I hear ya! I took up running last year and my pace has improved dramatically. I average about 11km/hr which is amazing if I look from where I started last year at 6.9km/hr! My scale hasn't moved a whole lot either but my legs are looking great so I am not going to complain. Keep it up! You're still going faster than…
I do this too! Highly reccomend it!
You cou try the free Runkeeper App. I use it. It is quite practical and might be what you're looking for ;)
As mrsbigmack said ''don't short change yourself''. Try not to look at your long term goal. Short term goals are much easier to relate to. 1 lb a week is a great goal. Working, motherhood, health and all the stresses of life can be hard to juggle. Don't expect to be wonderwoman. I had the same problem with my kids…
You cannot 'teach' a dog to go against it's DNA. If his DNA has him tracking, he will track until this need is fullfilled. I suggest fullfilling this need by training his tracking with treasure hunts. Once he has learned what his tracking is for, then you can show him that tracking is not required in all situations. Like…
I love to see new interests in running. I too am fairly new to the sport (2 years). I strongly suggest going to a sporting goods store and having the clerk help you with your decision. Some do work on commission, they are the experts. Not everyone's stride is the same. It depends on the shape of your foot and your method…