Guilt after eating...



  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    Guilt when eating? Never. You may want to re-examine your relationship with food and/or get some professional assistance in the matter.


    Food is to enjoy. The best thing in life is a good meal with good company.

    It is not any single food ( or group of foods) that is makes one fat. Like many have posted already, it is the total calories you eat.

    I must say since tracking every day, every snack and every meal, I am enjoying all my food much more and I am slowly losing weight (2 lbs a week). LOL -- if anything I am enjoying some foods more. I know i am eating more chocolate ... well almost... I am eating smaller amounts of superior chocolate more frequently (for example I had a moonstruck truffle after lunch today).

  • AZCycle
    AZCycle Posts: 9 Member
    I'm not sure guilty is the right term when I've made a bad food choice, but afterwards I do certainly feel upset with myself for "caving" and making a bad decision. But it's not really guilt. But now that I'm making a more conscious choice to eat healthy, exercise regularly, and watch my calories/fat/protein/carbs ... I find I CAN eat those bad foods in moderation and not feel bad at all. I can walk away from sweets all day long, but if you put a bowl of salty, crunchy chips in front of me I could eat the entire bag (and not a snack-bag, either). But it's okay to enjoy those IN MODERATION.

    But when I look at the caloric breakdown, I think: I can have 10 corn chips or a huge amount of a GOOD food that makes me just as satisfied.

    When you go to eat something, ask yourself: Will eating this make me feel guilty/bad/regretful afterwards? Can I eat a TINY bit and be satisfied with that?
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    The only time I feel guilty eating something is when it's something that tastes nasty like the Almond Dream (new brand of yogurts) & O'Soy Yogurts from Stonyfield & I think about all the wasted calories I used.
  • LosingItForGood13
    LosingItForGood13 Posts: 182 Member
    No you will have some good days some bad days but you just pick up where you left off from and not continue with the bad eating catch it and continue with your getting your body right journey
  • NinjadURbacon
    NinjadURbacon Posts: 395 Member
    Never have guilt, i just call it a treat (as long as i get a workout in).
  • 1_step_at_a_time
    1_step_at_a_time Posts: 4 Member
    Yes, I do feel guilty but only sometimes. If I eat 3 packets of crisps and 2 chocolates in one go then yes I feel the regret and I feel bad afterwards as it is just a ridiculous portion size and it is unhealthy for my body. However, if I just eat one crisp packet and one chocolate in one setting, thenI won't feel guilty. So if I eat junk food in moderation and limit the amount of junk food that I eat to reasonable amounts, then no I won't feel guilty. But at times, I feel disgusted with myself when I am always indulging in unhealthy food with no self control.
  • Lucia_Armstrong1973
    I don't know about guilt, but I know that sometimes I feel a little angry when I know I could have made a better choice. I use that feeling as motivation for the next time I want to have something I know is not going to help me in my journey, such as soda or sugar. Also, I noticed that after losing a lot of weight and not eating fried or greasy food that just the sight or smell of it was disgusting, and if I tried to take a bite I would feel queasy. I think that is a result of your body and mind being aware of the difference in quality. Your mind is truly a powerful tool.