

  • Do I try and “save” calories if I know I’m going to have a “pigout” meal later in the day??? No, not really and yes but only to a point. If you attempt to save TOO many calories because you know you are going to "pigout" later on in that night, you probably will be making it worse than if you just ate normal during the…
  • When I am in that "lack of motivation" mood, I always try and imagine my self what I want to end up looking like and realize that it isn't going to happen all by it self and that work needs to be done. Visualization is a VERY powerful tool.
  • Ok here is my attempt to explain the “zig zag” approach of losing weight…..(it does work very well if done correctly, I have lost 17 lbs of fat and gained 2 lbs of muscle doing it in almost 3 months time). There are a few ways to do the “Zig Zag” but I will stick with the one that I am using now. First find out what your…
  • Ok here is my attempt to explain the “zig zag” approach of losing weight…..(it does work very well if done correctly, I have lost 17 lbs of fat and gained 2 lbs of muscle doing it in almost 3 months time). There are a few ways to do the “Zig Zag” but I will stick with the one that I am using now. First find out what your…
  • I guess the first thing to address is “what is your daily calorie maintenance count???” If it is 1800 then don’t be too concerned about gaining weight, this is the calorie level your body needs to just keep living everyday. But……….if it is not and is really like1500ish then you can probably go about a week (maybe 2) and…
  • Weight lifting is one of the best things you can do for your over all body composition. The more muscle you have the more calories and fat you will burn. Muscle requires calories to work fat does not. I'm not saying you have to hit the weights hard but you should be doing at least 2-3 weightlifting workouts a week. Muscle…
  • I concure with Mangos post.