I log absolutely everything and I mean everything, otherwise there is no point in being on here. If you want to cheat on your self , go right ahead.
I went vegan, have not had it for years, in fact all my joints issues have gone away. It much excess protien.
One word: Hemp
Way to go! truly inspiring! You look stunning! Give yourself the biggest pat on the back ever!
Yep well done!
When I run or walk I say with my breathing *in with health, out with sickness* or * better than those on the couch* And with food, I ask myself *am I hungry or why do you want this* but I generally don't have a problem with food any more.
add me if you want
Agree 100% , I would just add in hemp and dandelions if you can get them. All the best.
Here! here! I am the same, want to be vegan, but not quite there, still have butter and cheese. in little amounts. add me as a friend if you want. And protein, for me, go hemp.
People telling me what I should be eating and that vegan is wrong
Don't buy them in the 1st place, you are setting yourself up to fail. If you really want to lose weight , don't set traps for yourself. If you eat them, go for a big work out tonight, tomorrow night and the next and so on. I have learnt this with alcohol and cigarettes, don't have them in the house, gave up both of those…
Please do get help, here is not the place for getting real help. All though I imagine that you want to know that there are others with a similar problem.Just remember one thing: That you are a great person, look at all the good things you have achieved, and you can beat this. The world is a better place because you are…
wow! what a read. I am almost a vegan (Still eat the odd egg and a bit of cheese and butter, all measured.) , and I have been looking for vegan and veggie friends on here. I wish I could become a full time vegan. Do lots of reading, I am forever reading, I take hemp protein when I can. Dr mcDougall eating plan is what I…
I just think know has worked for me and others that have given up sugar and seen major benifits in all aspects of thier lives. I can not take any, maybe a date or two everynow and again and I grew up been fed sugar.
I am dyslexic, and it has improved since giving up the sugar, maybe hard for you to believe. But you want every reason in not beliving that is bad for you. So you will pick holes in everything. I would like to analyze your writing. But then again I have given it up entirely and for quite awhile now, and the odd time I did…
I am dyslexic
all say you mind is ok? but is it? give up the white poison and then see if you say the same thing. I thought I used to have a great mind, then I gave up sugar and guess what? my mind has improved. Only when you give all sugar will you know what you are talking about. It is nothing more than white poison. Hidden in foods…
For me, I would say oats, racehorses run on oats.
don't have one, when I fit into a size 14(Australian sizing) then I have reached my goal weight. Right now I am somewhere between a 16-18 size. Yes I do weigh myself, but more to see how my body is travelling. I will let my body tell me when I am there, other wise I think you set yourself for disappointment if you don't…
Thank you everyone, I have sent a request to some of you, I am still learning how to use the message boards, and I am hardly ever on my pc, mainly IPAD. but getting there. Doing really well, weight is going down. that is a good start.
Hi there, good luck, I am also only new here and like you would love to make some new friends on here. All the best with your journey
Woohoo! well done!!!! Gloat al you want!
Yep, I am finding it great already, went over my cals at dinner, and because I could track them , went out and did some bike work. It is keeping me focused.