

  • I start Week 2 tonight!!!! And.....got some good running shoes for Mother's Day. Bring it on!!
  • SW - 153 CW - 145.5 GW (goal weight for the month of May) - 140.5 UGW: (Ultimate goal weight) - 130 5/1/12 – 145.5 5/7/12 – 143.5 5/14/12 – 142.0 A pound and a half to go for May.... NSV - Finished Week 1 of C25K....bought new running shoes for Mother's Day. :happy:
  • Just finished Week 1-Day 2 and feeling pretty good. How is everyone doing?
  • Oatmeal and lowfat cottage cheese with fruit
  • Bump....great topic. Thanks!
  • I just started something very similar....it might be the same, but I'm not sure. The app is called "Ease into 5K." I believe it's the same concept, at least. I will be doing Week 1-Day 2 tonight and would love to have some support with this. Anyone participating is welcome to add me. Thanks!
  • I so agree with the above poster that goal weight is based on many factors - especially body frame and bone structure. I will be 50 this year and my goal weight is 130, although I was 120-125 earlier in life. As I have gotten older, it was so easy to jump up towards and a little above 150, but I was eating anything and…
  • SW - 153 CW - 145.5 GW (goal weight for the month of May) - 140.5 UGW: (Ultimate goal weight) - 130 5/1/12 – 145.5 5/7/12 – 143.5
  • SW - 153 CW - 145.5 GW (goal weight for the month of May) - 140.5 UGW: (Ultimate goal weight) - 130 Let's do this thing. I was very happy with my loss last month, but feel May will be a little tougher, since I will be on vacation for a week. Stay focused, stay focused, stay focused! :wink:
  • CW - 153 GW (by the end of April) - 148 GW (final) - 130 4/1 - 153 pounds 4/8 – 150 (NSV – not eating any of the chocolate I bought to give to my family…this is huge for me) 4/15 – 148.5 4/22 – 145.5 (NSV – having a lot more energy, which means being very productive around the house) 4/30 – 145.5 – Met my goal, but didn’t…
  • CW - 153 GW (by the end of April) - 148 GW (final) - 130 4/1 - 153 pounds 4/8 – 150 (NSV – not eating any of the chocolate I bought to give to my family…this is huge for me) 4/15 – 148.5 4/22 – 145.5 (NSV – having a lot more energy, which means being very productive around the house) 4/30
  • CW - 153 GW (by the end of April) - 148 GW (final) - 130 4/1 - 153 pounds 4/8 – 150 (NSV – not eating any of the chocolate I bought to give to my family…this is huge for me) 4/15 – 148.5 (NSV - someone told me I looked at least 10 years younger than I am...YES!) 4/22 4/30
  • SW - 153 GW (by the end of April) - 148 GW (final) - 130 4/1 - 153 pounds 4/8 – 150 (NSV – not eating any of the Easter chocolate I bought to give to my family…this is huge for me) 4/15 4/22 4/30
  • I'm so in....just getting back on the wagon after falling off for close to a year. Since I am new (again), I don't have any NSV's yet, but hope to have some by the end of the month. :smile: CW - 153 GW (by the end of April) - 148 GW (final) - 130 4/1 - 153 pounds 4/8 4/15 4/22 4/30 Good luck to everyone!
  • Going to float the river this weekend, so I don't expect to be very good with all the drinking that will be going on....maybe I will mix my bourbon with "diet coke." :wink: Goal Weight for August 1st: 130 July 1st (starting weight): 133.5 July 8th: 136.5 July 15th: 137.5 July 22nd: 135.5 July 29th: August 1st:
  • I exercised four times this past week (after not exercising for at least two months) and even ate like I was supposed to....something's going on with my body that I don't like, because I really should not have gained a pound. I will keep trying though.... Goal Weight for August 1st: 130 July 1st (starting weight): 133.5…
  • I have been soooo bad, as the weight shows. We are going tubing in 2 weeks, so I am going to really try to buckle down. Goal Weight for August 1st: 130 July 1st (starting weight): 133.5 July 8th: 136.5 July 15th: July 22nd: July 29th: August 1st:
  • This is my final weigh-in for the month - 133.5. I gained 3 pounds, but look forward to the July challenge. Looking forward to seeing everyone int he July post!!
  • Since I sucked this month at the challenge...Gained 3 pounds! I am definitely in for the July challenge. Goal Weight for August 1st: 130 July 1st (starting weight): 133.5 July 8th: July 15th: July 22nd: July 29th: August 1st:
  • Back to my starting weight.....I'm happy, especially after eating like a mad woman the last couple of weeks.! Goal Weight for July 1st: 130.0 June 1st (starting weight): 130.5 June 8th: 131.0 June 15th: 130.5 June 22nd: June 29th: July 1st:
  • Final weigh-in: 131.0 A pound off, but I'll take it! Great job to everyone over the last 12 weeks! Keep up the good work!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Going the wrong way, but I haven't been up to exercising for the past two weeks, so not too bad. I'm just ready to start feeling better and get back on track. Goal Weight for July 1st: 130.0 June 1st (starting weight): 130.5 June 8th: 131.0 June 15th: June 22nd: June 29th: July 1st:
  • Sorry I missed the weigh-in....the first and only one I missed, but I will be back on the 9th. Good luck everyone!!!
  • Hope everyone had a great weekend! I am still trying to get over this bronchitis after two weeks and after not exercising or eating right and taking steroids, the scales were not pretty this morning. I still have 3 more days to take the medication and am hoping I can stop shoving food in my mouth. I am definitely needing…
  • I'm joining to get past that final half-pound and have someone to be accountable to. I know you will help me with that, pinkprincess. Thanks for all your support! Goal Weight for July 1st: 130.0 June 1st (starting weight): 130.5 June 8th: June 15th: June 22nd: June 29th: July 1st:
  • That half pound gain must be the steroids I'm taking for my bronchitis....that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Goal Weight for May 1st: 130.0 May 1st (starting weight): 133.5 May 8th: 134.0 May 15th: 135.5 May 22nd: 131.5 May 29th: 130.0 June 1st: 130.5
  • This challenge has been wonderful. Newmeat, you have gone above and beyond on your charts and keeping us informed and motivated. Since I have met my goal weight during this challenge, I will be trying to maintain going forward (and toning) and guess I won't be participating in the next 12-week challenge. I'm going to miss…
  • Made my goal weight...yea!!!! :) Just wish I felt better...have not felt well for over a week now and really tired of it. :( See you on the 1st. Goal Weight for May 1st: 130.0 May 1st (starting weight): 133.5 May 8th: 134.0 May 15th: 135.5 May 22nd: 131.5 May 29th: 130.0 June 1st
  • I have been sick all week and then had to have a procedure done this morning and couldn't eat anything all day yesterday. Not the way I wanted to lose the rest of my weight, plus some, but it is what it is. Just hope it doesn't all come back once I'm hungry again. I know I changed my final weight, but did not expect to get…
  • How could I have forgotten this one...my husband's grandmother gave each family one Christmas a portable urinal - the kind that truckers take on the road so they don't have to stop to go to the bathroom. She thought that was the best gift, because we had each just bought vans and that way we wouldn't have to stop on our…