mecca_momma Member


  • Sorry Ladies! I backed out on you all this week! I needed to regroup, I was really struggling with the scale not moving. So I needed am time out! But I am back and I never weighed since it was a week of family,drinks and food!! Not a good excuse but I couldn't handle another dissappointing weighin!!! But I will be back on…
  • Sent you my weigh in. Didn't meet my goal but I worked my butt off so I am not getting down on myself!!!! CW 219.3 Calories burned 2500 What is our challenge this week? Go Team North!!!
  • Thanks! Yeah I upped my daily activity to light and I am still only at 1300 cals? Oh well seems like the exercise is helping me tone so hopefully soon the weight will start to drop!! lol
  • Great Job Ladies!!! I see that quite a few of you lost 2lbs this week!!!! Can you tell me how many calories you are eating a day? Thanks!! I have been told I am not eating enough calories in a day that is why my weight is not going down? I way 219, my calorie allowance is 1200. Then the extra for whatever I exercise right?…
  • Morning!!! Hope you received my message on Friday with all the info you needed? SW- 220.8lbs GW-218lbs (mar 5 2011) weigh in- 219.7lbs GW- 216 (mar 11 2011) What is our challenge this week? Hope everyone has a great week!!! No chocolate for me this week!!! Found a chocolate mint flavoured tea to use for those cravings!!
  • Great job on the commitment you have to the gym Lori!!! Hope this site helps!! I think I am hooked!!
  • Hey everyone!!! Good luck in this challenge!!! The chocolate thing was a little hard for me, I am not a chocolate freak. But as soon as I'm told not to have something that is ALL I want!!! lol I have typed about 4 times to tell you all my weight and my goal , but I just can't put the number out there YET. Sorry give me a…
  • I'm in too!!! Maybe this will give my the kick in the butt that I need!!!! 7 weeks hopefully 12lbs off!!! Thanks!!
  • Hey so here I am going to try this weight lose journey AGAIN!!! I swear it seems like I just can not get the hang of this!! My name is Sheri, I am a wife, mother of 4, daughter and sister ( as probably most of us are on here) I love being all of these thing!! I need to become a healthier me so that I can be better for all…
  • Great Job!!! You look wonderful and yes it is nice to see that this goal is achievable!!!