

  • Don't eat at restaurants all the time. Most importantly, exercise daily - don't wait until age 51 to finally realize what you missed all these years. Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • I work as a chauffeur for a CEO. I drive him from his home to work 45minutes each way, to meetings and run errands for him and his family. I go get lunch for the office everyday. The company owns multiple different restaurant franchises, so we have anything from fast food to white table cloth dining meals in the office, 5…
  • There have been so many comments about my weight, it's hard to remember them all. - Getting a part for my bike and the repairman says "dude... you're going to break that bike with your size." - A female coworker starts out telling me a story about some guy with "And he was EVEN BIGGER THAN YOU!...." (weight) - "yeah,…
  • My experience with MFP is the calories burned coupled with the food intake. I've been biking regularly and the boost from biking (mentally and seeing the calories burned) really helps me. My advice for myself was to cut intake and increase calories burned. It's worked for me both mentally and pounds shed. Good luck.
  • I am in a similar boat. I started here about a month ago at 273 and now I'm at 261. I set a intake goal of 1600 calories and I am walking or biking 45+ minutes a day and I started strength training last week. Good luck,
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