

  • I got my son to join ! He is of course much younger then me but put on a lot of weight during his university years and couldn't get rid of them. I hope this site will help him ! I think he actually weights more then me now (I lost some weight hehehe) but he is also a few inches taller ! BRAT !!! :)
  • I do not send friend requests to anyone ....If anyone wants to add me I add them. I am a single guy, so I have to be careful with how I present myself. If I hang with any of my neighbours wifes or single femals too long, have a drink, the romour mills start working ... Same here, If I send a friend request to a female,…
  • Definitely do NOT give up ! When I first started I gained weight, around 4 Lbs, and it drove me crazy .... And then after a few weeks it started to come down, and I have been loosing little bit almost every day. Yeah, I had to loose that excess weight too, so much fun :) It definitely takes some time for the weight to come…
  • I am guilty of "Just saying" .... I do say things on my FB wall to some people whom I know are stalking it ... and then I go .. just saying :):):) it is like rubbing the wound with salt but I can't help it sometimes :) I DISLIKE it when people say "of" instead of ""have" ....
  • I am on call 24/7/365 :):):) And when the pager goes, I am like : WTH !!!! LOL, I agree with some of the stuff ... but 24/7 is very used in my world ... I hate the "like" ... But I have two kids and one of them is a girl ....I just ignore it. What makes me go crazy is, "you know" ... NO I DON"T KNOW TELL ME !!! :)
  • I love working out !!! It allows me to eat more if I have the inclination. I have a very sedentary life stlye, as a result I am on a 1,200 calorie a day diet. Being used to eating whatever I wanted to eat whenever I wanted to, there is no way that I can stop myself at 1,200 calories. I exercise as much as my time allows…
  • I started to loose some weight too and I couldn't be happier. One thing I realized is, I feel full of energy and can't keep doing this. And as my walk time approaches, The anticipitaion of a good walk shadows everything else. Today I went on the treadmill for an hourthinking because of the rain I wouldn't be able to walk,…
  • Mine was under control with pils for quite sometime. Then I started to go bananas with eggs, two every morning for weeks. And tons of shrimps too. And then went for a blood test, and my doctor told me that my Cholesterol was higher then usual and switched me to a stronger pill. When I asked her about egg consumptions, she…
  • I just completed yesterday's diary ... I know, I gotta start eating vegetables again :( I fall of that train sometimes ..... Looks like I havea deficit of 644 calories, after everything is eaten and all execersize. So it is supposed to be like this every day ? 500-600-700 calories Less then what I consumed ? And that I…
  • I started to record and shortly afterwards went for a camping trip. I did not bother recording anything while camping :) I do record everything I eat/drink even if it makes me cringe while doing it, lol. As I work from home, it eis very easy for me to do. Eat and take a few minutes to jot it down.
  • Hmmm, I gotta find it first and then make it public :) Give me a few minutes. Not much information there but ... Done ....
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