Filling and healthy, yet low on calories?

I have an allowance of 1950 cals/day. I'm managing - just, but I am getting bored with the same food now. I'm battling to find a nice filling, nutritious, easy to make meal... Tonight, I am thinking of trying stir fry, with chicken and loads of veggies (Carrots, Cabbage, Broccoli, Egg noodles (Haven't checked the cal count on any of these yet)... and then Soya sauce, and maybe some Chinese sauce.

But, what else can I try that is filling, and yet, low cals?

Also, am I doing it all wrong? My breakfast is around 400cals... lunch is usually close to 600cal, and dinner is around 800cals... For a weight loss plan, I think I have my cal intake all wrong...


  • NoExcuseTina
    NoExcuseTina Posts: 506 Member
    veggies...tons of veggies

    I eat lots of broccoli and cauliflower...sometimes I make mashed cauliflower with a little butter and milk...or turn broccoli into cream of broccoli with a little half and half...still low in calories

    try seafood too...shrimp have very low calories!!!!!!

    good luck...feel free to take a look at my food journal for some ideas
  • cdotlister
    OK.. tonights attempt:

    Broccoli - Raw
    Carrots - Raw, 2 large (7-1/4" to 8-1/2" long)
    Cabbage - Red, raw, 475 g
    Chicken - Breast, meat only, cooked, fried, 500 g
    Masterfoods - Teriyaki Chicken Stir Fry Recipe Base, 1 container (172 gs ea.)
    Wokka - Singapore Noodles, 220 g
    Generic - Sauce Soya, 3 Tbsp
    Adolphus - Long Grain White Rice- Uncooked, 0.5 cup uncooked

    Serves 8, I guess, and is 270cal/serving... and I'll have 2. :)
  • colombiana444
    colombiana444 Posts: 133 Member
    I have an allowance of 1950 cals/day. I'm managing - just, but I am getting bored with the same food now. I'm battling to find a nice filling, nutritious, easy to make meal... Tonight, I am thinking of trying stir fry, with chicken and loads of veggies (Carrots, Cabbage, Broccoli, Egg noodles (Haven't checked the cal count on any of these yet)... and then Soya sauce, and maybe some Chinese sauce.

    But, what else can I try that is filling, and yet, low cals?

    Also, am I doing it all wrong? My breakfast is around 400cals... lunch is usually close to 600cal, and dinner is around 800cals... For a weight loss plan, I think I have my cal intake all wrong...

    After doing a lot of research and loosing 60lbs myself, i would advice you to change your caloric intake. You are allowed 1950 calories a day, which is a lot if you aren't exercising. I think if you are trying to maintain your weight, then consuming all those calories will be ok. I assume you are trying to loose weight so aim for a caloric deficit of 500-600 calories. That allowance of 1950 not only needs to be dropped, but needs to be redistributed differently. I see you are progressively increasing your calorie intake with every meal. I actually do the opposite. Having a good breakfast if essential for weight loss. You need a good amount of energy to tackle the rest of the day and you'll have the whole day to burn off the calories of your hearty breakfast. Also, you are less likely to eat as much or have smaller portions when you start your day with a good meal.
    You also need to eat more than 3 main meals a day.
    I eat every 3 hours so aim for 3 meals with snacks in between to keep your metablism ignited.

    That stir fry you want to make tonight will be more suited for lunch in a smaller portion, not for dinner.
    Dinner should be light since you will be ending your day soon, so you wont have much time to burn all those calories, which is why alot of people trying to loose weight stop eating 3-4 hours before bed.

    An example of a good spread out diet i would recommend would be something like this:

    Mix 2 off these for Breakfast. (i'm giving you different options just in case)
    -Have a couple of berries and a banana or you favorite fruits, and mix the with a reduced sugar OJ, skim/light soy milk or water (personal taste) to create a great smoothie to start your day. 200+/ - cals (depending on portion)
    -Scramble egg whites with 2 deli turkey slices and fat free cheese for a light omelette. 200+/ - cals
    -Have oatmeal of your liking (very filling) Quaker weight control line are great. Remember fiber keeps you full (use truvia if you must add sugar)! And a small fat free yogurt on the side 200+/ - cals
    -Portion of high fiber cereal with skim/light soy milk 200+/ -

    Snack before lunch options (keep at around 100 calories more less)
    - granola bar
    -small apple
    -hand full of baby carrots with a light drizzle of fat free dressing
    -small yogurt
    if you want to treat yourself buy a variety of 100 calorie snacks at your local grocery store

    - Cup of brown rice with tuna/salmon/or 5 oz chicken breast with a plain small sweet potato
    - wheat pita with hummus, lettuce, sliced chicken breast, grilled peppers, and sauteed mushrooms.
    -small portion of wheat pasta mixed with light teriyaki, carrots, bean sprouts, broccoli, and grilled shrimp or chicken.
    -98% fat free turkey burger with grilled onions, and fat free cheese, on wheat sandwich thins, with grilled pineapple (my fav) or lettuce and tomato will do just fine)
    lean tenderloin kabob with grilled pepper and mushrooms on a bed of quinoa or brown rice
    sauteed pork medallions with pear/strawberry salad

    fun snacks before dinner
    1/2 Cup of skim milk with 4 sugar free gingersnap cookies
    12 kellogs cracker chips with a small serving of salsa
    cottage cheese with fruit
    crystal light slushy
    100 calorie popcorn treat

    Small tuna sandwich
    tomato basil soup
    small bean wheat wrap with grilled veggies
    Herbed Whole-Wheat Couscous

    Drink lots of water throughout your day :)

    hope this helps
  • cdotlister
    Thanks! Amazing reply, colombiana444!

    You're an inspiration! That's an amazing loss (A good loss!). Congratulations. It looks like you managed to get before and after photos. It's amazing how much healthier a person looks when they decide to look after themselves. Congrats!

    As for your post - what you said is all 100% right. My deficit is already 500cals... I think my allowance (normally) is 2450/day. I've gone 'cold turkey' so far. I used to eat a pizza by my self... (2000cal!!), often ate an entire large chocolate bar at night... often ate a bag of jelly sweets which cost me around 700cal.... Snacked a lot... ate loads of food... And with all that, I somehow maintained a weight of around 115kgs (250 lbs).

    So, I found this site, and been sticking for 4 weeks now, and already, I feel better. But as you have pointed out, I'm making a major error. Eating loads at night, and not enough in the day. So, I'm going to try the snacks that you mentioned... Gonna take the bar, yougart and apple to work as snacks... I'll increase my morning food by adding maybe another yougart, and a fruit... on top of the currect cereal I eat.... And then find something nice for between lunch and dinner... and then have smaller dinner portions.... earlier.

    Sounds like a super plan! :)

    You mentioned a 'Turkey burger'. Is that a turkey fillet on a bread bun? Sounds interesting... I thought that bread wasn't my friend though. Would be interested in hearing about that.

    Also, what can I substitute cottage cheese for? :) Yuk!

    Again, congrats on your progress! I hit the big ONE KG loss so far. :) But, I didn't weigh myself properly 3 weeks back, so I'm basically starting with a clean slate.

    Thanks again!
  • colombiana444
    colombiana444 Posts: 133 Member
    sounds like you are on the right track now.
    a turkey burger is simply made with lean ground turkey. You can season it and even stuff it with mushrooms or onions for flavor. It's just like a regular burger, just made with turkey which is healthier alternative with still a great about of protein. i would say a 5-6oz portion is perfect! As far as bread, bread isn't the problem, the problem is refined processed food like the your typical white bread. You need to use whole grains. Try "natures own" wheat sandwich thins as great substitute for a burger bun.
    the cottage cheese is just an option. Yogurt is just fine instead
    Keep up that momentum and you will reach your goal in no time.