CooksWithoutARecipe Member


  • Bile is made by your liver and stored in the gall bladder to be released when needed. You still have bile, just less of it at once. From the perspective of a nurse who eats keto, I would say experiment with eating small, frequent meals. Your body WILL tell you if you are getting more fat than it can handle at once by…
  • I've recently begun supplementing magnesium citrate. I was getting tons of Na and K but still felt crappy/had legs cramps at night. The mag cit has helped A LOT.
  • Bone broth, avocados, red meat, liver, almonds almonds almonds, green veggies, NuSalt/SaltLite, PowerAde Zero concentrate. I try to get a couple of servings of any combination of the above daily to keep the tinglies at bay.
  • Reddit username: Cookswithoutarecipe Stats: F/33, 253, keto since mid January Location: Ohio, USA I love to cook, I'm studying to be a nurse, I have a great husband, two cute cats, and a sweet dog. I like all the classic nerdy stuff.
  • I don't know about the supplements, but I have also had cramping incidents. I try to eat almonds and avocados very frequently and really push hydration. It keeps it under control for me.
  • If I may ask, why? As long as they remain within their calorie allowance, they should continue to lose. As long as they fulfill their minimum protein requirements, they shouldn't lose muscle and slow their metabolism. The body can perform gluconeogenesis on protein to produce the tiny but of sugar that the brain needs.
  • Nursing student!
  • Unless I'm using something really sugary like bbq sauce, I don't count it. In those cases, I'm using a tiny amount like 2 tbl as a baste for 4 servings and I just enter it all as a recipe. That said, I've been keeping to <25g carb/day and have objective and subjective signs of ketosis. If I wasn't sure or wasn't losing…