Closest to me! July 24th! Nice you know about the cusp!
Fantastic!! You look amazing!!
My tatt that I got in honor of my Grandmother and Mother's memories. The bunny and birdie are from a book that my Grandmother bought me and my sister, that my Mother used to read to us every night. :o) Love and miss them both very much <3<3
Wooow! Incredible job!! What an inspiration!!
Nothing that you mention was funny at all, and I am glad that I don't know the people who would find something like that humorous. Congrats on dropping 73lbs!! That's absolutely ahhh-mazing!! What an inspiration! :o)
Get Him to the Greek
Tina Fey
Thank you!! Half the people responding to this question are saying no, but you are on a website for weight loss... doesn't make sense.
Yeah, I would... why not? As long as they have the qualities I am looking for then who the hell cares. Besides they could possibly turn out to be a workout buddy and a great motivator.
1.) Music from itunes 2.) The beginning of GCB 3.) Nothing I am on bed rest
Wow that's horrible!! It sucks that you don't know where they are, but most of the time people post what school they go to and what not, so that could help in talking to a teacher or something. Also, if you can get to see her profile (probably through your SD's) she more than likely has her parents listed in the family…
I saw this earlier today!! So sweet and sad at the same time!! Makes me think of the movie Hatchi: A Dogs Tale. Super sweet/sad movie based on a true story... if you watch it you're gonna wanna have to pet close by to hug. :o)
It's actually really cool. Check it out,
Thank you! I needed that!
You look absolutely incredible!! Keep up the work!! :o)
It isn't really considered a horror flick, but I really like Strangeland. Most of the new horror flicks suck, Two B "horror" flicks to watch are Thankskilling and Zombie Strippers... Those crack me up, You should give them a chance. :o)
Mine IS a chick named Tabby, yes she does still support me, and she is AWESOME!!
Hahahahahaha that's hilarious!
Hahahahaha that's hilarious!
I agree with you 100%. Although, I do get irked when people don't know how to use English properly, but we will never win this battle.
Hahahaha!! THANK YOU!!! That's was totally awesome!! I am a grammar and spelling Nazi too, BUT in the misspellers defense, Swype and talk to text can really screw your words up. :o) Bravo though, I like this.
Love it!! This is totally what I would do too! :o)
My closet. Hmm... At least I can hie for a little while.
WTG!! Awesome job girl!!!
I do!! I do!! :o)
Completely agree with you!! Sometimes I feel like a spelling and grammar nazi. hahaha It's very aggravating.
You've came to a great place! I have made some great friendships and received tons of support from this site!
I would LOVE more aupport and to be able to give some more as well! I'm not the best, and I do need a talkin' to every once and awhile, but it's nice to have people that won't give up on me or let me give up on myself!
Okay cool. What I was reading was basically saying that false negatives are not common. I did buy a two pack and was going to wait a little longer and take the other one, Thank all of you for responding!! I really appreciate it. I actually haven't had my cycle, but I think that it because of working out stress and weight…
I have a lot of stretch marks on my stomach from gaining and losing as well. I saw a lot of reviews for StriVectin and was lucky to run across a bottle for free (it's kinda expensive), and this stuff really does work! You can find it at several different places, but the price stays the same... I'm just gonna get my next…