

  • Perhaps you should look into virtual races? It's essentially the 'race' without all of the stuff you complained about. You can run anywhere, at any time. Some must be done on a specific day to 'count' some give you a week or several months. There's loads out there of different lengths, themes, price points. Some are free,…
  • I don't see the problem? If it's comfortable and easy to move in, it works for me. :/ *shrug* I guess I don't see the allure of spending extra money on 'cute workout clothes' just so I can sweat in them when a basic t-shirt and shorts/sweats would work just fine.
  • MFP doesn't estimate calories for ANYTHING added into the strength section. It's there mostly for reference and tracking of weight/sets/reps, not calories burned. From the Help section: "Estimating the calories burned from strength training is very difficult because it depends on a variety of factors: how much weight you…
  • From the FAQ conveniently available up there ^^^ through the "Help" link at the top of the page: Estimating the calories burned from strength training is very difficult because it depends on a variety of factors: how much weight you lifted per repetition, how vigorously you performed that exercise, how much rest you took…
  • Yes. Say, for example, this made up person with the BMR of 1400. This person also goes to the store, cleans house, walks the dog, makes dinner, etc. Overall, let's estimate 2000 cals burned. Over a weeks time, that's another 4200 cals not eaten in your calculations. Also, dlaplume makes some good points as well. There are…
  • BMR isn't 'how much an average person would burn in a day with normal activity,' it's 'how much would be burned if that person was essentially in a coma.' Your estimation of how much an average person would burn in an average day is off, thus throwing off the rest of your calculations.
  • Ahaha. I see this just after I get done with raid for the evening. :p As far as mmos go, only one I'm currently playing is WoW, but I do love me some RPGs and Action/adventure/platformers. ...and puzzle games. ...and mini-game games. ...and most everything, really. :p Games in general = love.
  • Q. Doesn't strength training burn calories? Why don't you show any calories burned for strength training? A. Estimating the calories burned from strength training is very difficult because it depends on a variety of factors: how much weight you lifted per repetition, how vigorously you performed that exercise, how much…
  • And if people are confused, it's incredibly easy to read sticky topics and all the 'New to MFP? Here's lots of things to read about how the site works!' topics. This is what annoys me the most, personally. There's TONS of information already here in the forums if people would bother taking the time to read the sticky and…
  • MFP's base suggested protein is notoriously low. A general guide is 1g of protein to every lb you weigh. If you're not going way over than that, it's nothing to worry about.
  • Personally, I'm in this for life, so I don't mind if it comes off slower for a bit at all. There's nothing wrong with wanting to maintain for a while either. Give yourself a break from all this hubub of MUST LOSE WEIGHT. For me, my end goal is health, and so once I get down closer to general 'good' weight range, I'm…
  • Try to remember exactly why it is you want the scale to move. To look better? Feel better? Be healthier? Well, that's what you're doing! Losing FAT (inches) is much better for you than just losing WEIGHT(fat and muscle etc). Unless you go around telling everyone 'Oh! I only weigh xxx lbs!' which sounds kind of silly to me.