Lose 5 Pounds in May Challenge



  • rikwaynik
    rikwaynik Posts: 724 Member
    Joining Late - Need this challenge

    SW: 239
    CW: 234 (May 11)
    GW: 229
    UGW: 170

    May 1st - 235
    May 4th - 234.8
    May 11th - 234

    Good luck all!
  • tau_sigma
    tau_sigma Posts: 5
    SW (for May challenge): 107 kg
    CW: 104 kg
    GW (May challenge): 105 kg
    UGW: 60 kg

    ... So, I've passed my May goal already. Not sure how this happened, as I am definitely not starving myself, and I'm staying late at work too often to get some decent exercise in (or, indeed, any!).

    No NSVs, but I think I should set a NSG of getting that exercise in!
  • My stat as of today

    SW: 130
    CW: 123.5
    GW: 118.5
    UTGW: 110

    1st May: 123.5
    7th May: 123.0
    14th May: 122.0
    21st May:
    28th May:

    great job!
  • Rabbitfeet
    Rabbitfeet Posts: 92 Member
    Sigh had such a binge weekend! I gained 2lbs these things happen. I am being so good this week. Hopefully them 2 lbs will be gone again by friday! :)
  • MoreThanMommie
    MoreThanMommie Posts: 597 Member
    SW ~ 241.5
    CW ~ 213.5 - as of 5/1
    GW ~ 203.5
    UTG ~ 135

    I weigh on Monday's

    5/1 ~ 213.5
    5/7 ~ 215 (Don't know what happened. I was really good this week. sad )
    5/14 ~ 215 (GRR!!)
  • cckeimig
    cckeimig Posts: 194 Member
    Name/ real name: cckeimig/Christina

    Goal weight on May 31st : 127

    5/01: 137.6
    5/07: 137.2
    5/14: 136.2 (ToM and a big dinner last night...I'd actually dropped further than this by mid-week last week!)
  • sarahkraus1982
    sarahkraus1982 Posts: 140 Member
    These challenges are so motivating! They help me keep my weight loss in perspective!

    SW: 210.4
    CW: 177.6
    GW: 172.6
    UGW: 135

    05/01/12 - 177.6
    05/7/12 - 174.6
    05/14/12 - 176.8 :noway:
    05/21/12 -
    05/28/12 -

    Bad week I guess....back at it this week!!!
  • srl2673
    srl2673 Posts: 23 Member
    Name/ real name: srl2673/Sonya

    Goal weight on May 31st : 205

    5/01: 214
    5/07: 212
    5/14: 211
  • sjflowers
    sjflowers Posts: 148
    Name/ real name: sjflowers/ Stephanie

    Goal weight on May 31st : 160

    5/01: 165.4
    5/07: 165
    5/14: 164.8
  • abbysmom814
    abbysmom814 Posts: 103 Member
    Hey Everyone!! I had a much better week last week. I had an awesome NSV. I had to move my belt over to the last hole!! WOO HOO!!!! Time to buy a new belt! :)

    SW 196
    CW 187.5
    GW 181
    UTG: 160

    My weigh in days are Mondays
    5/1: 187.5
    5/7: 187.7 :-P Stupid scale! Focusing on the water this week!
    5/14: 186.3 That is MUCH better!! Going back in the right direction!
  • janiscurry
    janiscurry Posts: 109
    SW - 153
    CW - 145.5
    GW (goal weight for the month of May) - 140.5
    UGW: (Ultimate goal weight) - 130
    5/1/12 – 145.5
    5/7/12 – 143.5
    5/14/12 – 142.0

    A pound and a half to go for May....

    NSV - Finished Week 1 of C25K....bought new running shoes for Mother's Day. :happy:
  • Tangerine16
    Tangerine16 Posts: 44 Member
    SW 155
    CW 132 (28 April)
    GW 127
    UTG: 126?

    28 April: 132
    7th May: 133 (oh dear)
    14 May: 133 (again - think I might be maintaining here!)
  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    SW 242
    CW 196.8
    GW 191.8
    UTG: 180

    5/8 197.8 Hate these weight plateaus!! Time to change something up.
    5/14 196.8 Still in a plateau. 1/2 marathon training in progress.


    My NSV - finally got to ride a horse for the first time in many, MANY years after getting my weight under 200. In many places there are weight restrictions, more strict for women than men, on being able to rent a horse for a ride.
  • traveller888
    traveller888 Posts: 79 Member
    SW in December - 166
    SW on MFP - 160
    CW -145.3
    GW - 140
    UGW - 135
    5/4/12 - 144.6 (-.7 lbs total)
    5/11/12 - 143.3 ( -2lbs. total)
    6/1/12 - total!
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member

    SW - 154.5
    CW - 145
    GW - 139.5 (END OF MAY)
    UGW - 130

    May 4 - 146.8
    May 11 - 145
    May 18
    May 25
  • jonnyb62
    jonnyb62 Posts: 426

    SW 216.5
    CW 186.2
    GW 181
    UGW ??? Originally was 172, but I'm re-evaluating this

    5/1/2012: 186.2
    5/8/2012: 185.5
    5/15/2012: 187.0 :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • Frannybobs
    Frannybobs Posts: 741 Member
    Been a strange month so far. A weight gain when I was expecting a loss, and then a stomach bug which knocked me for nearly a week. I'm hoping for a more steady second half of the month!!

    1st May = 177.6
    5th May = 178.8 (+1.2)
    12th May = 177.6 (-1.2)

    So so far I've been maintaining. Hey ho. Onwards and downwards!!

    Keep it up everyone :)
  • Goal_Driven
    Goal_Driven Posts: 371 Member
    SW: 168 - Before MFP, 162 - Start of MFP
    CW (5/1): 154
    GW: 148-149
    UTG: 130-140

    5/8: 153 (-1)
    5/15: 153 (+/- 0)

    Hmm I'm gonna have to kick it up to lose 4 more lbs in two weeks......
  • foxfireash
    foxfireash Posts: 24
    SW: 214.6
    CW: 208.4
    GW: 203 (or maybe 199???!!!)
    UTGW: 160

    1st May: 208.4
    7th May: 207.6
    15th May: 204.6
    21st May:
    28th May:
  • SkinnyPennyNow
    SkinnyPennyNow Posts: 10 Member
    SW (start weight, optional) – 163
    CW (current weight) – 158
    GW (goal weight for the month of May – 153
    UTG: (Ultimate goal weight) – 150
    05/01/2012 – 158
    05/08/2012 – 159 – I know this is the wrong direction, but we had a great visit with awesome friends. I took the weekend off, but am ready to jump back on that horse!!! My NSV was not for me, but for my husband – he went on his first motorcycle ride with friends this weekend – unfortunately we celebrated with too much food, but it was a great time!!
    05/15/2012 – 158 – NSV – got rid of some clothes that I just shouldn't wear (wrong color & some that are too large)!
    05/22/2012 –
    05/29/2012 –