Spinalcord12 Member


  • Right I see, thanks a lot for the reply! Much appreciated. About the Body fat % thing and my weight I got some questions :P As I said I'm 184lbs when I lift my shirt up I can sort of see my ribs but I also have a belly, my waist is like 34-36 inches but its really loose and I feel like its all fat. Also my thighs are still…
  • Right! I see Thanks for all the replies so far. My first few questions have been answered but I'm confused about the fourth. So how should I calculate how much to eat and all that? I'm using a Calorie Burner Calculator to figure out how much I burn via exercise each time I go to the gym. Its roughly 450-600 calories…
  • Cardio consists of cycling and rowing machines. Weight lifting consists of the standard shoulder, elbow, bicep, deltoid stuff in the gym and I have a pair of 9kg dumbells are home that I do 30 reps in the morning and at night, right after waking up and before sleeping.
  • Thanks for the replies guys. Another thing that has concerned me is that whilst my weight loss is noticeable in nearly every single part of my body, be it face, arms, legs, back and belly it still feels like I got a big belly. Does the fat from your belly come off last?
  • Maybe you should aim for 1850-1950 calories for 6 days a week then have 1 day where you allow yourself to have maybe an extra 200-300 calories? That way you should be able to maintain it for a relatively long period of time.
  • Best time to weigh yourself is when you wake up each morning. Before you eat or drink anything and preferably after a morning pee and poop.
  • Well I used to be far heavier than you and only like 5cm taller. I was 309lbs so 140kg. I managed to cut around 60lbs in the first 3 months of my weightloss routine. I only ate like 1400 calories a day though. It was extremely low and it made me tired all the time but I managed to pull it through. It will probably destroy…
  • By weight loss not being linear do you mean that I might spend a while stuck at 203lbs then somehow start dropping in weight again? Whilst I was inactive during June - early Aug I went from 207lbs to 213lbs (August 16) I then started cutting back on food and exercising again and dropped to 203 pretty quickly too. Is that…
  • Sorry for not adding pictures. But another one of my obstacles I need to face is gaining self confidence in my body. Like right now I wear Giordano M sized Boxers and L sized T shirts and 36" Jeans but I still often change back into wearing XL Shirts because I'm uncomfortable with my body shape and all. Also I'm unsure why…
  • I'm actually unsure of what my frame is. Some have told me I'm a large frame others have said medium. Don't think I've ever been called a small framed person though. Also I'm sure I lost quite a bit of muscle mass during the first 10 months of losing weight so lately I've begun to start lifting weights (15kg Dumbells)…
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