KeiKeiStar Member


  • Me toooo! I have to avoid peanut butter or I turn into a 4 year old. PB/J for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!
  • Just as in all things, people will try to sabotage your success. Congratulations! But also, don't get so down on yourself about enjoying a cookie now and then. If you make the healthier choice MOST of the time, you should be able to have a treat without feeling guilty. And in respect to calories and sugar, Bananas are the…
  • Your body may be in starvation mode and therefore holding on to the little bit that you are giving it. If you are less than 1200 kcal/day, increase to atleast 1200. If you have been at 1200 for more than 2 weeks increase to kcals needed to sustain your desired weight (not current weight). You should be able to figure this…
  • I hav not used because I don't believe in taking pills for non medical reasons. I hardly take advil for headaches but... what happens with Ali is they are designed to target and stop the absorbtion of fat because fat contributes more than double the amount of calories of protein and carbohydrates. Therefore it you continue…
  • I don't now what C5K is...but if your goal is fat burning, I would encourage you to continue to do interval runs, just make them progressively more rigorous and difficult. Build to a run/jog interval instead of jog/walk interval. This is because the intervals are more beneficial than continuous run. It leads to more fat…
  • When it comes to meal planning you should eat within 2 hours of waking (whenever that is). And you should eat every 4-5 hours after then. You should either plan snacks if you cant go that long or eat enough (but not too much) at each meal to hold you to the next meal. No one likes to be hungry and when you get hungry you…
  • Welcome, It is truly a lifestyle change, not a diet to be affective. I think the key is that physical activity is not a option. Find something that you can truly do for the rest of your life. If that is walking, then walk places that you go often. I use to live 1.25 miles from campus so I walked from campus a couple of…
  • As well, you have to increase your overall calorie intake! If you are eating a well balanced diet (adequate amounts of fruits & veg (different colors to ensure you are getting a variety of vitamins/minerals), grains, pro, and yes fat), there is no need for supplements. It's right there in the food. Good luck
  • You are likely not taking in enough Carbohydrates. Carbs are the bodies preferred source of energy and you should increase your CHO intake as you increase your physical activity. It's whats gonna fuel your workout. Also be sure to replenish by drinking water before, during and after your workout. I am interested in PX90. I…