Link2Life Member


  • February Goal: 35 miles Completed: 3 miles 02/02/2018: C25K - Week 5 Day 1 02/05/2018: C25K - Week 5 Day 2 I remember week 5 from my prior attempts. I'd get to day 2 and barely finish and then give up before day 3. Nope. Not this year. Not again. I got this! (Day 2 is 8 minute run - 3 minute walk - 8 minute run surrounded…
  • February Goal: 35 miles 02/02/2018: C25K - Week 5 Day 1 I admit it; I was fist pumping and grinning like a Cheshire Cat after completing today's runs. This *kitten* is getting real (and I love it!) I am taking the advice and making sure I balance the running with strength training/yoga but already recognize I love my 'run'…
  • I'll be graduating from Couch to 5K and will start the Bridge to 10k. I calculated my mileage should be 35 for the month!
  • Awesome! Thank you for your suggestion and congrats on your accomplishments!!
  • Name: Deb Age: 44 Height: 5' 7" Starting weight: 186.0 (Jan 1, 2018) Goal weight: 135 Current weight: 177.6 Total weight lost: 8.4 This week's successes: Getting out of hotel bed Saturday at 6am to run in the hotel fitness room and not miss my schedule for Couch to 5k. Eating a side salad instead of fries during our lunch…
  • 01/02/2018: C25K W1D1 01/11/2018: C25K W1D2 01/15/2018: C25K W1D3 01/17/2018: C25K W2D1 01/19/2018: C25K W2D2 01/21/2018: C25K W2D3 01/23/2018: C25K W3D1 01/25/2018: C25K W3D2 01/27/2018: C25K W4D1 <-- Oopsies I skipped W3D3! 01/29/2018: C25K W4D2 I was out of town at a convention Friday through Sunday but still got up at…
  • 01/02/2018: C25K W1D1 01/11/2018: C25K W1D2 01/15/2018: C25K W1D3 01/17/2018: C25K W2D1 01/19/2018: C25K W2D2 01/21/2018: C25K W2D3 01/23/2018: C25K W3D1 01/25/2018: C25K W3D2 I'm starting to wish everyday was run day, but I'm also smart enough to know if I increase too much, too soon, I'm setting myself up for injury.…
  • 01/02/2018: C25K W1D1 01/11/2018: C25K W1D2 01/15/2018: C25K W1D3 01/17/2018: C25K W2D1 01/19/2018: C25K W2D2 01/21/2018: C25K W2D3 01/23/2018: C25K W3D1 Felt so damn good this morning I had to run another 90 second interval and kicked up the mph another .5. I loved how that felt, even though I was out of breath! And that…
  • Holy cow, girl!! you are killing this! Are you working out, too? Or is this just clean eating? Congrats.....
  • Name: Deb Age: 44 Height: 5' 7" Starting weight: 186.0 (Jan 1, 2018) Goal weight: 135 Current weight: 177.6 Total weight lost: 8.4 This week's successes: I'm now getting up every morning at 5:00am - a good 90 minutes earlier than before to have time to focus on what's needed for work, what's needed for personal life, and…
  • 01/02/2018: C25K W1D1 01/11/2018: C25K W1D2 01/15/2018: C25K W1D3 01/17/2018: C25K W2D1 01/19/2018: C25K W2D2 01/21/2018: C25K W2D3 (And then I went snowshoeing for 2 miles) I'm going to sign up for a Beginner's Running class. Starts in April and goes through Mid June. Every Tues the class meets for a 30 minute run…
  • 01/02/2018: C25K W1D1 01/11/2018: C25K W1D2 01/15/2018: C25K W1D3 01/17/2018: C25K W2D1 I listened to an "Affirmations for Runners" video on youtube during my run this morning. I enjoyed it! I might have to look for a few more of them. It makes the time go fast on the treadmill.
  • 01/02/2018: C25K W1D1 01/11/2018: C25K W1D2 01/15/2018: C25K W1D3 I finally have my head in the right place to stay consistent. If I don't run in the morning, I don't run in the evening. I'm breaking this pattern of sleeping in just a few minutes longer, rushing to get ready for work, crashing at home in the evening. And…
  • Name: Deb Age: 44 Height: 5' 7" Starting weight: 186.0 Goal weight: 135 Current weight: 180.6 Total weight lost: 5.4 This week's successes: Getting up at 5:20am Thu/Fri/Sat <--yes I said saturday! to do The Miracle Morning. What a difference this program will make. I am excited to wake up early and start my day off right.…
  • 01/02/2018: C25K W1D1 on the treadmill. It all starts somewhere. 01/11/2018: C25K W1D2 on the treadmill. Felt easy, surprisingly, probably because of eating better. I'm incorporating a lot of changes and doing it ALL on the first week was too much. I focused on my diet - meal planning, meal prepping, and eating right. I…
  • Name: Deb Age: 44 Height: 5' 7" Starting weight: 186 Goal weight: 135 Current weight: 181 Total weight lost: 5 This week's successes: Logging in to MFP; No coffee+creamer, no pop, no fast food, not hungry. I tried snowshoeing and I love it! This week's challenges: not doing the Miracle Morning as planned - i struggle to…
  • 01/02/2018: C25K W1D1 on the treadmill. It all starts somewhere. Goals: Three (3) 5k's and (1) 10k by fall. I compete in endurance riding and will be bumping up to 50 milers this year; I want to be able to get off and run with my horse when possible.
  • Name: Deb Age: 44 Height: 5' 7" Starting weight: 186 Goal weight: 135 Current weight: 186 Total weight lost: 0 This week's successes: Logging in to MFP; Starting The Miracle Morning; Using my Passion Planner This week's challenges: waking up earlier; feeling overwhelmed with meal planning & meal prepping Non scale goals:…
  • Ah yes... No manure from the steel stable, however that particular chore does burn the calories! I plan to get it to the shop for a tune up and will hook it up to the indoor trainer.
  • Back on the wagon, starting fresh. First 8-10 should be fairly easy so I'm setting an aggressive goal of 8 pounds by 1/31. Name: Deb Height: 5'7 Starting Weight (1/1): Goal Weight (1/31): Lose 8 pounds. 1/1: 1/8: 1/15: 1/22: 1/29: 1/31: Loss/gain for the week: Loss/gain for the month so far: Struggles or successes of your…
  • See if your local community ed program has a beginner running program. I failed couch 2 5 k but going to the class every week has been very motivating. I'm signed up for my first 5k. The class is taught by someone from our local running club who just finished the Boston Marathon. Oh..and get good shoes!!
  • Bump...if this has been asked a bajillion times. kindly post the link...
  • Congrats! I wish you many, many years of enjoyment!
  • Woot! I finished 4.2 tonight! Felt awesome afterwards!
  • I sent her a PM and a friend request...we'll see if I hear back.