Lose 5 Pounds in April Challenge



  • janiscurry
    janiscurry Posts: 109
    CW - 153
    GW (by the end of April) - 148
    GW (final) - 130

    4/1 - 153 pounds
    4/8 – 150 (NSV – not eating any of the chocolate I bought to give to my family…this is huge for me)
    4/15 – 148.5 (NSV - someone told me I looked at least 10 years younger than I am...YES!)
  • scoutit
    scoutit Posts: 36
    CW 134.4
    GW: 125

    4/1 - 134.4
    4/8 - 133.2
    4/15-132 2.4 pounds off at the halfway mark...
  • Msmonique1982
    Msmonique1982 Posts: 50 Member

    NSV - Didnt eat the sweets from the Sweets lady at work.

    4/9 - 246
    4/16 - 244
  • heathernz
    heathernz Posts: 68 Member
    Hi everyone - I am Heather from New Zealand and I love having these challenges to check in with.

    SW 160
    CW 140.8
    GW for April: 136
    GW 121

    I also weigh in on Mondays...
    4/2 - 140.8
    4/9 - 140.2
    4/16 - 139.1
    4/23 -
    4/30 -

    Doing it primal :)
  • NSV: Finished that 10K on Saturday!
    SW 150
    GW: 145
    4/2: 150
    4/9: 148.6
    4/16: 148.4
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    You all inspire me!! I wish I could reply to each and every one of you, but that would make this WAY too long. So many victories, so many pounds falling off. Love hearing the NSV's you all have. And for those of you stalled or frustrated because the scale won't move as fast as you'd like - you STILL are being victorious because you are taking care of you - being healthier, stronger, ready to live longer and take the world by storm!

    My NSV today - Stood up straight, sucked it in, looked down and SAW MY TOES!!! Whew - that's been awhile!
  • Aleara2012
    Aleara2012 Posts: 225 Member
    SW 207
    CW 186,7
    GW: 181

    4/1 185,4
    4/9 183
    4/15 181 (yay, reached my monthly goal mid month!)
  • yasdnilear
    yasdnilear Posts: 78 Member
    5 pounds down!

    SW: 212
    CW: 195
    April GW: 194

    Weigh in days:
    4/1 - 200
    4/8 - 198
    4/15 - 195
  • :smile: Weigh in is Friday
  • jolenemp
    jolenemp Posts: 12
    Silly NSV = I didn't have dessert with dinner last nite, which is difficult because I love chocolate. I just drank water instead.

    CW 160.4
    GW: 145.0

    4/2 = n/a
    4/9 = n/a
    4/16 = 160.4
    4/23 =
    4/30 =
  • battjesar
    battjesar Posts: 2 Member
    NSV: Wearing pants I haven't worn since BEFORE I was pregnant!

    CW 351
    GW 344 (by end of April)

    Weigh days
    4/9 350.6
    4/16 345.4
  • angenz
    angenz Posts: 51 Member

    Name: Ange
    Current Weight: 57.7kg (127.7lb)
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 54kg (119lb) - I am only 5ft 1" so please don't think this is a stupid goal
    Goal for April: 55.5kg (122lb)

    Weekly Weigh-Ins:
    4/4: 57.7kg
    11/4: 58.5kg
    18/4: 58.2kg

    Goal for April: Would like to fit my bum into my small black jeans from GAP (US size 4)

    11/4: 58.2kg (128lb)
    NSV for this week: Not over-eating when I've been stressed out doing statistics
  • kerenvaknin
    kerenvaknin Posts: 169 Member
    Name: Keren
    CW: 128.6
    goal for April: 126
    NSV - this is my first week in MFP after a long period, So I don't have one yet. I promise to share when I do :)

    18/4 - 128.6
    23/4 -
    30/4 -
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    CW ~ 223
    GW ~ 215 For April

    4/2 ~ 223
    4/9 ~ 219.5
    4/16 ~ 216.5
    4/23 ~
    4/30 ~

    Sorry! Forgot to post Monday...
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    CW 201.2
    GW: 196.0
    4/1 201.2
    4/5 199.4!!!!! I made it ton ONE-DERLAND!!!!!
    4/8 198.8
    4/15 198.0
    4/17 197.4 (couldn't resist!)

    Loss - 3.8
    Silly NSV - my feet got skinny and my cool sandals are too loose!

    My weight goal reward (WGR): going on a horseback ride once I am under 200!
    NSV - at the trail run event on Saturday they were out of the shirtsize I wanted so had to get a medium instead of a large - IT FIT!
    NSV - I bought size 12 dresses yesterday (started between a 20 and a 22!)

    What is your WGR for April?
  • NSV: Even though my walking buddy (my mom) was busy I still went for a 2 mile walk by myself after dinner
    CW: 202.4
    GW: 197 (5 lbs at a time)
    GW: 160 (weight I want to be... eventually)
    4/15: 202.4
  • NSV: I've run out of holes on my belt.

    CW: 216
    April GW: 208

    Weigh in days:
    4/1 - 216
    4/8 - 217
    4/15 - 217

    (Wish I could just edit my original post, but here's an update with my April 1st weight and slightly adjusted goal.)

    Whoops. Forgot to log last week. Probably because my results weren't thrilling. I had an AWSOME week before my second weight in, but gained a pound. I then had a drinking-heavy bachelorette weekend before my third weigh in and didn't gain or lose anything. That last one is expected, or better than expected, but still, now I REALLY want to push past 216.
  • belle_74
    belle_74 Posts: 954 Member
    My update after week 3 on April 2012 Challenge:

    Weight at start of challenge: 159
    CW: 155
    GW: 154

    4/4 : 158 (-1)
    4/11: 157 (-1)
    4/18: 155 (-2)

    4 down, 1 to go :wink:

    NSV I have just completed my 5K training plan & signed up for a 5K in 2.5 weeks time! I also got a chance to run outside for the first time! I was a little slower than I normally would be on the treadmill at the gym but that is to be expected. I still managed to do 4 miles in 40 minutes so I was pretty pleased! Hopefully I will get a few more runs in outside before the actual run.

    Well done to everyone this week! Keep up the good work!
  • kallsar
    kallsar Posts: 5
    CW: 142.4
    GW: 137.4

    4/1 - 142.4
    4/8 - 144.4
    4/13 - 141.4
    4/22 -
    4/30 -

    I have finals going on so I am tiny puny easy on myself.
  • Shizam
    Shizam Posts: 3
    New to MFP and this is the first time I have tried any of these topics. I'd like to try.

    NSV: Got to the gym for 3 classes this week (so far) and walked every day. My daily walking was thanks to the new puppy at home.

    CW: 163.2
    GW: 158 ( by the end of April)
    (End)GW: 140 lbs... **sigh** haven't seen that number since 1993.

    4/2 = 164
    4/4 = 163.2
    4/11=161.6 (thanks to my family being down and out with the flu I get to eat the food I should eat and not what they want... thank you flue bug!)
    4/18=163.4 (sigh** bad weekend with anniversary parties and eating out events... will do better next week!)