Alix68 Member


  • Interesting, I had thought that that was the most accurate measure! Thanks for that.
  • In my opinion, 7 days isn't something to worry about. I've never tried this 'insanity' thing but I don't like the sound of it to be honest! Whatever your exercise though, your body is going to go through a lot of changes when you take on a new regime. For one thing, your weight will change from day to day due to fluids in…
  • On the fantastic NHS Choices website there is a series of free podcats which you can download to your phone or i-pod and it instructs you when to run and walk, and plays you music, with the aim being to run 5k in 9 weeks. There are also many strength and flex exercises with videos to show you how and a podcst to get you…
  • I am so impressed, well done!
  • Thanks to everybody for taking the time to give me advice. My aim is not to be superwoman but to increase my fitness, prevent the decline that naturally comes with being over 40 and lose about 10 lbs. So far I'm slowly achieving my aims, and all the advice I get on here is much appreciated. :smile:
  • In your photos you don't look nearly as bad as you make out! You've just got a bit of fat around the middle - it always looks worst from above! Don't stress about that, just continue dieting and exercising and it will eventually go away. Mine is going after about 3 months of trying and I looked pretty much like you (except…
  • It's interesting that I didn't realise that I was doing interval training at first. I started off following a program called 'couch to 5K' from the excellent NHS choices website. I thought the rest periods were to help you build up slowly. Somebody here has said that the intervals - when your heart slows down - cause you…
  • "How do you feel? I know that my heart rate max is higher than the formulas predict, so I don't worry much if I don't fit into a "zone" on the chart." I feel ok, I don't really get that out of breath but I definitely couldn't talk when my heart rate is over 165, say. It takes on average 3 minutes to slow from 170 to 129 at…
  • There are so many different answers on here and all of them are giving you good advice from personal experience. The trouble with depression is that it hits everyone differently. I found it devastating when I was younger but it's eased off with age, if it's any consolation, you may find this happens to you. The post I most…
  • That sounds like a lot of water - make sure you don't drink too much too quickly or it can actually be really bad for you.
  • Years ago I didn't like avocados either but when I was in South America I realised that I just don't like the ones that are picked early and transported across the world only to arrive bruised and not properly ripened. The main thing is to get them in the right season, so at least you have a better chance of getting a…
  • Surely seven days is too short a time to worry about? I find that some weeks I lose weight and some I don't and the reason could be anything - different amounts of fluid in your body at the time you weigh, muscle build up from exercise or probably a whole load of other reasons. Why weigh yourself daily when all the advice…
  • Wow, that was a lot of opinions really fast - thanks to everyone for taking their time. I usually have my low calorie meal for dinner, this is normal where I live in Spain - most people have a late but large lunch and a very small dinner as it's so hot during the summer that people tend to eat late and stay up late too. I…
  • wow, not far off, I thought it Llyn Cwm Llwch looking down from Pen y Fan! Thanks for letting me know!
  • Happystack - off topic, sorry, - your ticker looks like the Brecon Beacons...
  • OK, that would explain why I get the message when I didn't last time - I had higher exercise goals last time so my calorie goal was higher. I suppose MFP have a responsibility to warn you against getting an eating disorder, so fair enough. I originally thought that 1200 a day was very low and was pretty surprised to find…
  • Hi, Thanks for the advice. I think I really meant that I don't want to give up beer! I know it's bad for me to drink a bottle every night! But it helps me sleep and also I love it. So if I just basically continue keeping an eye on my weekly intake and exercise a bit more often, that should should take care of things I…
  • I agree that you shouldn't worry about keeping sodium to a minimum, in fact you do need a certain amount of it - I'm usually low because I don't like processed food. If you're way over your limit this could be a problem in the long term and if you're eating prepared food, and bread, this is your problem. If you don't have…
  • What disappoints me about this site is the way people are so nasty in these threads! The lady here makes a perfectly reasonable point that healthy food is healthy which is surely hard to argue with. Of course you need good sources of vitamins and minerals, along with your calories and fresh vegetables, salads and some…
  • me too! I always thought a fruit salad was great because of all the vitamins etc, until I started on this site and now I see how much my sugar intake goes into the red when I eat it. Should I really cut down? When I lived in Ecuador I ate loads of fruit and was healthy enough and had perfect skin. Can I replace all these…
  • does this also apply to a glass of wine?
  • Yeah I think it only matters if you want to cook at a high temperature, and I've heard chefs say that it doesn't burn hot enough to seal meat. Now me, I use it all the time, I live in Spain, it's cheap and I'm sure it's better for 90% of your needs. Remember that you should use extra virgin oil for salads and putting on…