AZCycle Member


  • I have Celiac Disease (diagnosed three years ago), along with some thyroid issues (associated with CD) and recently, and egg allergy. I'm happy to answer any questions you have. Feel free to "friend" me and PM me anytime. One benefit of starting so young is that she'd probably respond to the diet and lifestyle change well.…
  • I have celiac disease (been diagnosed for three years) and I've also recently become allergic to eggs, too. While I understand your pain, don't make drastic diet changes before a big test like that. You need to be eating what you always eat so the test(s) can pick up any abnormalities from your diet. Good luck!
  • Like everyone said: It's about calories in and calories out. If you stay in a calorie deficit, you'll lose weight. That said, there is a big difference in 300 calories of Cheetos and 300 calories of a healthy food (3 medium apples is 300 calories). You'll be able to eat a lot MORE good, healthy food that keeps your hunger…
  • I'm not sure guilty is the right term when I've made a bad food choice, but afterwards I do certainly feel upset with myself for "caving" and making a bad decision. But it's not really guilt. But now that I'm making a more conscious choice to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and watch my calories/fat/protein/carbs ... I…
  • I'm "down" to three. - Titus Switchblade (long-travel all-mountain/trail bike) - KHS softtail converted to single-speed. - Fuji Roubaix road bike Though a friend of mine is selling his old, mid 80's Trek road bike. I think I'm going to buy it and set it up as a commuter. Tired of putting a seatpost rack and panniers on my…
  • Nothing annoys me more than seeing "significant others" left behind on rides. I see this so often and can't imagine ever doing that to my wife. So I'm glad you found a guy that won't do that!
  • I was an avid cyclist (both road and mountain but mostly mtb) after I went through a heart-breaking divorce. It was what kept me sane. I'd get 150+ miles in/week and lived that lifestyle. When I met my NEW wife, mileage decreased a bit just because I wasn't the only one to think about, but I still got a lot of miles in.…
  • I know some folks who ride Tuesday-Thursday to work, and drive on Mondays and Fridays. On Monday they basically take a week's worth of clothing and leave it at work. You still have to change at work, but at least you don't have to drag a set of work clothes to/from work every day. Then on Friday, bring it all back home for…