7 days and wont budge.

I am on day 7 of a stagnant weight. 243.1.
I weigh everything and was loosing steadily until this past week. I thought perhaps it was water retention. Can that occur for the whole week? There is no gain or loss. I use a fitbit flex to track activity except for workouts, I manually log those. All I have been doing daily is elliptical (30 min to an hour) and I track calories using a Polar HRM. I do notice difference in way my clothes feels. But not seeing the scale move for a whole 7 days is discomforting. Anyone with a possible explanation? I don't want to be unmotivated once more.

My diary is open. I agree I probably need healthier choices, but I am at a calorie deficit.


  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    From looking at a few days of your food diary, 3 MAJOR suggestions:

    Increase your protein intake -- A nutritionist told me to focus on protein, and the fat/carbs will take care of themselves, and I've found that to be pretty true.

    Increase your fiber intake -- I get Chocolite protein bars from www.healthsmart foods.com. They have about 10 G protein, about 10g fiber, they're sugar free, gluten free, and about 100 calories.

    Increase your water intake. It really does help a lot!!

    Those will help immensely.
  • Alix68
    Alix68 Posts: 30 Member
    Surely seven days is too short a time to worry about? I find that some weeks I lose weight and some I don't and the reason could be anything - different amounts of fluid in your body at the time you weigh, muscle build up from exercise or probably a whole load of other reasons.
    Why weigh yourself daily when all the advice is not to, for exactly the reason that if this happens, which is common, you may feel unmotivated? What's the big hurry anyway? You've got your whole life in front of you, a week or two here and there is no biggy, trust me, I'm middle aged, I know!
    As long as the general trend is downward I think think you're worrying too much. When i started out trying to lose weight it took several weeks before I lost anything - your body processes and metabolizes food according to it's own needs and habits and if you persevere with diet and exercise, it's simply impossible not to improve your health.
    Don't lose heart and don't over-analyze. Keep going!
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    7 days is nothing. For example, last week I was up 1.4 lbs and this week I was down 2.8.

    As long as the longer term trend is downward, you are good.
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I haven't lost any weight this week either despite being at a deficit. If only we did consistently lose this would be so much easier to stick with it. Some weeks are just like that. It doesn't mean something is wrong. Just keep doing what you're doing except start taking measurements as well as weighing yourself to track your progress if you aren't already doing that. You could be losing inches but no pounds - it's just another kind of success.
  • ancho84
    ancho84 Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks for the encouraging/reassuring replies. I don't log it, but I do take in tons of water. Generally about 1.5 gallons daily.
  • Alix68
    Alix68 Posts: 30 Member
    That sounds like a lot of water - make sure you don't drink too much too quickly or it can actually be really bad for you.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    I am on day 7 of a stagnant weight. 243.1.
    I weigh everything and was loosing steadily until this past week. I thought perhaps it was water retention. Can that occur for the whole week? There is no gain or loss. I use a fitbit flex to track activity except for workouts, I manually log those. All I have been doing daily is elliptical (30 min to an hour) and I track calories using a Polar HRM. I do notice difference in way my clothes feels. But not seeing the scale move for a whole 7 days is discomforting. Anyone with a possible explanation? I don't want to be unmotivated once more.

    My diary is open. I agree I probably need healthier choices, but I am at a calorie deficit.

    Relax, its only 7 days
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Weight loss is not linear. Meaning: sometimes you gain or maintain when you expect to lose, and other times you will lose when you expect the opposite to happen. 7 days is nothing. Don't get discouraged.
  • blainepoe
    blainepoe Posts: 27 Member
    Water weight can vary enough in 7 days to cover any loss you may have. Trust yourself if you're doing the right things. Get on the scale less often if it discourages you. Try a tape measure.
  • merisaOct3
    merisaOct3 Posts: 197 Member
    From looking at a few days of your food diary, 3 MAJOR suggestions:

    Increase your protein intake -- A nutritionist told me to focus on protein, and the fat/carbs will take care of themselves, and I've found that to be pretty true.

    Increase your fiber intake -- I get Chocolite protein bars from www.healthsmart foods.com. They have about 10 G protein, about 10g fiber, they're sugar free, gluten free, and about 100 calories.

    Increase your water intake. It really does help a lot!!

    Those will help immensely.
    These are great suggestions. I have also had a bad couple of weeks on the scale, even though within calories. I am definitely going to look into the Chocolite protein bars.
    Thanks to all for the encouragement.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    You're getting some massive calorie burned from your workouts, I think you might be double counting them. As you're using your HRM to estimate exercise calories, I'd de-link Fitbit from MFP and just use it to track and motivate non-exercise activity levels.
  • ancho84
    ancho84 Posts: 40 Member
    UPDATE: The scale started moving up and down soon after I posted, but always within the 241-245 range. :-/ However, I am on week 4 of p90x3 and have been paying attention to macros since I began the program, more than doubling my typical protein intake, as suggested by others. I have been feeling the results on clothing and the measuring tape agrees.

    Today I finally made it out of the 240's and into the 230's!!! Took longer that I thought it would, but I am so glad I kept it up. Thanks all!