Overweight beginner runner training for first 1/2 marathon

I have signed up for the Ottawa half marathon run on May 29th. Previously I have done a few 5k runs. I am thinking this goal will motivate me to keep to a schedule of running that adds 1 mile each week. This week my long run is 4miles....which when completed will be my longest run yet. I am excited to do it, but scared I will not succeed. I missed my first run today and am going to try to make it up tomorrow (which was to be a rest day).

My goal is to completed the 1/2 running the whole way. If I happen to make it under 2 hours 30 minutes, that would be awesome.

Any thoughts/comments?


  • mbastuk
    mbastuk Posts: 34 Member
    I have also taken up running as a way to accelerate my weight loss (along with eating healthy and watching calories). You might want to check out the Galloway Run-Walk-Run method..I'm experimenting with it and like it so far - I hated running prior to this. I've been doing it for 3 weeks and am getting addicted to running. I did a run with a local group on Saturday - wasn't the fastest since I was running for 3 min and walking 1 min but I had fun and didn't die after the run!

  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    I started running a year ago, I have run 3 5K's, a 10K at home, a 5 mile run with an olympic marathoner (Ryan Hall) and just completed my first half this past Sunday. Before the half my longest run was a 10K. You can finish the half, trust me. My course was the worst around, very hilly and I developed a knee injury by mile 4. I completed it in 3:14:46, and did a ton more walking than I wanted to. I have already planned my next half for November. I need to take my training mre serious, and now I know how important that is. Here is my blog on my half experience. You will be addicted and want to run more! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/LaraeTX/view/austin-half-marathon-74343
  • cmarie01
    cmarie01 Posts: 7 Member
    I will definately check out the Galloway Run-Walk. Do either of you find you can go farther by running entirely or walk running?
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    I will definately check out the Galloway Run-Walk. Do either of you find you can go farther by running entirely or walk running?

    My knee only bothered me when I ran, so for that particiular race I could go farther by walking, but normally I go further running.
  • stockers78
    stockers78 Posts: 22 Member
    You will definitely be able to do it! I did my first two years ago and it seemed so big at the time. Just done my fourth and found it so much easier! Mix up your training - do some hills and some intervals (short fast runs with slow jogging in between). There's some good training plans online - try Runners World.
  • mbastuk
    mbastuk Posts: 34 Member
    I will definately check out the Galloway Run-Walk. Do either of you find you can go farther by running entirely or walk running?

    That is the whole theory - even if you take periodic walk breaks, overall you do better...Their data says that people actually improve times because they run a better pace through out as opposed to fading at the end. For someone who couldn't run to the end of the block, it has been a huge help. I also got a Garmin GPS watch to ensure that my pace wasn't took quick (which was another key issue). I'm currently running 3 min and walking 1 min with the running being at 11:30 min/mile pace (definitely not setting any land speed records!)

    Check out Galloway's books - there is one specifically on Half and also one called Marathon You Can Do it. they discuss the theory and then give you training programs.....I also really liked the "Marathoning for Mortals" by John Bingham. It borrows alot from Galloway's theories and also lays out programs...
  • mbastuk
    mbastuk Posts: 34 Member
    Also, there are some podcasts which talk about the Galloway method ("The Extra Mile")...and some funny ones on running for normal..Check out "Two Gomers Run a Half-Marathon" and their followup on a full marathon...humorous to run to
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    I started out with the couch to 5k app/website when I first started running a few months ago. It really helped get me on track. Now I have an app called Runkeeper which lets me set my own intervals. Currently I run 5 mins walk 1 minute and repeat this five times. Working on improving my time now and seeing how far I go in 40mins.

    Question: how do you log these sorts of exercises? I usually average out my pace (11-12mph, including 5min warm up and then 5 min cool down) and then plug it in to MFP. I'm not sure if this is the most accurate way to do it though. I don't have a HRM. Thoughts?
  • mbastuk
    mbastuk Posts: 34 Member
    I use Runkeeper if I am listening to my IPOD on the treadmill and use the Garmin watch for the different laps/intervals outdoors.. In terms of entering into MFP, I usually make two entries - look at my average pace and time for the (a) walk section and (b) run section....For example, if I did 20 min running @ 5 mph and 5 min @ 3 mph, I would enter them separately to get the total...

    I actually don't pay attention to HR that much at this point - I really wanted it predominately for pace and distance. If you enter your info into the watch, it does calculate calorie burn...It's typically a little higher than I get from MFP.

    Assuming MFP is correct, here is the calorie burn vs. MPH
    MPH / Cal/Min
    6 / 13
    5.5 / 12
    5 / 10
    4.5 / 8
    4 / 6
    3.5 / 5
    3 / 4
  • mbastuk
    mbastuk Posts: 34 Member
    Here is a good GPS / HRM for under $150...


    It's big and bulky but you aren't going to be wearing it out on the town!