Lose 5 Pounds in May Challenge

This challenge is to give us a target, motivate, encourage and celebrate our achievements on our journey to health. Originally started by tcasmey (who can resume leadership when she returns to MFP), this is an open group to all.

Here's how it works:
Sign on that you are participating in the challenge, give your stats, weigh in dates.
Come back on each weigh in date and let us know how you are doing. Even if it is not a positive week, let us know so we can encourage you.
It really worked last month to post what your recent NSV (non scale victory) was, so let's keep it up!

Here's the pattern:
SW (start weight, optional)
CW (current weight)
GW (goal weight for the month of May
UTG: (Ultimate goal weight)

See you in May!
