Cpollard6608 Member


  • I consistently will walk extra or run a short run to justify the ice cream I am about to shove in my face.
  • Depending upon the time that you put the fitbit on, it will account for the calories burned through your BMR. Additionally, I have found that the longer that the fitbit is worn, the more accurate the calories burnt become. I upgraded from the force to the surge and was not impressed at first, but after 2 weeks the numbers…
  • Best of luck to you and your SO, but my wife and I went through this last year. The injections are terrifying at first, but suddenly become very easy. I know my wife had her struggles with the raging hormones etc and the stigma attached to IVF at first, but we have a beautiful and healthy son and that is all that matters.…
  • I try to eat as much as possible, but given my schedule as of late, I haven't been able to. For example, I wake up with my son at 2:30 for a feeding, then back up at 5:40 to run and get ready for work. I teach, so my planning time is 8:15-8:45 during which I am not hungry so i don't eat. My lunch time is 1:20-1:45 and then…
  • Also, I should note that I will see a jump in weight on days that I eat my full maintenance, but is that mainly water? For example I want to weigh 195, and days that I eat the full allotment of calories I will see my weight jump as high as 203, depending upon what I eat. So then I feel inclined to restrict calories to…
  • I know that this is a point of contention here, but should I be eating back exercise calories? I use a fitbit and routinely overachieve my steps by a good deal (17,000) steps per day and I run about 15-20 miles a week. I have my calories set on lightly active as well, if that helps. Also, could lack of quality sleep have…
  • I have very flat feet, but I also supinate or roll outwards. Due to this, I had tremendous trouble finding the appropriate shoes for my running style. I was always told support shoes for overweight flat footed people, but the structure in the arch pushed me too far outside. It wasn't until I went to a running shoe store…
  • I may be way off here, but if you are having a company deliver and prepare food for you, it may be higher in sodium than you think. Often times prepared food is saturated with sodium even if no additional salt is included in the prep. Also, your body is working double time to repair tissue from C-Section and retain all…
  • Everyone has an opinion about energy drinks, but if they work in your diet they are fine in moderation. The only thing that will probably happen is that your appetite will be further suppressed and you may find yourself losing more weight. I enjoy the carb-free rockstar punch!
  • Hello!! I am not new here, but have not really gotten around to adding friends etc. So, please add me if you would like! I am currently in my maintenance phase, expecting my first son this week and have lost 115+ pounds! I would love to help out anyone I can!
  • I will try to help out the best I can and am only speaking from personal experience. I started running as a means to lose weight and eventually ran a half this past April. I often struggled with the caloric balance of feeling famished and still losing weight. I personally did not believe in a low-carb approach to weight…
  • I had the Flex and now have the Force, which has been discontinued. I love both of them and the fact that they are wrist-worn, which makes it impossible for me to lose them in the wash etc. For me, I personally look at them for tracking my activity on a daily basis, but it also serves as a memorandum for me to stay the…
    in FitBit Comment by Cpollard6608 June 2014
  • I plan on running a 5 mile race that morning, but my best friend's wedding is the next day and the rehearsal dinner is the night before at Great Lakes Brewery. So, I am treating this as a vacation of sorts and am not going to try and track my meals and just enjoy the week. I know that I have done this long enough to have…
  • Outstanding progress!! My fastest 5k came two weeks ago with a 22:14 time and I completed a half in April with a time of 1:51
  • I cannot speak the accuracy and effectiveness of the Up, but I have owned a Fitbit Flex and Force and loved both! I hate that the Force was discontinued, but they were both accurate, dependable and wonderful gadgets!
  • YES YES YES YES YES!!!! You absolutely can do this! I am living proof of this! I played football (offensive linemen) through high school and college and then progressively became morbidly obese at 315 pounds. I started with the C25k program about a year and a half ago with the intention of keeping up with my wife in a 2…
  • The first 5k I ever ran, and ran the whole time, was 34:15. I also used the C25k program, and I just ran a 5k two weeks ago at 22:14. Like others have said, keep on working and the time will take care of itself. Build your mileage first, then worry about the time! Keep up the good work!
  • I struggle with this myself, and am still trying to figure out what to do. I have been losing weight for the past year and a half (116 pounds total), and am down to 195. While I always thought if I hit 195 I would have the abs and solid body etc. but it didn't happen. Now I am constantly trying to figure out what to do, as…
  • I love this thread! I started running about a year or so ago as a means to lose weight. I started with the C25K program and have progressed rapidly. I am in the middle of a 40 day challenge to run at least one mile per day, which has proven to be difficult with squats and deadlifts. However, I would love to have some other…
  • FWIW, this guy's transformation is totally possible for everyone on here. I followed his instructions to a T and have ended up losing around 115 pounds myself. He was one of my groomsmen in my wedding so when I saw the initial results, I immediately wanted to do the same thing. Again, we both were around 315 pounds when we…
  • I think if you are logging significant miles 20+ a week, then it is worthwhile to get fitted for a proper running shoe, and you will probably spend more than $100. However, general light running and cardio will allow you to buy a lower level shoe but be sure you get the right kind. For example, when I started C25K I…