Carrie_P81 Member


  • I've tried adjusting goals/daily calories. I haven't lost any real weight since March when I was finishing up T25. I went to Insanity then to Jillian Michaels Body Revolution. I'm definitely pushing myself when I work out. My normal activity level is lightly active, which hasn't changed.
  • Hi ladies. Still plugging away here. I started week 3 this week and wow 3 and 4 are a lot harder than 1 and 2! I have to use lighter weights cause it's just too much with the 8 lbers. Has anyone else been really hungry doing this workout? This week I've been STARVING and I keep going over calories but it's either that or…
  • I did WO 1 yesterday and 2 today. Got a good calorie burn for just 30 min too. It's taking me a little bit to get used to this, after Insanity where it's go go go till you think you're gonna die, to this which is challenging but not in the same way. I will say that my arms and chest are sore for sure. I haven't done…
  • Hi everyone, I'm Carrie. Married with 2 kiddos and I live in WI. I've done T25 and most of Insanity (it got to be too much for my joints.) T25 got me about 1/2 way to my goal, but I've been at a plateau for about 3 months now. I'm hoping that this will help kickstart my weight loss again. I'm definitely sore today and I'm…
  • Tennant FTW!!
    in Allons-y! Comment by Carrie_P81 May 2014
  • How is everybody? I did a double for the first time today, OMG! I wanted to die. Made it though.
  • Jill-yeah I hear you! Work pretty much always sucks. We are chronically understaffed and everyone is so stressed out. How was everyone's weekend? Mine was good-nothing exciting but good. Sundays are my splurge day-went a little overboard though! Had Chinese for lunch and then DH got Mexican for dinner. Chimichanga! OMG, so…
  • I'd say some kind of nut butter too if you don't want eggs.
  • Gaining muscle I would assume? That does suck though. My thighs are big and it's so hard for me to lose anything from them. I worked out over the weekend, since I took off Friday for not feeling well. Did Core Speed tonight and I felt awesome afterwards! What a great burn.
  • OMG I am sooo glad tomorrow is Friday!! This week work wise has just been horrible. Ugh.
  • Warrior-great job with Gamma!! I love your enthusiasm. I think I'm going to do another round of Alpha and Beta before starting Gamma though. MrsBenTarr-GL at the dinner! And great job with Speed 2.0! It took me a bit to get used to that too but now I love it. I'm almost done with week 3 of Beta! Crazy how the time flies!…
  • Things are going ok here. Workouts are going well. I've been a tad frustrated with my lack of weight loss lately so I'm tweaking my calories just a bit. Nothing too exciting honestly.
  • Upper Focus done! My arms are burning...
  • Core cardio kicked my *kitten* tonight! I still have no energy :P Lezerlies-Give it a bit, but I had a stall too and had to readjust my calories down a bit. I'm at another stall right now and I'm going to start only eating back 1/2 of what I burn instead of all of it.
  • Been a rough weekend for me-worked 9p-7a last night/this morning on 1 1/2 hrs of sleep :( Napped off and on today so still very tired but the hubby motivated me to workout tonight still. Did Core Speed for the 1st time-that one is a butt kicker! But a good workout for sure. I'm sure I'll sleep well tonight.
  • I hate mornings too!! When I workout depends on my schedule. If I have the day off, I do it as soon as the kids go to bed (so around 7.) Generally I work 1-9pm or 3-11pm. If I get done @ 9, I workout as soon as I get home. If I go in @ 3, I do it before work. Those days I don't like b/c the kids are home and awake, so they…
  • Lezerlies-welcome to the group! I'm about halfway through Beta now and I really love Shaun T now too! These workouts I want to stick with unlike others I've tried. Alpha Speed is one of my favorites too. Warrior-did you get your hot shower?? Sink baths sound terrible!!! Captain-great news on the fencing! I think I haven't…
  • I"ve been forgetting to check in here but I've still been working out like a good girl. Jake-you remind me of my hubby. He was a major hard core gamer too. He got dx with type 2 diabetes a couple months ago though and he's done a total 180. He's down 40 lb already.
  • My diet is not the greatest, in terms of "eating clean" or that sort of thing. I could do way better with eating more fruits and veggies. I was eating a lot of salads but got soooo burned out on them. So I just do my best to stick to what MFP tells me to-1300 cals + I eat back pretty much everything from my workouts. I do…
  • Warrior-welcome back!! How cold is it where you are? I'm in WI and we were at -25 w/o the wind chill!! Calsgirl-hey great job! Please stick around. I did Rip't Circuit tonight even though it wasn't on my calendar. Mostly just b/c I didn't do it last week due to being sick so I wanted to see what it was like.
  • Hi everybody, my name's Carrie. I'm 32 and have a 4 year old boy and a 2 year old girl. I work FT evening shift in a hospital laboratory. I used to be really skinny as a kid up until I was 20 or 21. Then I got lazy about exercising and eating well. Slowly gained weight till I got to my holding point of around 180. What was…
  • And Speed 2.0 done today. Took me a little bit to get used to it but that was a hell of a good workout.
  • Got Upper Focus done. I hate working out when the kiddos are awake as they are climbing over me and making me stop every 2 minutes b/c they want IDK how great of a calorie burn I got but oh well.
  • I worked out tonight! I wasn't going to but then the hubby gave me a pep talk so I just bit the bullet. The workout today was Dynamic Core so not super cardio heavy-which was good I think. Got through it ok and I feel good so I think I'll finish the week out. Maybe I won't have to redo after all. I would go for walks-but I…
  • Hi peeps. Guess what? I got sick again! Ear infection this time :( Needless to say I haven't been able to work out the last few days. I'm going to try to start up again tonight but I'm still not 100% so we'll see how that works. I think next week I'm going to just do week1 over again since this week has gotten so screwed…
  • I'm finally back at it!! Beta Cardio done and Shaun T kicked my *kitten*, lol. That's what happens when you have to take 1 1/2 weeks off :P Jake-so sorry about your grandma. At least you got to say your goodbyes. Lex-feel better soon!
  • Hey guys I'm still around. Lurking though. I got over the strep but now I have some awful sinus thing going on and I still feel like crap. Haven't been able to work out at all in a week but I am bound and determined to start Beta on Monday! Jake - you totally are an inspiration and I hope you stick around even though…
  • Hey guys, my son and I both got strep :( I'm finally starting to feel somewhat human again, so hopefully I can start Beta tomorrow . Ifnot then, Tuesday for sure.
  • Jake-holy crap, congrats on a triple! Good job. Warrior-so sorry for your loss. :( Don't worry about working out right now. AFM-did Cardio yesterday. Supposed to do TBC again tonight but my son was kind enough to share his germs with me :( I'm not super sick, just feeling run down enough to not want to work out at all and…
  • Captain-I had some soreness for the 1st week, then I was ok. I don't double on Fridays-just don't have time. So I just do the 2nd workout on Saturday. Jake-yay for weights!! Morange-happy birthday!! AFM-didn't do Abs yesterday since I had a horrible headache and just felt crummy. I ate like crap too and was still down a…