one point, we…
  • A few other things I remembered.... + Take pictures every week or so - it's hard to see the progress when you look in the mirror every day...I did this back in 2011 and took pics about 1/2 way through the challenge + JUST DO SOMETHING...if you cant access a gym, do pushups...lift your kid..etc... + Find something that is…
  • Yes, he followed it to a "T" but one thing you will learn is that Labrada 's plan has two "versions"....The mainstream plan that you see on the website and challenge page is less aggressive - you still eat breads, have cheat meals, less calorie count focused, etc. Still a good plan and how I originally found out about…
  • appears that Vitamin Shoppe just significantly raised the prices on alot of the Labrada protein products...this is disappointing as they just opened a new store by me and it's convenient to just run by and pick stuff up. However, Amazon is carrying most of the products even cheaper than labrada's own website.
  • I went the "cheaper" route in 2011 and used Labrada's Ready to Drink Boxes and Meal Replacement but when I ran out of stuff, I would use Dymatize Protein Powder which was significantly cheaper. I forgot to mention if you order from Labrada's site, make sure you "join" the coaching club (which doesn't cost anything) but…
  • Forgot to mention that I did buy some of their HICA muscle growth stimulator today ( I'm always skeptical of most any type of supplement and cheap but I thought I would give it a shot ;-)
  • I use two of their products so far this year - the Lean Body Meal replacement powder - usually cheaper by the jug and the Lean Body Fat Burner pills....I've been using their products off and on for a number of years - their protein powders and nutrition bars are some of the best tasting out there. Definitely not the…
  • BTW, I started a LBC group - never used a group before on MFP (for that matter, I have don't much posting here even though I used the site for 5 yrs)
  • I hear ya on the weights...when I did the Challenge in 2011, I just basically watched my diet and did alot of running - lost weight but looked nothing like the winners of the I'm trying to get "pumped" up! But I go to the gym and watch the big boys move ALOT of weight and I feel like a weakling. One other…
  • They extended the registration from Jan 7th to Jan 21st....let's get more people signed up!!
  • I'm doing the Lean Body Challenge too...2nd time through after I lost alot of weight in 2010 but put it back on over the past two years. I started a "group" here on MFP Also, they started a Facebook page for the Challenge this year where you can…
  • We have set up a home gym because it wasn't practical to get to an actual gym which wasted money. We bought an elliptical, treadmill and hooked up the bike to a stationary trainer. For strength training, I went with Bodylastics resistance bands..I'm really happy with them - paid about $100 for the set - they are easy to…
  • Here is a good GPS / HRM for under $150... It's big and bulky but you aren't going to be wearing it out on the town!
  • I use Runkeeper if I am listening to my IPOD on the treadmill and use the Garmin watch for the different laps/intervals outdoors.. In terms of entering into MFP, I usually make two entries - look at my average pace and time for the (a) walk section and (b) run section....For example, if I did 20 min running @ 5 mph and 5…
  • Also, there are some podcasts which talk about the Galloway method ("The Extra Mile")...and some funny ones on running for normal..Check out "Two Gomers Run a Half-Marathon" and their followup on a full marathon...humorous to run to
  • That is the whole theory - even if you take periodic walk breaks, overall you do better...Their data says that people actually improve times because they run a better pace through out as opposed to fading at the end. For someone who couldn't run to the end of the block, it has been a huge help. I also got a Garmin GPS…
  • I have also taken up running as a way to accelerate my weight loss (along with eating healthy and watching calories). You might want to check out the Galloway Run-Walk-Run method..I'm experimenting with it and like it so far - I hated running prior to this. I've been doing it for 3 weeks and am getting addicted to running.…
  • There is a general item in MFP database for dry (look under quaker)...1/2 c dry is 150 calories