

  • Brisbane, Australia
  • OK - Monday morning, after the shower and shave.... That will be my official weigh in, but I will be sneeking a peak every couple of days at the same time. :)
  • Thanks! Amazing reply, colombiana444! You're an inspiration! That's an amazing loss (A good loss!). Congratulations. It looks like you managed to get before and after photos. It's amazing how much healthier a person looks when they decide to look after themselves. Congrats! As for your post - what you said is all 100%…
  • OK.. tonights attempt: Broccoli - Raw Carrots - Raw, 2 large (7-1/4" to 8-1/2" long) Cabbage - Red, raw, 475 g Chicken - Breast, meat only, cooked, fried, 500 g Masterfoods - Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry Recipe Base, 1 container (172 gs ea.) Wokka - Singapore Noodles, 220 g Generic - Sauce Soya, 3 Tbsp Adolphus - Long Grain…